How to use the word “putty”

How to use in-sentence of “putty”:

+ Glazing putty is traditionally made by mixing a base of whiting with linseed oil in various proportions.

+ King Henry was putty in her hands when she wanted something done.

+ Goldar and the Putty Patrol will be in the movie too.

+ The Good, the Bad and the Fish Guy: Putty Thing and Fish Guy return, but with Fish Guy having acquired the Mask, Stanley must convince Putty Thing to work with him before the whole city is destroyed.

+ Most results were in fact just information on PuTTY itself.

+ Pulling forces causes rock at depth to stretch like silly putty and rock closer to the surface to break along normal Fault faults into downfallen basins called grabens.

+ Mxyzptlk and Peter Pan, albeit much more malevolent in nature and Putty Thing.

+ The Terrible Twos: When Kellaway tries to prove that Stanley is the Mask by handcuffing the two together, Stanley must go to elaborate lengths to get away from the detective when two mutants Putty Thing and Fish Guy go on the rampage.

How to use the word putty
How to use the word putty

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