“happy” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “happy”:

+ The area is home to the Happy Valley Racecourse, Hong Kong Racing Museum, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, home to the grounds of the Valley RFC rugby club, and the Hong Kong FC.” “.

+ Since Majorly has offered a nomination, and Cassandra accepted it, I would be happy to nominate her now.

+ For ease of reference, the current criteria for VGA are listed on the talk page of the article and I’m more than happy to receive comments etc there, here or on my talk page.

+ Its short stories include ” Blessing “, ” On the Restaurant “, ” Soap “, ” Happy Family “, ” Gao Laofuzi “, ” Brothers “, ” Sadness ” and so on.

+ But the Sikh Nation was not to happy about this, and in years to come they the Phulkians would be traitors to the Khalsa Panth, and helping the British to attack the Sikh interior of Punjab.

+ Everybody was happy in His kingdom.

+ In terms of what I would get involved in, I’d be happy to perform renames, close RfXs, grant bot flags and all the other ‘crat tasks.

+ Because he was ugly and poor, he was not happy for many years.

happy some example sentences
happy some example sentences

Example sentences of “happy”:

+ I would be more than happy to assist/co-ordinate a project to start looking into improving our templates here.

+ Sometimes it keeps the people of a country happy telling them that the war is going badly for them and that they should stop fighting.

+ I would be more than happy to assist/co-ordinate a project to start looking into improving our templates here.

+ Sometimes it keeps the people of a country happy telling them that the war is going badly for them and that they should stop fighting.

+ The German command was very happy with the day’s events.

+ Crystal Cove is said to be haunted which creates a big tourist industry, the adults of thw town are not happy with the teens discovering that all the supernatural occurences are false.In addition to their regular mystery solving the teens also find themselves involved with a mystery of a cursed treasure and the mysterious disapearance of a previous mystery solving group.

+ In Trigger Happy Havoc, the player would always find the body before the announcement played.

+ The customer is happy to get the pizza, but he then gets mad because they did not give him a drink.

+ Thanks very much, and if you have any ideas, or are happy to do it, please let me know below.

+ The first one is from Friedrich Nietzsche’s saying, “Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders.” The second one is from Alexander Pope’s poem, “How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot.

+ Super Junior-H sing very bright and happy songs.

+ They had a happy marriage and had five children.

More in-sentence examples of “happy”:

+ Teachers of Schools have long complained of the want of such a work, and the Publishers are happy that they are now enabled to furnish it at a small expence.

+ They are resourceful musicians, and are open-hearted, happy entertainers.

+ For example, a happy spirit of the sea would guarantee a plentiful catch for a fisherman.

+ He later tells his dad about this, who is not happy that his son will not be like him.

+ The basis of animal rights is that some animals have emotions, can feel pain and also feel happy and well.

+ Pollyanna is happy all the time, and makes other people happy.

+ Niels Christiansen, secretary general of Parasport Denmark, said, “We are very happy with the move, and we look forward to working together with DIF.

+ Everyone is happy and they celebrate.

+ Is there a way for that page to link to a sub-topic in another page? I would be happy to find out how to do that.

+ However, Santa’s Little Helper starts to think of happy times he had with Bart.

+ In the tranquil town of Timberline, 900-pound grizzly bear Boog enjoys a captive, but happy existence.

+ If it was implemented then its something I’d be happy to help maintain.

+ It made Stravinsky very happy to know that Russians were interested in him again.

+ In the Great Forest, Babar lives a happy childhood being cared for by his loving mother and playing with the other young elephants, including his friends Arthur and Celeste.

+ He hosted many variety shows for example, X-man, Infinite Challenge, Family Outing, Happy Together, Running Man, Come to Play etc…

+ John is disappointed that the park was unsuccessful, but Ellie is happy that Alan has learned to get along with kids.

+ Muslim people all over India were very happy to know that now, they had strong support from big leaders.

+ Lawrence, Lawrence, 9–13, consider it to be one of Shakespeare’s “Problem plays problem plays”, because the first three acts are filled with intense psychological drama, while the last two acts are comedic and supply a happy ending.

+ On the 30th the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division crossed the Seine near Elbeuf and entered Rouen to a happy welcome.

+ Terry seemed to become less happy about being outside of the Casaya alliance.

+ They are the only two kings who the writer is really happy with for their loyalty to the Lord.

+ Astrid likes her a lot and how she always is nice and happy towards her.

+ If you think it is worthwile, I am sure interested people from the different fractions would be happy to help out, if asked nicely…

+ Women’s satisfaction was particularly related to the assumption that most others were happy with their relationship.

+ Teachers of Schools have long complained of the want of such a work, and the Publishers are happy that they are now enabled to furnish it at a small expence.

+ They are resourceful musicians, and are open-hearted, happy entertainers.

+ The Happy Mac was replaced with a large gray apple logo with the startup sequence of OS X 10.2 Jaguar.

+ He believed that if society were gone, man would be happy and pure once again.

+ Unlike most of the other spaniel breeds, the King Charles does not require much exercise and will be quite happy with just a short stroll every day.

+ Epicureanism is where people like to be happy but they do so slowly so that they cause less pain to themselves.

+ That all aside, happy voting! We’re not exactly going to need Nostradamus to predict the outcome of this Request for Adminship.

+ He is currently living with a foster mother in the Suburbsuburbs of a city and they are not happy together.

+ The main difference is that he changed it from a sad ending to a happy ending.

+ Despite not being happy about it, the Queen agreed with this, and was surprised by the results.

+ They can feel very happy and grateful when they feel someone has been nice to them, and very sad or angry when they feel someone has been hurtful to them.

+ In the biography “Tchaikovsky”, writer David Brown points out that Tchaikovsky was not happy with “The Nutcracker” and complained to his friends about the difficulty of setting the tale to music.

+ The third movement displays a happy liveliness and makes great demands upon the soloist’s skills.

+ He said he was happy to be part of the episode.

+ Daikoku wears Japanese robes and has a happy and smiling personality.

+ Be happy about the new interwiki-links you get.

+ The problem was, nobody was happy with the music that had come from the sessions.

+ The City of Daphne was not happy about this move, because being the county seat meant more people visit the city and businesses can sell more.

+ I love you greatly, and all I have is yours, but my son who was lost is now found! My son who seemed to be dead is alive! Be happy with me!” Jesus said that this is the way God loves and forgives his people, when they ask for forgiveness.

+ Macbeth is happy because he thinks that all of these things are impossible.

+ Of the men, 55% of them were happy with their penis size, but 45% wanted to be larger.

+ He was supposedly not happy with Equal Vision’s mistake.

+ They also thought that most people were happy with their relationships.

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