“cocoon” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “cocoon”:

+ When the silk ran out, she saw a small cocoon, and realized that this cocoon was the source of the silk.

+ When the cocoon opens, the adult insect comes out.

+ Some caterpillars attach small twigs or pieces of vegetation to the outside of their cocoon to hide it from predators.

+ The luna moth’s cocoon is made of dead leaves on the ground.

+ This supports the wasp’s cocoon without breaking in the rain.

+ According to the book written in the 13th century, she was drinking tea under a tree when a cocoon fell into her tea.

cocoon some example sentences
cocoon some example sentences

Example sentences of “cocoon”:

+ The wasp larva then moults, kills the spider with a poison and sucks its body dry before discarding it and building a cocoon that hangs from the middle of the web the spider has just built.

+ Inside the cocoon the insect changes the way it looks and often grows wings.

+ The wasp larva then moults, kills the spider with a poison and sucks its body dry before discarding it and building a cocoon that hangs from the middle of the web the spider has just built.

+ Inside the cocoon the insect changes the way it looks and often grows wings.

+ A cocoon is a shell made of silk by most kinds of moth caterpillars and other insect larvae.

+ It can also form a cocoon to stop water from leaving its body.

+ In an instant, she realized that this cocoon was the source of the silk.

+ To help, the queen may bury the larva so that it can spin its cocoon undisturbed.

+ Most moth caterpillars spin a cocoon made of silk when they go into the pupal stage.

+ The young queens will build a cocoon to spend the winter, once they have been fertilized.

+ The females come out of the cocoon with ready-made eggs, and the males pick up the female pheromones with their extra-big antennae.

+ Others spin their cocoon in a hidden place.

+ Once the desert frog has done this, it will stay in its cocoon and will not move.

+ If the animal is allowed to survive after spinning its cocoon, it will make a hole in the cocoon when it exits as a moth.

+ One cocoon contains approximately 1,000 yards of silk filament.

+ When it is big enough, it spins a cocoon around itself.

+ The caterpillar makes a cocoon within a leaf.

+ Mulberry leaves, particularly those of the White Mulberry, “Morus alba”, are important as food of the silkworm, the cocoon of which is used to make silk.

+ While she was sipping a cup of tea, she dropped a cocoon into the steaming water.

+ It makes the cocoon by shedding its skin.

+ The cocoon is made of one thread of raw silk from 300 to 900 meters long.

+ The “Parnassius” butterfly larvae make a flimsy cocoon for pupation and they pupate near the ground surface between debris.

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