“fully” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “fully”:

+ Once every room has been assigned to a guest, any new guest that wants a room and does not have one yet cannot be served – in other words, the hotel is fully booked.

+ Names of God are very special in Judaism, so Jews do not write them or speak them fully but use other words instead.

+ Perhaps the most important was the Council of Chalcedon that affirmed that Christ had two natures, fully God and fully man, at the same time.

+ Diffie-Hellman key agreement itself is an “Anonymityanonymous” key-agreement protocol: people involved in the trade do not need to prove who they are, but both people need to use their secret keys to fully decrypt the data.

+ In early February 2010, David Coverdale has announced his voice seems to have fully recovered from the injury.

+ Her offspring, Huitzilopochtli, learned of this plan while still in the womb, and before it was put into action, sprang from his mother’s womb fully grown and fully armed and killed his sister Coyolxauhqui, together with many of his 400 brothers and sisters.

fully some example sentences
fully some example sentences

Example sentences of “fully”:

+ He disciplined the navy tightly and made the turtle ship, which had at least five different types of cannon and had a fully covered deck with iron spikes to shield from cannon fire and attempt to board the ship, for preparation of the war.

+ They are fully covered with a thick coat of hair.
+ The DLR is fully computer operated.

+ He disciplined the navy tightly and made the turtle ship, which had at least five different types of cannon and had a fully covered deck with iron spikes to shield from cannon fire and attempt to board the ship, for preparation of the war.

+ They are fully covered with a thick coat of hair.

+ The DLR is fully computer operated.

+ I’m tempted now to identify all templates which have a number of transclusions and fully protecting them.

+ He also supported increasing the minimum wage, requiring women to be paid the same as men at the same job and has called for the first 2 years of college to be fully government-funded for students who study full-time and get good grades.

+ These were the six courts or departments of state, each fully organised with its own specialised officials, with seals and habitat, and responsible for a particular kind of revenue.

+ The modern point of view is that neither of his two ‘forces’ exists; Lamarck can be credited with the first fully worked-out account of evolution.

+ These spirits try to capture Conan but he fully recovers from his wounds when Subotai and Valeria fight them off.

+ The event started as a pay-per-view under the name Vengeance in 2001, In 2002, Vengeance took over Fully Loaded’s pay-per-view spot.

+ The tenon is cut to fit the mortice hole exactly and usually has shoulders that seat when the joint fully enters the mortice hole.

+ The Turks did not fully agree to.

More in-sentence examples of “fully”:

+ Star Bharat is a Hindi language Indian television channel based in India, part of Star India, which is fully owned by 21st Century Fox.

+ Can someone please fully protect my user page indefinitely with the addition of the fully protection template per my request why I want this protected is because in the future, I don't want to change the design of my user page because it already looks good enough and it wastes my time of my pages too.
+ He never fully recovered.

+ Star Bharat is a Hindi language Indian television channel based in India, part of Star India, which is fully owned by 21st Century Fox.

+ Can someone please fully protect my user page indefinitely with the addition of the fully protection template per my request why I want this protected is because in the future, I don’t want to change the design of my user page because it already looks good enough and it wastes my time of my pages too.

+ He never fully recovered.

+ He joined the Association of Socialist School Students and also became a member of the Social Democratic Party of Austria, which was at that time a party that fully adopted the Marxist ideology.

+ Originally it would have been worn on the helmet of a fully armed person.

+ Kildall was one of the first people to see microprocessors as fully capable computers rather than equipment controllers and to organize a company around this concept.

+ She also speaks English but has not yet released any records fully in English.

+ The third-generation S60 will have the hybrid powertrain and will be one of the five new electric models launched in 2019 with the second generation V60 and a fully electric sports coupe.

+ Transport for London plan to have a network of over 100 fully accessible stations by 2020, which means that 75% of Tube journeys can be made with step-free access.

+ These operate either by radio control or are fully independent.

+ Internet Explorer is fully configurable using Group Policy.

+ These consonants are similar to palato-alveolar consonants, but alveolo-palatal consonants are more fully palatalized.

+ The station opened on 14 September 1972 more than a year after the rest of the line had become fully operational.

+ Please read the instructions fully before setting up automatic updates.

+ European bison tend to live in lightly wooded to fully wooded areas and areas with increased shrubs and bushes, though they can also live on grasslands and plains.

+ He killed more than of 300 fully trained soldiers.

+ She was fully grown and had her armour on.

+ Multiple users have recommended me to re-quest in some months from now, fully disclosing all accounts.

+ Statistics Canada, Canada 2016 census, Some sources estimates that this number might be as high as 400,000 Canadians who are fully or partially of Romanian ancestry.

+ Chevrolet Caprice and Caprice Classic are fully sized vehicles produced by General Motors.

+ Below is the list of fully sovereign or de facto countries that are indisputably either entirely or partially situated within Europe.

+ As of 2020, the reasons for the earthquake are not fully known.

+ Edmund becomes fully sorry after a long talk with Aslan who afterward commands the Pevensies to agree the matter of their brother’s misdeeds forgotten.

+ Volt wants to create a federal European Union with a fully operating European government and parliament.

+ The theater also owns the largest, fully automatic stage in Asia.

+ Peat forms when plant material, usually in marshy areas, is inhibited from decaying fully by acidic and anaerobic conditions.

+ The irredentist aspiration of the Dalmatian Italians was fully met when Yugoslavia in April 1941 was conquered and occupied by Italy and Germany.

+ The sum matrix has this property: = N for N voters, if all runners were fully ranked by each voter.

+ He also is in the Laikai video named Fully Flared where he does a perfect fakie 360 flip down the four stairs.

+ The article is fully sourced.

+ Get the fully qualified base page name of the current or the given page.

+ During morphogenesis, totipotent stem cells become the various cell lines of the embryo, which in turn become fully differentiated cells.

+ Older doorbells were fully mechanical.

+ In binary fission, the fully grown parent cell splits into two halves, producing two pools.

+ The tree may even look covered in purple warts or pimples when it is fully in season.

+ I should also of course note that I have read and believe I fully understand the CheckUser policies on Meta, am over 18 and am able and willing to identify myself to the Foundation if you feel I am capable of the job.

+ On July 19 1870 the war started, and Prussia was fully supported by the South German states.

+ It’s not fully open yet, you have to enter the ID “vikidia” and password “aidikiv”.

+ In 1931, Canada became fully independent.

+ I fully immured myself”.

+ Countries must do everything they can to make sure people with disabilities can enjoy life as fully as people without disabilities can.

+ A fully automatic weapon is one that keeps firing bullets as long as the trigger is pulled.

+ Some see this letter as a step towards thinking of slaves as fully human.

+ Attempting to dance en pointe before the feet and toes are fully grown can cause career-ending damage that will prevent dancing en pointe for a lifetime.

+ The device fully supports 3.5G, allowing mobile internet, voicemail, video calling and email to run at speeds of up to 7.2 MB/s.

+ He is also a very active administrator and bureaucrat over on Meta, and I fully trust him to be able to handle the privacy policy related to these tools with honor and respect to that policy.

+ Built around 420BC, the temple is the earliest fully Ionic temple on the Acropolis.

+ To realize all human rights, this Declaration demands all countries to ratify fully all international human rights lawtreaties on human rights as much as possible and to make effective legal system to give remedy for human rights violations are indispensable to democracy and sustainable development not only the fair and full realization of human rights.

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