Some in-sentence examples of “normandy”

How to use in-sentence of “normandy”:

– In France, Normandy is the first region as to the production of cider-apples.

– During World War II, part of the 1944 Battle of Normandy was fought in the Cotentin.

– She was DukeDuchess of Normandy and Queen of England.

– The Normandy landings were the landings on Tuesday 6 June 1944 in World War II.

– The price paid was John’s agreement to be Philip’s vassal in Normandy and Angevin.

– Her two sons by her former marriage fled to Normandy for their own safety.

– In June 1204, the fall of Rouen allowed Phillip to annex Normandy and also take parts of Anjou and Poitou.

Some in-sentence examples of normandy
Some in-sentence examples of normandy

Example sentences of “normandy”:

– He fought during the Battle of Normandy and at the Battle of the Bulge.

– In 1259, the King of England lost Normandy but kept Jersey and Guernsey.

– The duchy of Normandy began in the year 911.R.

– In 1041, Harthacanute asked his half-brother Edward the Confessor back from exile in Normandy to become a member of his household, and probably made Edward his heir.

– The first part was built after the Battle of Normandy by British soldiers.

– The most critical part was the Normandy landings, which were to get the Allied armies onto the continent of Europe.

– Bevel dubbed it “D-Day,” a direct reference to the Normandy Invasion that led to the Allied victory in World War II.

– The island was part of Normandy, and in 1066, Normandy became part of England.

– In 1000-1001 the EnglandEnglish attacked Normandy on the Cotentin Peninsula.

– In a larger context the Normandy landings helped the Soviets on the Eastern front, who were facing most of the German forces.

– But William’s minority rule of Normandy did not start well.

– Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom still holds the medieval French title of “Duke of Normandy“; the only lands still attached to the Duchy of Normandy are the Channel Islands.

– In 1105, however, Robert’s continual stirring of discord with his brother in England as well as civil disorder in Normandy itself prompted Henry to invade Normandy.

- He fought during the Battle of Normandy and at the Battle of the Bulge.

- In 1259, the King of England lost Normandy but kept Jersey and Guernsey.

More in-sentence examples of “normandy”:

– Norman control of Maine helped make the southern border of Normandy safe against Anjou.

– Seine-Maritime is a departments of Francedepartment found in the northwest of France in the Normandy region.

– Stargardt, 1984, Tafel 79 King Louis IV of France decided to take charge of Normandy himself.

– This would grow to become Normandy under Rollo’s descendants.

– Manche is a departments of Francedepartment found in the west of France in the Normandy region.

– After moving from Normandy at the end of July 1944 and landing in southern France on 15 August 1944, the Allies advanced toward Germany more quickly than expected.

– He commanded a company which Normandy landingslanded in Normandy in 1944 and fought in the North West Europe Campaign.

– Henry purchased the County of Cotentin in western Normandy from Robert.

– However, the most famous D-Day was the Normandy landings during Operation Overlord.

– He was the first to bring both England and Normandy under one ruler.

– The historic duchy is made of two regions of France: Upper Normandy and Lower Normandy.

– Anjou, Maine and Normandy now had the same ruler for the first time.

– It is in the Lower Normandy region in north westnorthwestern France.

– The king and his men left Normandy as fast as they could.

– After his birthday in June, he was sent to Normandy but didn’t arrive until weeks after D-Day.

– After John of Luxemburg died during a battle in 1346, Machaut worked for John’s daughter Bonne, then King Charles II of NavarreCharles the Bad of Navarre, Charles of Normandy who became King Charles V in 1364 and the King of Cyprus.

– The original “Overlord” plan was for a ninety-day campaign in Normandy with the ultimate goal of reaching the Seine; this goal was met early.

– His government of Normandy as well as his failed invasion of England suggests that his military skills were little better than his political skills.

– The first really large paradrop operation was the Normandy invasion, called “Operation Overlord” 6.6.

– Rommel was given only three tank divisions, one of which was close enough to the Normandy beaches to fight on the first day.

– In 1861 he visited Normandy and made his first drawings of horses which were an important subject for his paintings.

– It first worked on 1 June 1944, just before the Normandy Landings on D-Day.

– It served as his personal ship between England and Normandy afterwards.

– To Robert he granted the Duchy of Normandy and to William Rufus he granted the Kingdom of England.

– It is in Normandy in the Seine-Maritime Departments of Francedepartment in northwest France.

– This included what is now Scandinavia, Scotland, Wales, Normandy and Brittany in France.

– William and his nobles spoke, and held court, in Anglo-Norman, in Normandy as well as in England.

– King Henry now led a large force into Normandy to help Count William of Arques.

– In August of that year the two led a combined force into Normandy to pillage and burn what they could.

– In 1066, William, Duke of Normandy invaded England.

– It is known for Pont-l’évêque cheese, a type of soft cheese, the oldest Normandy cheese in production.

– The territory covered by the treaty is nearly the same as today’s Upper Normandy down to the Seine river.

– King John’s reign began with military defeats – he lost Normandy to Philip II of France in his first five years on the throne.

– Upper Normandy is a former region of France.

– It is in the Normandy region.

– During 1142 and 1143, Geoffrey secured all of Normandy west and south of the Seine, and, on 14 January 1144, he crossed the Seine and entered Rouen.

– During World War II, part of South Hams was used by the Allies as training for the Normandy invasion.

– The westernmost part of the Normandy landingsD-Day landings was at Utah Beach, on the southeastern coast of the peninsula.

– His father, the Duke of Normandy was defeated and captured by his brother Henry I of England at the Battle of Tinchebrai in.

– Later in the war, he commanded the German forces defending the French coast against the Allies of World War IIAllied Normandy invasion.

– Edward the Confessor the older son stayed in Normandy for many years at the court of the dukes.

– Provence and Normandy have their own versions.

– Both The Normandy account and this account are block evasion.

– Its last stretch is the border between the historical duchyduchies of Normandy and Brittany.

– Historians consider the Normandy campaign to have ended with the massive breakout of “Operation Cobra”.

- Norman control of Maine helped make the southern border of Normandy safe against Anjou.

- Seine-Maritime is a departments of Francedepartment found in the northwest of France in the Normandy region.
- Stargardt, 1984, Tafel 79 King Louis IV of France decided to take charge of Normandy himself.

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