In-sentence examples of “hundred”

How to use in-sentence of “hundred”:

– Is based on the “One Hundred and One Dalmatians” movie.

– It is made out of one million six hundred thousand jewel-scarab wing cases.

– During the Tang DynastyTang dynasty and 629 – 645, the monk Xuanzang went to India and visited over one hundred kingdoms.

– To make the uncertainty one-tenth as big, the sample size needs to be one hundred times bigger.

– Toward the end he recited the Rosary and other prayers, heard Confession confessions and gave Absolution to more than a hundred passengers who remained trapped on the stern of the ship after all of the lifeboats had been launched.

In-sentence examples of hundred
In-sentence examples of hundred

Example sentences of “hundred”:

- As they move into the open land, the family groups come together into groups several hundred strong, led by adult males that work together to protect the others from predators.

- In many countries braces were worn by all classes of men for well over a hundred years until about the 1960s, except in the armed forces.
- There are a lot of music associations for example: de Koninklijke Stadsharmonie Roeselare, de Koninklijke Harmonie ‘Het Gildemuziek’ Roeselare and Vox Musica, a youth choir with hundred members and an amateur theatrical company, ‘het Spiegeltheater’.

– As they move into the open land, the family groups come together into groups several hundred strong, led by adult males that work together to protect the others from predators.

– In many countries braces were worn by all classes of men for well over a hundred years until about the 1960s, except in the armed forces.

– There are a lot of music associations for example: de Koninklijke Stadsharmonie Roeselare, de Koninklijke Harmonie ‘Het Gildemuziek’ Roeselare and Vox Musica, a youth choir with hundred members and an amateur theatrical company, ‘het Spiegeltheater’.

– They ruled Babylonia almost without interruption for about four hundred years — the longest rule by any dynasty in Babylonian history.

– It was one of the most popular daily newspaper in New England for over a hundred years.

– Bhima is responsible for killing all hundred Kaurava brothers in the Kurukshetra War.

– In July 2004, Russia’s Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliev said that growing cooperation between Russian and Armenian law enforcement bodies has prevented more than one hundred Armenian women from being trafficked abroad for sexual exploitation.

– The Japanese slogan is “Let’s get Pokémon” Over one hundred million of the games have been sold so far, not counting the ones released for the Nintendo 64 and the Nintendo GameCube.

– Ot en Sien are two little children who appear in a series of stories which were written in the Dutch language more than a hundred years ago.

– In 1671, after assuring his disciples in a speech that he will be in spirit with them for the next seven hundred years, Raghavendra attained Samadhi at Mantralayam.

More in-sentence examples of “hundred”:

– On the advice of Cortázar, García Márquez waited three years for Rabassa to schedule translating “One Hundred Years of Solitude”.

– One of these disk is 0.2 to 4 AU from the star and another is 13 AU out to a few hundred AU.

– They live in several scattered villages ranging in population from, one hundred to one thousand people in Brazil.Dowie, Mark.

– When the wolverine Gulo the Savage and his army of vermin sweep across the land, it’s up to the squirrel Rakkety Tam MacBurl and his friend Wild Doogy Plumm with one hundred hares from Salamandastron to stop the wicked wolverine and protect Redwall Abbey and the land of Mossflower.

– What you see as a single daisy is actually made of several hundred tiny flowers packed together.

– This May Day celebration began in 1870 and is approaching one hundred and forty years of age.

– It was self-released, meaning that Everett recorded and designed the packaging for the entire album all on his own, selling only five hundred copies to a few friends.

– The three hundred chaptered telenovela, “La Usurpadora” was the first telenovela to be sold to other countries.

– The Battle of Crécy happened on 26 August 1346 near Crécy-en-PonthieuCrécy in northern France, and was one of the most important battles of the Hundred Years’ War.

– The tea plantations were the basis of Sri Lankan prosperity for a hundred years.

– Then, along with more than three hundred Chinese citizens, he signed “Charter 08”.

– There are over five hundred million users who use software based on the protocol.

– About a hundred years later, in the 9th century BCE, the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III names Ahab of Israel among his enemies at the battle of Qarqar a king of Moab celebrates his success in throwing off the oppression of the “House of Omri” i.e.

– Often areas that once held a hundred different species of plants now only has three or four species.

– For over a hundred years, film has been one of the most important businesses in California.

– In 1450, the end of the hundred years war was coming and Jean II de Chambes, the first councellor of Charles VII King of France, bought the castle to his brother in law.

– Then Elijah went to the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” but the people did nor say anything, so he continued: “I am the only one of the Lord’s prophets left, but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets.

– Sometimes they join together into even larger ‘colonies’ with up to a hundred or so birds.

– The Great Pyramid is one of the Seven Wonders of the World: tall as a forty-story building, it took a hundred thousand men twenty years to build.

– Andersen writes of the scene, “By the hundred they rise from the graveyard and drift into the cloister.

– The mausoleum of Hazrat Shahbaz Qalandar attracts hundred of thousands of faithful Muslims every year.

– This made many Huguenots leave the country, and a hundred years later there were not many left.

– Shortly after the Games, Jenner’s picture was used on the front of Wheaties brand breakfast cereal as a “Wheaties champion.” Since then, photographs of several hundred athletes have been used on the boxes.

– The event, though initially intended as a joke, drew a crowd of several hundred on the day of the event.

– The Thaler was a silver coin that was used throughout Europe for almost four hundred years.

– Because this vaccine has already been used for other diseases for more than one hundred years, doctors already knew it was safe to use.

– Weymouth the First Hundred Years by Ted Clark It is the second oldest European settlement in Massachusetts.

– After a while, the Dutch ships had to retreat with two ships lost, three small vessels captured, and about a hundred casualties.

– On April 22, the “Meet Your Oshimen” event was held, where three hundred lucky ticket-holding fans met and greeted their favourite MNL48 aspirants.

– A hundred years later, Katara and Sokka, two siblings who live in the Southern Water Tribe, free Aang and Appa from the iceberg.

– Aware that his force was being outflanked, Leonidas dismissed the bulk of the Greek army, and remained to guard the rear with 300 Spartans, 700 Thespians, 400 Thebans and perhaps a few hundred others.

– The Warehouse Theatre is a professional producing :en:Producing houseproducing studio theatre with up to a hundred seats in the centre of Croydon based in an oak-beamed former Victorian cement warehouse.

– All of these spelling systems have changed little for the past few hundred years, even though their spoken languages sound very different from how they used to sound.

– The country then orchestrated an attack which destroyed Korean Air flight 858, killing one hundred and fifteen people.

– St Minver village is 3 miles north of Wadebridge a few hundred yards west of the B3314 Wadebridge to Delabole road.

– On June 1, 1868, about one hundred Cheyenne people attacked the Kaw reservation.

– It rises straight and tall to over a hundred feet.

– Many of the Earth’s volcanoes are either islands in the Pacific, or are on continents within a few hundred kilometers of the ocean’s edge.

– The minimal supermassive black hole is in the range of a hundred thousand solar masses.

– His amnesty oath was found over a hundred years later in the National Archives and Records AdministrationNational Archives.

– There is also an archeology site in Kota Kuala Muda where precious stones panning were done few hundred years ago.

– The breed comes from the Isle of Man, where it was found as early as three hundred years ago.

– It flies mostly among about a hundred airports within the United States but also to flies from the United States to airports in the Caribbean Sea and Mexico.

– He was married, and left behind nine children and more than one hundred grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

– One hundred men were needed to remove Jumbo’s body from the tracks.

– The moas became extinct about five hundred years ago.

– Objects in an orbit like Eros can exist for only a few hundred million years before the orbit is changed by the effects of gravity.

- On the advice of Cortázar, García Márquez waited three years for Rabassa to schedule translating "One Hundred Years of Solitude".

- One of these disk is 0.2 to 4 AU from the star and another is 13 AU out to a few hundred AU.

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