“common name” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “common name”:

– A less common name for a bath is a “washtub”.

– Fowl is a common name of birds belonging to one of two order.

– Kowhai is the common name in Māori language used in New Zealand.

– The common name sapote refers to any soft, edible fruit.

– The island does not have a common name in either English or Scottish Gaelic and is referred to as ‘Lewis and Harris’.

– Confusingly, the common name “cockle” is also given.

– Therefore her common name is “big eater”.

– The full legal name of the company may be different from the common name used for the article title.

common name example in sentences
common name example in sentences

Example sentences of “common name”:

– The common name “oak ” may also appear in the names of species in related genera, such as “Lithocarpus”.

– The whitetip reef shark earns its common name for the white tips on the first dorsal fin and upper caudal fins.

– Poison dart frog is the common name of a group of frogs in the family “Dendrobatidae”.

– The common name of the college refers to one of its earliest buildings That building, which no longer exists, featured a prominent bay window, known as an oriel.

– The common name webspinner comes from the insects’ ability to spin silk from structures on their front legs.

– Webbed toes is the common name for syndactyly.

– Reptile is the common name for one of the main groups of land vertebrates.

– The common name “screech owl” is sometimes used for the not closely related barn owl as well.

– Nautilus from Greek languageGreek “nautilos”, ‘sailor’ is the common name for family Nautilidae.

– The template, but the common name of the country is used, even if an alternate name or code is used.

– Mandrake is the common name of a number of plants in the Nightshade family family, genus Mandragora.

– The name Zeppelin is now used as a common name for all airships.

– The central bearded dragon is the common name for “Pogona vitticeps”, which lives in dry areas of Australia The name “bearded dragon” refers to the fringes around and under the head.

– Polecat is the common name for several medium-sized Mustelids.

– The 20 Hunchakian gallows is the common name for the group of Social Democrat Hunchakian PartyHunchakian activists who were hanged in the Sultan Bayazid square of Constantinople in June 15, 1915.

– This led to the common name of the condition, lockjaw.

– Its common name comes from the animal’s silvery blue color, combined with the fish-like appearance of its movements.

- The common name "oak " may also appear in the names of species in related genera, such as "Lithocarpus".

- The whitetip reef shark earns its common name for the white tips on the first dorsal fin and upper caudal fins.

More in-sentence examples of “common name”:

- The common name 'mink' includes animals in two different genera on two different continents.

- A positron is the common name for the antielectron.
- A banana is the common name for a type of fruit and also the name for the herbaceous plants that grow it.

– The common name ‘mink’ includes animals in two different genera on two different continents.

– A positron is the common name for the antielectron.

– A banana is the common name for a type of fruit and also the name for the herbaceous plants that grow it.

– The common name of “ghost frogs” may be because they live in Skeleton Gorge.

– Its common name comes from a Portuguese war ship of the 15th and 16th century.

– Ebola is the common name of the Ebola virus disease.

– Alsike clover gets its common name from the settlement.

– As their common name suggests, they are often seen hovering or sucking nectar at flowers.

– Alder is the common name for about 30 specieskinds of trees and shrubs of the “Alnus” genus.

– The common name comes from the Taíno word “papáia” that was changed in Spanish to papaya, the word most used worldwide, with some changes.

– Their common name comes from the parrots’ strong, monogamous pair bonding and the long time the pairs spend sitting together.

– But in other countries, “aspirin” is the common name for the drug.

– Uakari is the common name for the New World monkeys of the genus “Cacajao”.

– Tadhg was the 40th most common name for baby boys in Ireland in 2010, according to the Central Statistics Office in Ireland.

– It is also popular in Japan, and its common name “Go” comes from Japanese.

– Therefore, these regions are known by the common name of the Mediterranean Region of the world.

– The First Folio is the common name for the first collection of William Shakespeare’s plays.

– Click beetle is the common name for beetles in the family Elateridae.

– Most subcats use the correct taxo-term for the grouping, but there are occasional groupings where there is a common name which is used instead to make it easier to understand what the category is about.

– Emer was a very common name for girls around the Midlands of Ireland.

– The only family exclusively given the common name “toad” is the Bufonidae, but many species from other families are also called “toads”.Zweifel, Richard G; Cogger H.G.

– There is information in the article telling people what the article’s living thing is called in every other language that has a common name for it.

– Hydrangea, common name Hortensia, is a genus of 70-80 species of flowers.

– Their common name is night frogs.

– The only family exclusively given the common name “toad” is Bufonidae, but many species from other families are commonly called “toads”.

– It is one of many genera with the common name being thistles.

– A personal computer is the common name for a type of computer that is most popular in offices and homes.

– The name Josquin was a common name in Northern France and Flanders at that time.

– Tutu is a common name of Māori peopleMāori origin for plants in the genus “Coriaria” found in New Zealand.

– A common name for some species is ‘flags’.

– The common name refers to the inflorescence’s resemblance to brightly patterned blankets made by native Americans.

– These dolphin species are known by the common name “Blackfish”.

– A shooting star is the common name for the visible path of a meteoroid as it enters the atmosphere.

– Ironbark is a common name of a number of species within the genus “Eucalyptus” that have dark, deeply furrowed bark.

– Tarantula is the common name for a group of “hairy” and often very large spiders belonging to the family Theraphosidae, of which approximately 900 species have been found.

– The common name is “.

– Commodore is the common name for Commodore International Limited, a U.S.

– The common name ‘kangaroo’ is used for the four large species, and there are another 50 species of smaller macropods.

– Lupin, often spelled lupine in North America, is the common name for members of the genus “Lupinus” in the family Fabaceae.

– The appropriate taxo-names should also be redirected to the main article for the common name in most of these cases.

– Its common name muscovy duck comes from tradecommerce with Russia.

– The ghost frog is the common name for a family of frogs of the family Heleophrynidae.

– As Don Rosa explained, “Duck” is an understandably common name in Duckburg and does not necessarily identify a blood relation of Donald.

– A puffball is the common name for a member of several groups of fungi in the division Basidiomycota.

– Côte d’Ivoire is not the common name used in English sources.

– It is the common name of a Family family of flies in the order Diptera.

– Slender salamander is a common name given to lungless salamanders of the genus “Batrachoseps”.

– This Doric style gave the arch its common name of “The Doric Arch”.

– Its most common name as an illegal drug is probably liquid Ecstasy.

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