How to use in sentence of “afghanistan”

How to use in-sentence of “afghanistan”:

– The Tanoli tribe is also known as TanoKhel in Afghanistan and belong from Ghilji confederation of Pashtun.

– During World War II, Afghanistan remained neutral.

– It is west of China, north of Afghanistan and Pakistan, that is separated by a narrow 14km strip of Tajik claimed land known as the Wakhan Corridor in the Pamirs, east of Uzbekistan and south of Kyrgyzstan.

– Lansford, Tom 9/11 and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: A Chronology and Reference Guide ABC Clio Publishing Santa Barbara California 2012 page 235 Saddam Hussein was removed from power, and Iraq turned into a democracy.

– There have been guesses that there are 500–1,000 operatives in Afghanistan and around 5,000 worldwide.

– Pakistan thought that the Soviet war in Afghanistan was also a threat to them.

– Currently, Afghanistan is one of the biggest producers of opium.

– Aman Ullah Pashto, Persian languagePersian, Arabic: He led Afghanistan to freedom from the United Kingdom.

How to use in sentence of afghanistan
How to use in sentence of afghanistan

Example sentences of “afghanistan”:

– But when Sakharov criticized the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, they became very angry and took him to the city of Gorky.

– He was educated in Afghanistan and India.

– Donaldson won the medal for bravery in Afghanistan in September 2008.

– The FATA are bordered by: Afghanistan to the west with the border marked by the Durand Line, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa to the north and east, and Balochistan to the south.

– He covered the war in Afghanistan between 1987 and 1990, the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1994 and the war in Iraq in 2004.

– The United Nations also includes Afghanistan as part of Central Asia.

– Most people in Afghanistan opposed the sudden Soviet presence in their country.

– The Chishti Order is mostly followed in Afghanistan and South Asia.

– After the Soviet war in AfghanistanSoviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, some Tajik refugees escaped to live in neighboring Iran and Pakistan.

– The test match idea was invented by teams from England and Australia in the 19th century.Ireland and Afghanistan are the new teams which can play Test cricket.

- But when Sakharov criticized the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, they became very angry and took him to the city of Gorky.

- He was educated in Afghanistan and India.
- Donaldson won the medal for bravery in Afghanistan in September 2008.

– Hazaristan or Hazarajat is a big mountainous area in the central highlands of Afghanistan which is the main and the historical land of the Hazara people.

– To the east lie Afghanistan on the north and Pakistan on the south.

– He served as Foreign Minister of Afghanistan from January 2010 to October 2013.

– Caves in Afghanistan are decorated with ancient paintings in paint mixed with oils.

– The flag of Afghanistan started to be used on January 4, 2004.

– It became to what is now Afghanistan after the Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919 when the state became officially recognized by all the major countries in the world.

– The War in Afghanistan refers to a war waged by the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, The Netherlands, Australia and other countries against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda following the terrorists attacks against USA on September 11, 2001.

More in-sentence examples of “afghanistan”:

- Almost all the Munji-speaking people of Afghanistan fled across the border to Chitral during the War in Afghanistan.

- The 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and 2003 invasion of Iraq are called part of a War on Terrorism by the United States.
- In 2001, he rose to command the Afghanistan Border Police on Afghanistan's border between Kandahar and Pakistan's Balochistan Province.

– Almost all the Munji-speaking people of Afghanistan fled across the border to Chitral during the War in Afghanistan.

– The 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and 2003 invasion of Iraq are called part of a War on Terrorism by the United States.

– In 2001, he rose to command the Afghanistan Border Police on Afghanistan‘s border between Kandahar and Pakistan’s Balochistan Province.

– In the meantime, Afghanistan improved diplomatic ties with many countries in the world and continues.

– The Soviet Union’s failed invasion of Afghanistan is often compared to the United States’ failure during the Vietnam War.

– In other words, such statements probably do not need sourcing – they are obvious; Others, like the statement that a woman not wearing a burqa in Afghanistan will bring shame onto her family will probably need sourcing.

– Persian has many dialects and is officially called Farsi in Iran, Dari and Farsi in Afghanistan and Tajiki in Tajikistan.

– On 27 September 1934, during the reign of Zahir Shah, the Kingdom of Afghanistan joined the League of Nations.

– Khaled Hosseini is an writer who was born in Afghanistan but came to the United States when he was fifteen years old.

– People who support that islamMuslim women should wear a burqa may be seen as extremist in France, but such an opinion may not be extremist in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia.

– Without proper equipment and training, the Afghanistan government was unable to resist the opposition, called the Mujahideen, eventually seeking the aid of the Soviet Union.

– It was in present-day Turkmenistan, northern Afghanistan and northeastern Iran, southern Uzbekistan and western Tajikistan.

– According to his LinkedIn resume, as of 2013 he was Chief of the Afghanistan Service at VOA and based in Washington, D.C.

– Gandhara remained a largely Buddhist land until around 800 AD, when the Pashtun people invaded the region from Southern Afghanistan and introduced the Islamic religion.

– Pashayi or Pashai are a Dardic ethno-linguistic group living primarily in eastern Afghanistan and in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of present-day Pakistan.

– Ingrid Reichel has grown up in Kabul, Afghanistan and between 1967 and 1981 in Paris, France.

– The government of Afghanistan asked the Soviet Union many times to send troops.

– During his time in Afghanistan he was slightly wounded on 12 August 2008.

– Southern Afghanistan has not many plants because it is dry.

– The situation deteriorated between the Afghanistan government and foreign mercenaries, and the Soviet Union responded initially with only intelligence and advisors.

– The country’s new leader ended the monarchy and made Afghanistan a republic.

– Under their rule Afghanistan enjoyed peace and prosperity.

– In 2001, Afghanistan produced only 11% of the world’s opium, today it produces over ninety percent.

– In 1997, Rubin went to work at “The Los Angeles Times”, where she wrote about Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans.

– The Soviet war in Afghanistan was a war initially fought between the forces of the Afghanistan government and Afghan assistance fighters, supporter from abroad.

– The International Olympic Committee’s official abbreviation for Afghanistan is AFG.

– Communists under the leadership of Nur Muhammad Taraki seized power in Afghanistan on April 27, 1978.

– In 1980, Moscow hosted the 1980 Summer OlympicsSummer Olympic Games, which the United States and several other Western countries did not go to because of the Soviet Union’s war in Afghanistan in the end of 1979.

– Andrei Sakharov openly said the action of Soviet Army in Afghanistan was wrong.

– After the glaciation of the Mintaka Pass, the Kilik Pass was favoured by caravans coming from China and Afghanistan as it is wider, free of glaciers and provided enough pasture for caravan animals.

– President Donald Trump named him as his choice to become the United States Ambassador to Afghanistan on July 20, 2017.

– Muhammad Najibullah Ahmadzai, commonly known as Najibullah or Najib, was President of Afghanistan from 1987 until 1992, when the JihadMujahideen took over Kabul.

– In the Soviet war in Afghanistan starting in 1979, the Soviet Union had a difficult time fighting resistance groups, some of them armed and trained by the United States.

– This list generally excludes Ethnic Pashtuns who originate from regions that were not controlled by Afghanistan at the time, though there are exceptions for certain figures who are prominent to Pashtuns.

– The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees says Afghanistan produces the most number of refugees each year.

– He was believed to be directing the Taliban in their War in Afghanistan war against Hamid Karzai’s Government and foreign NATO troops in Afghanistan from Pakistan.

– During the war with the Taliban, her family left Afghanistan and went to live in Pakistan.

– It covered Afghanistan but also bits of Turkmenistan, Iran, and Pakistan.

– The Sulaiman Range, and the high plateau to the west and southwest of it, helps form a natural barrier against the humid winds that blow from the Indian Ocean, creating arid conditions across Southern Afghanistan to the north.

– He served as Foreign Minister of Afghanistan from October 2001 to April 2005.

– Niedringhaus had covered Afghanistan for several years before she was killed on 4 April 2014.

– Later Persians and Afghans fought over the control of the city and Herat changed hands several times before it permanently became part of Afghanistan in 1857 under the Treaty of Paris.

– Gumal Pass or Gomal Pass is a mountain pass on the border of Afghanistan and the southeastern portion of South Waziristan in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

– The Vice President of Afghanistan is the second highest political position in Afghanistan.

– South Waziristan is the southern part of Waziristan, a mountainous region of northwest Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan and covering some 11,585km².

– He also served as Vice President of Afghanistan from June 2002 to December 2004.

– Nowadays, people in many Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Syria,United Arab Emirates, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, Iran, parts of Central Asia, Afghanistan and Pakistan believe in these Jinns or Djinns.

– It has two seeds, reddish-brown, narrow-elliptic, shining, 2–3mm long.It is native to Malta and Mediterranean regions, Afghanistan to Pakistan.

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