“recycle” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “recycle”:

– It also contains the cover of Jay Sean’s “Maybe” called “Love now” and “BYOB”, a song to encourage people to bring and recycle their own shopping bags to save the environment.

– Often people recycle their old computer and they modify it to become a file server which can hold photos, songs, films, and backups.

– To reduce the energy needed to keep them operating, scientist use an energy recovery linear accelerator to recycle the high-energy electron beam that activates the laser.

– Most of the time, it takes less energy to recycle trash than to throw it away, “The Economist” says.

– Autophagy is the process that cells use to break down and recycle cellular components.

– Some companies are trying to find ways to reuse or recycle the by-products, instead of putting them into landfill or garbage dumps as waste.

– Another reason people recycle is to reduce the amount of raw materials and energy used in making things.

– For example, in Microsoft Windows the desktop will often have an icon for the Recycle Bin, and the icon usually looks like a trash can in the dextstop.

recycle how to use in sentences
recycle how to use in sentences

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