In-sentence examples of “pelvic”

How to use in-sentence of “pelvic”:

+ The appendicular skeleton, which is attached to the axial skeleton, is formed by the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle and the bones of the upper and lower limbs.

+ Cost-effectiveness of alternative outpatient pelvic inflammatory disease treatment strategies.

+ When a woman has this abcess, she has a fever, signs of infection in her blood, severe pain in her pelvic area.

+ The testicles can also be lifted by tightening the anus and pelvic muscles.

+ For the diagnosis doctor carefully takes a history and carefully examines the pelvis to duplicate the discomfort and to identify a site or source of the pelvic pain.

+ Women who are getting radiation therapy for cancer in the pelvic area may have pain during sex because the walls of the vagina have atrophied and are more sensitive to injury.

In-sentence examples of pelvic
In-sentence examples of pelvic

Example sentences of “pelvic”:

+ This, and the pelvic shape, gives a birth channel which allows the newborn foetus to pass through.

+ Surgery alone or surgery combined with pelvic radiation is typically used to treat vaginal cancer.

+ The pelvic fin and girdle of “Panderichthys” and the origin of tetrapod locomotion.

+ When a woman has a pelvic exam the doctor will feel for lumps or scars.

+ The pelvic bones are carried by the leg bones, and they support the “spinal column”.

+ The symptoms of tubo-ovarian abscess are the same as pelvic inflammatory disease.

+ The dorsal surface of the body, the pectoral and pelvic fins, the dorsal fins, the center of the anal fin, and the caudal fin are blackish-brown.

+ The prostate can become inflamed by the action of the chronically activated pelvic nerves on the mast cells at the end of the nerve pathways.

+ Laparoscopy is often utilized to diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease, and it is imperative if the diagnosis is not certain or if the patient has not responded to antibiotic therapy after 48hours.

+ This, and the pelvic shape, gives a birth channel which allows the newborn foetus to pass through.

+ Surgery alone or surgery combined with pelvic radiation is typically used to treat vaginal cancer.

+ Early on, there may be no symptoms, but irregular vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or fullness may develop.

+ At the age of 29, a pelvic injury threatened his career and he was invited to join the Dundee United coaching staff by Jim McLean.

+ They have a long tail which is longer than most other ray’s tails, and they have 2-6 Venom venomous spines right behind their pelvic fins.

+ The pelvic fin weakly concave, and both fins are weakly falcate.

+ Some species have kept a pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.

+ The clinical observation that antimicrobial therapy reduces symptomatology in men with chronic pelvic pain syndrome is being tested in a double-blinded NIH controlled study.

+ The pelvic fins have a single embedded spine, and are short and slender.

More in-sentence examples of “pelvic”:

+ It is located closer to the pelvic fins than to the pectoral fins.

+ Vertebrae, pelvic bones and hindlimb elements, also catalogued under this inventory number, may belong to the same individual.

+ It also relaxes pelvic ligaments.

+ For chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, also known as pelvic myoneuropathy or CP/CPPS, which makes up the majority of men diagnosed with “prostatitis”, a treatment called the Stanford Protocol, developed by Stanford University Professor of Urology Rodney Anderson and psychologist David Wise in 1996, has recently been published.

+ In chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome there is pelvic pain of unknown cause, lasting longer than 6 months, as the key symptom.

+ Some species have a pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.

+ Zedoary has been used to treat coronary heart disease, liver cancer, anemia, chronic pelvic inflammation and helps prevent leukopenia due to cancer therapies.

+ The pelvic girdle, and 12.

+ In recent years the prognosis for CP/CPPS has improved greatly with the advent of multimodal treatment, phytotherapy and protocols aimed at quieting the pelvic nerves through myofascial trigger point release and anxiety control.

+ Biofeedback physical therapy to relearn how to control pelvic floor muscles may be useful.

+ The first dorsal fin is located about halfway between the pectoral fins and the pelvic fins.

+ It is important for the giving partner to be in a position to control any pelvic thrust during deep-throating, to be able to pull the penis out if needed; and for the receiving partner not to thrust, as during irrumatio.

+ There are many changes that allowed the pelvic girdle of “Acanthostega” to become a weight-bearing structure.

+ They are on the back of the pelvic area and give padding when people sit.

+ These tests may be a pelvic exam and an ultrasound.

+ The uterus may be removed because organs in the pelvic area have moved down.

+ The pelvic fins are closer to the second dorsal fin than to the first dorsal fin.

+ The second dorsal fin is about two-thirds the size of the first one and is located behind the pelvic fins.

+ Each pelvic bone has a strong structure for the leg bone to fit into, so that a person can stand, walk, run and jump.

+ The long pelvic fins are straight, each with a pointed tip.

+ The first dorsal fin is located more closely to the pectoral fins than to the pelvic fin, and the second dorsal fin is less than half the size of the first dorsal fin.

+ The pelvic fins usually have one spine and up to five soft rays, positioned unusually far forward under the chin or under the belly.

+ No single test has adequate sensitivity and specificity to diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease.

+ This is theorized to leave the pelvic area in a sensitized condition resulting in a loop of muscle tension and heightened neurological feedback.

+ Effectiveness of inpatient and outpatient treatment strategies for women with pelvic inflammatory disease: results from the Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Evaluation and Clinical Health Randomized Trial.

+ They have a pair of pectoral finpectoral and pelvic fins.

+ The anal fin is round and smaller than the dorsal fins, while the pelvic fins are larger than the dorsals.

+ The pelvic and hind limb anatomy of the stem-sauropodomorph “Saturnalia tupiniquim”.

+ There are rows of white spots along each side, from above the pectoral fins to above the pelvic fins.

+ The tips of all the fins, other than the pelvic fins, are dusky in colour.

+ Women may wear sports bras and pelvic protectors.

+ The first dorsal fin is located over the pelvic fins.

+ These fusions would have made the pelvic region more powerful and equipped to counter the force of gravity when not supported by the buoyancy of water.

+ Both the pectoral fins and the pelvic fins are large and are held horizontally.

+ Muscles in the pelvic region are used in order to reel the tongue and the hyoid back to its original position.

+ When a woman goes through a full orgasm, her uterus, vagina, anus and pelvic muscles undergo a series of rhythmic contractions.

+ This part of the body is made of the sacrum and the two pelvic bones which are joined to it on either side.

+ The skeletons with large cranial crests and small pelvic canals were presumably males.

+ Taken together, these data suggest that bacteria do not have a significant role in the development of the chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

+ Not all sharks have anal fins, but if they do have them, they are found between the pelvic and caudal fins.

+ The pelvic fins are behind the pectoral fins, near the cloaca, and are also stabilizers.

+ Their pelvic fins are placed far back, with an adipose fin towards the rear of the back.

+ Prostatitis researcher Dr Anthony Schaeffer commented in a 2003 editorial of The Journal of Urology that: “It is well recognized that even if pathogenic bacteria are present in the prostate, as in men with established chronic bacterial prostatitis, they do not cause chronic pelvic pain unless acute urinary tract infection develops.

+ Bacterial vaginosis and risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.

+ In the latter two categories, dysregulation of the local nervous system due to past traumatic experiences or an anxious disposition and chronic albeit unconscious pelvic tensing lead to inflammation that is mediated by substances released by nerve cells.

+ A pelvic floor disorder can also be the cause of pain during and after sex.

+ This species has a whitish-tipped first dorsal, pectoral fins, pelvic fins, and caudal fin.

+ Each pelvic bone spreads into a large flat plate which supports the person’s “internal organs”.

+ The pelvic skeleton is, at the back, the sacrum and the coccyx.

+ It is located closer to the pelvic fins than to the pectoral fins.

+ Vertebrae, pelvic bones and hindlimb elements, also catalogued under this inventory number, may belong to the same individual.
+ It also relaxes pelvic ligaments.

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