Some sentences in use of “accelerating”

How to use in-sentence of “accelerating”:

– The extraction cycle begins by draining the solvent from the washing chamber and accelerating the basket to 350 to 450 rpm, causing much of the solvent to spin free of the fabric.

– The discovery of the accelerating universe was named ‘Breakthrough of the Year’ by Science Magazine in 1998.

– Most of the particles discovered are created by accelerating particles and colliding them against others, creating huge showers of new subatomic particles which decay extremely quickly.

– With two studies getting the same result scientists now accept the accelerating universe theory.

– This was to prevent the Axis countries, especially Nazi Germany, from accelerating their own nuclear projects or undertaking covert operations against the project.

– Physicists in Berkeley California began working on accelerating subatomic particles in the 1920s.

Some sentences in use of accelerating
Some sentences in use of accelerating

Example sentences of “accelerating”:

- At landfall, a trough was accelerating Nora northwards, causing it to reach a forward speed of 30mph.

- According to the standard model of cosmology the scale factor of the universe is known to be accelerating and, in the future era it will increase more rapidly.

– At landfall, a trough was accelerating Nora northwards, causing it to reach a forward speed of 30mph.

– According to the standard model of cosmology the scale factor of the universe is known to be accelerating and, in the future era it will increase more rapidly.

– At particle speeds not close to the speed of light the frequency of the accelerating voltage can be made roughly proportional to the current in the bending magnets.

– Schmidt for “providing evidence that the Accelerating universeaccelerating expansion of the universe”.

– The accelerating electric field reverses just at the time the electrons finish their half circle, so that it accelerates them across the gap.

– Applications for these high voltage generators include driving X-ray tubes, accelerating electrons to sterilize food and process materials, and accelerating protons for nuclear physics experiments.

– Many political economists also looked at the accelerating development of technology, whose role in economic and social relationships grew ever more important.

– The largest of those 3rd generation synchrotron light sources are the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility near Chicago, USA, and SPring-8 in Japan, accelerating electrons up to 6, 7 and 8 GeV, respectively.

– Centripetal force is an accelerating force that acts on any body that revolves around a centre.

– Schmidt, along with Riess and Perlmutter, jointly won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for their observations which led to the discovery of the accelerating Universe.

– A central idea in general relativity is the “principle of equivalence.” An example is that two people, one in an elevator sitting on the surface of the earth, and the other in an elevator in outer space accelerating at 9.8 m/s, will each observe the same behavior of an object they drop from their hand.

– This was achieved by an accelerating relay in the motor circuit.

– When the LHC was restarted in November 2009, it set a new speed record by accelerating protons to 1.18 TeV.

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