“destroy” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “destroy”:

+ However, three days passed, and the Skull Kid, possessed with Majora’s Mask brings the moon down to destroy Termina.

+ Ray needs the blood of a powerful entity to unleash his powers and to destroy a poison.

+ Benjamin also said that no gas chambers were ever used during the Holocaust and that if the Jews end up with power they will destroy civilization.

+ Rather than chase away or destroy the Blue Meanies, they instead invite them to the victory celebration.

+ B cells respond to pathogens by producing large numbers of antibodyantibodies which then destroy foreign objects like bacteria and viruses.

+ The Rock Pikmin can destroy tough barriers, while the Flying Pink “Winged” Pikmin can attack airborne enemies and carry items in the air.

+ Agenor explains that Hephaestus the weapons that Zeus, Poseidon and Hades use; the thunderbolt, trident and pitchfork and these weapons can form the Spear of Trium, which can destroy Kronos.

+ This is so that the world’s governments would not threaten to destroy each other with nuclear weapons.

destroy in sentences?
destroy in sentences?

Example sentences of “destroy”:

+ On the night of August 8, Manson directed Charles Watson to take Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel to “that house where Melcher used to live” and “totally destroy everyone in, as gruesome as you can.” He told the women to do as Watson would instruct them.

+ A nuclear missile is then launched to destroy Seattle.

+ The rest of the bounty hunters fall into a coma, while Samus manages to destroy the asteroid with the laser before she falls into a coma herself.

+ After Laon the 4th DCR attacked twice to destroy a pocket captured by the enemy south of the Somme near Abbeville.

+ Cooling water temperatures later began to destroy the storm, and Tropical Storm Colin died again just west of Bermuda.

+ Once in the Coral Sea, the carriers were to provide airplanes for the invasion forces, destroy Allied airplanes at Port Moresby, and destroy any Allied naval forces in the Coral Sea.

+ The object of the game is to destroy their vehicles and be the last one standing.

+ Sometimes, people have brain injuries that hurt or destroy part of the brain.

+ On the night of August 8, Manson directed Charles Watson to take Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel to "that house where Melcher used to live" and "totally destroy everyone in, as gruesome as you can." He told the women to do as Watson would instruct them.

+ A nuclear missile is then launched to destroy Seattle.

+ Kennedy and the United Nations Secretary-General U Thant reached an agreement with the USSR to destroy the missiles in Cuba if the US agreed to avoid invading Cuba.

+ They destroy the artifact to save themselves, just after Spock detects two life forms on it.

+ Upon landing at Camp Half-Blood with Reyna and Coach Hedge he leaves them to destroy the onagers, where he finds Will Solace, Lou Ellen and Cecil.

+ He worked to destroy the Confederate States of AmericaConfederacy, free all the slaves and keep on good terms with Europe.

+ South Africa used to have nuclear weapons, but they decided to destroy them.

More in-sentence examples of “destroy”:

+ The protagonists are The Lucky Seven, or The Losers Club, a group of outcast kids who discover Pennywise and vow to destroy him by any means necessary.

+ Harry discovers his past about a dark wizard and with the help from his best friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, he attempts to destroy the darkest wizard of all time, Voldemort, once and for all.

+ He accused the eunuchs of burning up the treasury to destroy any proof of their theft, and he also overheard some eunuchs’ conversation that made him fear for his life.

+ When Woody follows Buzz into the game to try to rescue him, the two of them are captured by Andy’s next door neighbor, Sid Phillips, who likes to torture and destroy toys for fun.

+ He tells Neo that the prophecy is not true and that the machines will destroy Zion.

+ Most adrenal pheochromocytomas and all adrenocortical adenomas are benign tumors, which do not metastasize or destroy nearby tissues, but may cause significant health problems by unbalancing hormones.

+ General Gage, along with 700 British soldiers, marched there to find and destroy hidden weapons.

+ Android 18 also appears in Dragon Ball Super as a side character when the God of Destruction Beerus threatens to destroy the Earth she and the Z Fighters attacks Beerus attempting to defeat Beerus but failed to defeat him by him overpowering them before Goku arrives to save them.

+ Sometimes they kill people and destroy cities.

+ They attack infected cells, foreign cells, and cancer cells and completely destroy them.

+ Stoneman also sent two regiments of cavalry to destroy the lead mines and smelting facilities that were about ten miles from Wytheville.

+ Sagan also believed that the Drake equation suggested that many kinds of intelligent life could form, but that the lack of evidence suggests that intelligent beings destroy themselves rather quickly.

+ The game begins with Dexter’s rival, Mandark, breaking into Dexter’s laboratory and attempting to destroy it by reprogramming the lab’s Computer to block Dexter from entering.

+ He helped to destroy the Sister of the West, and he brought up the baby Diamond Dragon, Forta.

+ He was caught the next day, but he had killed the horse and cut out the brand to destroy the evidence.

+ They also cut and destroy invading viral RNAs.

+ Unfortunately, only Billy returns to normal as the machine which required the power coins as a power source is stolen by Rito Goldar allowing Rita Zedd to destroy the coins.

+ Their mission was to find the six Great Disks and defeat the Morbuzakh, a plant menace that threatened to destroy the city.

+ It is taught that God created the universe, can destroy it, and keeps it running.

+ They would also destroy German ammunition and supply posts, communication centers, and harass enemy troop concentrations along the Finnish and Russian coasts.

+ He can release sonic booms from his body, which destroy anything it hits.

+ If this does not help, the wart can be frozen, and destroyed that way, or a laser can be used to destroy it.

+ In the 16th century, farmers used to shoot cannons at thunderstorms, thinking this would destroy the hail.

+ Vishnu is the preserver god, which means he protects the universe from being destroyed and keeps it going, according to this religion, and he has come to earth in nine forms so far, with Kalkione yet to come at the end of Kali Yuga to destroy evil.

+ His plan was to use the war to weaken the Republic and destroy the Jedi so that he could create the Empire.

+ Later, they dug deep trenches and used their artillery to shoot down any French air planes, destroy their airstrip and bombard the French troops into submission.

+ The protagonists are The Lucky Seven, or The Losers Club, a group of outcast kids who discover Pennywise and vow to destroy him by any means necessary.

+ Harry discovers his past about a dark wizard and with the help from his best friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, he attempts to destroy the darkest wizard of all time, Voldemort, once and for all.
+ He accused the eunuchs of burning up the treasury to destroy any proof of their theft, and he also overheard some eunuchs' conversation that made him fear for his life.

+ All army units were informed at 16:50 by of his decision and ordered to destroy their weapons and surrender to the nearest German units.

+ It can only destroy them because most tanks only have thin metal on their top to make them lighter.

+ The dog was bred to destroy the pests around farms and livestock.

+ The Venerable in Years gave Hong a sword and told him to destroy the demon-worshipers who had rebelled against the Venerable in Years.

+ Sherman captured Atlanta but was unable to completely destroy the Army of Tennessee.

+ Because he failed to pursue at the moment of Caesar’s defeat, Pompey threw away the chance to destroy Caesar’s much smaller army.

+ Its spacecraft uses the energy beam to destroy Earth, while hundreds of space vehicles leave the planet with the last of mankind on them.

+ Sam believes Frodo is dead, and takes the Ring to continue the quest and destroy it.

+ They wanted to destroy the guns.

+ Stark tells his secretary, Pepper Potts, to destroy the old arc reactor, but she instead puts it in a glass box.

+ Surprisingly, they find Cortana that tells to the Chief that the ring can not destroy the Flood.

+ The largest problem was that the city of Virginia Beach had to buy and destroy about 3,400 houses and an unknown number of businesses near the base.

+ The bombing caused some damage but failed to destroy airfield or most of its aircraft.

+ The octopuses destroy the town after the Griffin family leaves.

+ Angered by this desecration, the gods unleash the furies, who attack the soldiers and destroy the fishing boat.

+ He wanted to try to destroy the U.S.

+ Lemurs are endangered species because people destroy their habitat and used to hunt them, and perhaps still do so.

+ Ways to destroy tanks also improved.

+ Sid prepares to destroy Buzz by strapping him to a fireworksrocket, but is delayed by a thunderstorm and sleeps for the night.

+ On May 14, 2007 workers from the governmental Forest and Nature Agency with help from the police, entered Christiania to destroy the abandoned building of “Cigarkassen”.

+ For instance, an antibody designed to destroy smallpox is unable to hit the bubonic plague or the common cold.

+ They can destroy a huge area in a matter of minutes.

+ Segregation would end when devoted Christians, doing God’s work on earth, led a nonviolent crusade to destroy it.

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