“divert” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “divert”:

– It also is used to divert water into the country’s largest irrigation system.

– If the storm swept a deep-water bouy out to sea or caused ships to have to divert around it, these could be seen as monetary damages.

– Critically, a red herring is a “deliberate” attempt to change the subject or divert the argument.

– The river is dammed near its headwaters to divert water into the Russian River valley.

– In the early 1980s there was a proposal to close Marylebone and divert British Rail services via High Wycombe into nearby Paddington.

– This is often true of the Gatwick Express, which travels along the Brighton Main Line, as it will often divert over Chatham side tracks during engineering works in order to maintain service levels.

– If the speaker were deliberately attempting to divert the issue, this would be an example of a red herring.

– In order to win the war, Lenin began a plan to divert food and supplies to the Communist Army.

divert example in sentences
divert example in sentences

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