“cannot” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “cannot”:

– Other Scandinavian languages, such as Icelandic and Faroese, are less closely related and cannot be understood by Swedish speakers.

– Obviously a player cannot play the flute and piccolo at the same time.

– However, in many cases readers should be able to figure out how to pronounce a word simply by looking at the respelled pronunciation if they cannot get to grips with IPA.

– Currently, at our manual of style, it specifies that as we are an “encyclopedia”, we cannot address our readers as “you”, or ourselves as “we”.

– They attempt to show that the assumed propositions lead to a logical contradiction and cannot therefore all be correct.

cannot some ways to use
cannot some ways to use

Example sentences of “cannot”:

- Schön realises that he cannot live without her, and Lulu makes him write a letter to his fiancée saying that he does not want to marry her.

- Babies do not have toothteeth and cannot chew their food, so they are usually fed soft, runny food such as cooked mashed fruit or vegetables.

– Schön realises that he cannot live without her, and Lulu makes him write a letter to his fiancée saying that he does not want to marry her.

– Babies do not have toothteeth and cannot chew their food, so they are usually fed soft, runny food such as cooked mashed fruit or vegetables.

– Double quotes, “, cannot be placed in overlay tips when “form = text” or when “form = colour” are used.

– The contraction rules cannot be used when it would make a problem with a prefix or suffix on the word.

– Plus and I don’t mean this as an insult, you very often have a poor understanding of how things work here and simply cannot be trusted with a bot flag.

– However, since I am not an admin, I cannot delete pages.

– Disadvantages: Batteries do not store a lot of energy, and they are large and heavy, so the vehicles usually cannot go very far.

– If seen in the field the exact species usually cannot be known.

– Also, because so many legislators have to approve every amendment, it is very difficult for small “special interest” groups cannot control the vote.

– And because he cannot make the male hormone testosterone, he becomes less like a male.

– Any material that cannot be grown must be mined.

– Because of this uncertainty and other factors, you cannot use classical mechanics to predict the motion of quantum particles.

– Defects caused by genetics are the main kind of congenital defects, and usually cannot be cured.

– It is traditionally considered to be an “Asura Vadyam” which means it cannot go in harmony.

– If breath sounds cannot be heard in one lung, this can signal a serious problem.

– Anyone using the system can see how much money “ABC123” has and how much money “DEF456” has, but they cannot tell anything about who owns the address.

– For example, in the Netherlands, if a member of the royal family marries without the permission of Parliament, they cannot become king or queen themselves.

– The small size of the ascorbic acid molecule means the kidneys cannot retain it in the body.

– This is a contradiction, because these two statements cannot both be true.

More in-sentence examples of “cannot”:

- Optical microscopes cannot show things that are smaller than light waves, because of the diffraction limit.

- Another term that cannot be taken literally is "di long" which literally means "earth dragon".

– Optical microscopes cannot show things that are smaller than light waves, because of the diffraction limit.

– Another term that cannot be taken literally is “di long” which literally means “earth dragon”.

– Hence, “s” cannot occur in the enumeration.

– If the heart is squeezed too much, it cannot fill with blood very well.

– Since they cannot use it, people with PKU cannot eat foods that have a lot of phenylalanine, like eggs, meat and milk.

– Because the simplification cannot be done quickly, if at all, the pages should not sit there as they are.

– Mammals normally cannot drink milk as adults, but humans are an exception.

– Rod cells are more sensitive, but cannot tell colors apart.

– Members of Congress cannot serve for more than three out of any six years.

– The problem is that antimatter is very expensive to make, and is almost as expensive to store, since it cannot touch regular matter.

– Unlike your personal computer, you cannot use your clock to play Tetris.

– For example they may capture a bridge so their troops can use it, or destroy it with explosives so the enemy cannot use it.

– The law says a person cannot own an controlled drug without permission.

– A siege happens when the attacker gets to a city or fortress which cannot be taken by storm, and which refuses to surrender.

– He asks Alyosha to tell Katerina that he cannot be engaged to her anymore, and also asks Alyosha to get 3,000 rubles from his father so he can pay Katerina back.

– I propose we make this a firm policy, as we cannot expect new users to understand unwritten rules.

– Also children under the age of sixteen cannot work during school hours.

– In cerebral achromatopsia, a person cannot perceive colors even though the eyes are capable of distinguishing them.

– The purpose of navboxes is to allow quick access to related articles: with only one blue link, this template cannot serve that purpose.

– Crocodiles cannot breathe underwater: they breathe air, just like people.

– Because the Komodo dragon does not have a diaphragm, it cannot suck water when drinking.

– Wearing a helmet does not mean that somebody cannot be hurt if they crash their bicycle, but it makes being hurt less likely.

– Because the neck cannot be seen, the head and body appear to join together.

– When Bilbo does not know another riddle to ask Gollum, he finds the ring in his pocket and asks himself: “What have I got in my pocket?” Gollum thinks this is a riddle, but cannot answer it, and so Bilbo wins the game.

– A “board” gets its power from an outside authority that says what the board can and cannot do.

– He tells Sarah that he cannot kill himself, and she must lower him into the steel.

– It is used for wrapping food because Vegetable oilgrease, oil, and water cannot pass through it.

– Also, people with type 1 diabetes cannot make insulin.

– Rechargeable batteries can power a device for longer than the EDLC per charge, but cannot deliver as much instant energy.

– By the uncertainty principle, any quantum particle’s exact location and momentum cannot be determined with certainty, however.

– However, because the keystream is pseudorandom, and not truly random, the security associated with the one-time pad cannot be applied and it is quite possible for a stream cipher to be completely insecure.

– When the babies are born, they cannot swim.

– People who cannot keep up the walking speed may fall and hurt themselves.

– The anus is a part of the body that is tight and cannot lubricate itself.

– If one wedge was turned over, the other acts as a regular $1,000 space and cannot be turned over.

– Many living things cannot reproduce.

– In many countries a company or business can ask the courts for “bankruptcy protection” to try and protect the business so that the creditors cannot destroy all of the physical capital and goodwill by breaking it apart and moving it away.

– Bills to raise tax have to start in the Dáil, and cannot be vetoed by the Seanad.

– In urgent situations where a Council decision cannot be made in time, he or she is empowered to act on behalf of the whole Council.

– Beam bridges are simple but they cannot be as long as more complex and expensive kinds.

– If a Pokémon’s HP is down to zero, it faints and cannot battle until the player revives it.

– His famous sayings, “All is flux”, and “You cannot step twice into the same river” is still remembered today.

– Because he cannot see, Robin Femy was his guide and told him where to when going down the mountain.

– Without the telephone, one could not have a conversation across long distances; and without the sanctified image in the temple, one cannot easily talk with the Deity.

– Because fluid cannot get through either of these layers, the cerebrospinal fluid stays in the subarachnoid space and does not leak out.

– Title I says that employers who are covered by the ADA cannot discriminate against a person with a disability, as long as that person is qualified to do their job.

– All magnets have north/south pairs which cannot be separated without creating two magnets each having a north/south pair.

– This is all very vague and I cannot remember where we had the conversation.

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