“vapor” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “vapor”:

– Condensation of water vapor starts when the temperature of air is lowered to its dew point and beyond.

– As a device that increases humidity, humidifiers can play an important role in the cooling process by preventing any unexpected overheating which may occur due to static electrical discharge.They are usually placed inside precision cooling devices in order to replace water vapor lost during the cooling process.

– When the air has gone high enough, the waterwater vapor in it condenses into a cloud.

– The water vapor rises into the pliable mantle above the subducting plate, causing some of the mantle to melt.

– A sodium vapor lamp is a kind of gas discharge lamp.

– The orange sodium vapor lamp has CRI lower than 0, so they are only used as streetlamps.

vapor - example sentences
vapor – example sentences

Example sentences of “vapor”:

- One time, he poured too much sulfuric acid on the seaweed and purple vapor came out which made dark blue-black crystals on a cold surface.

- Also, water vapor goes into the atmosphere through these pores in transpiration.

– One time, he poured too much sulfuric acid on the seaweed and purple vapor came out which made dark blue-black crystals on a cold surface.

– Also, water vapor goes into the atmosphere through these pores in transpiration.

– After the drying cycle is complete, a deodorizing cycle cools the garments and removes even more of the solvent, by circulating cool outside air over the garments and then through a vapor recovery filter made from activated carbon and polymer resins.

Vapor pressure is the pressure applied by a vapor in thermodynamic equilibrium with its Condensationcondensed phases at a given temperature in a closed system.

– A contrail is a cloud-like trail of water vapor or ice crystals left by an airplane.

– Chemical vapor deposition makes the thinnest computer and television display screens possible.

– Water vapor streams have been seen near the south pole of Saturn’s moon Enceladus.

– Snow is made when temperatures are so cold that water vapor changes directly to solid crystals.

– The water vapor pushes the bubbles toward the surface of the oil.

– The vapor is then fed into a condenser, which cools the vapor and changes it back into a liquid that is called “distillate”.

– The temperature at which each material turns into vapor is determined according to the air pressure.

– A tornado does not necessarily need to be visible; however, the extremely low pressure caused by the high wind speeds and rapid rotation usually causes water vapor in the air to condense into a visible “condensation funnel”.

– The metal halide lamp is an improved version of the mercury vapor lamp that contains a metal halide in addition to the mercury.

– Water vapor is invisible but when it condenses it makes visible water.

More in-sentence examples of “vapor”:

– However, the vapor can damage the lungs.

– The chemistry of the fumarole discharges is compatible with the comparison of an eruptive mechanism involving the build-up of pressure in an extensive vapor zone by gas released from a stagnant, already extensively degassed body of magmatic material at depth.

– Opening and closing of the stoma complex regulates the exchange of gases and water vapor between the outside air and the interior of the leaf.

– When the temperature is warm, more water vapor can be in the air than when it is cold.

– In either case the pressure of the condensing gas is higher than the vapor pressure of the gas, at that temperature.

– When the comet is close enough to the sun that the heat Sublimationevaporates some of the comet’s ice, the motion of the solar wind causes the resulting water vapor and space dust to stream away from the comet.

– It contains about 75% of the atmosphere’s mass and 99% of its water vapor and aerosols.

– Breathing in mercury vapor is also very dangerous.

– In refrigeration equipment, a refrigerant vapor is compressed by a compressor.

– When the temperature is lowered to the dew point, relative humidity become 100% and the water vapor condensationcondenses, making precipitation as dew, rain or snow.

– The vapor of dry ice causes suffocation and eventually, death.

– The water vapor condenses because of the low temperature at the high altitude that the plane is flying.

– When sodium bicarbonate is heated, it releases carbon dioxide and water vapor and turns into sodium carbonate.

– This makes some water vapor condense on the object.

– It is created when arsenic vapor is cooled very fast by something like liquid nitrogen.

– By the time the refrigerant leaves the evaporator, it is all a vapor again, and it goes back to the compressor where the cycle begins again.

– Water vapor can also be produced directly from ice; this is called sublimation.

– Humidity means Water vaporwater vapor in the air, but not to liquid droplets in fog, clouds, or rain.

– In that case, the water vapor does not condense sufficiently to precipitate.

– Water vapor weighs less than air, thus slightly reduces the lift produced by an aircraft wing.

– Sodium vapor lamps are commonplace as streetlights.

– The amount of water vapor in air is called humidity and it affects weather conditions.

– The heat index is defined so as to equal the actual air temperature when the partial pressure of water vapor is equal to a baseline value of 1.6 kPa.

– TFT displays are made with a special Chemistrychemical technology called chemical vapor deposition.

- However, the vapor can damage the lungs.

- The chemistry of the fumarole discharges is compatible with the comparison of an eruptive mechanism involving the build-up of pressure in an extensive vapor zone by gas released from a stagnant, already extensively degassed body of magmatic material at depth.

– An Electricityelectric current is applied to mercury vapor inside the tube, causing it to emit ultraviolet light.

– The newer high pressure sodium vapor light emits a broader spectrum, often appearing orange but letting people see different colors.

– An air mass is a volume of air defined by its temperature and water vapor content.

– In the cold, breathing out causes the water vapor in the breath to freeze.

– When jet fuel burns, it produces water vapor and carbon dioxide.

– Refrigerants are chosen for the ease of converting them from liquid to vapor or vice versa, depending on their temperature and pressure.

– The orange ones are sodium vapor lamps.

– Frost is ice that is formed when water vapor freezes onto a surface.

– A substance with a high vapor pressure at normal temperatures is often called a volatile.

– Then the heated air and water vapor exit through a vent.

– The water vapor leaves the fire with less oxygen, which it needs to keep burning.

– When performing the particular technique, rooms should not have vapor barriers and also room temperatures should suggest humid climates.

– As the kinetic energy of the molecules increases, the number of molecules changing into a vapor also increases, so it increases the vapor pressure.

– A fluorescent lamp, is a type of electric light that uses ultraviolet emitted by mercury vapor to excite a phosphor, which emits visible light.

– On 22 July 2011, a report described the discovery of a gigantic cloud of water vapor containing “140 trillion times more water than all of Earth’s oceans combined” around a quasar located 12 billion light years from Earth.

– The dew point is the temperature where water vapor condenses into liquid water.

– The vapor smells like horseradish sauce.

– Water vapor is not included as it changes a lot over time.

– Boiling takes place when the vapor pressure of the substance is greater than or equal to the pressure of its environment.

– The water vapor mixes with the air.

– When it is in air, it absorbs water vapor and becomes hydrated, too.

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