Some example sentences of “manuscript”

How to use in-sentence of “manuscript”:

+ Speculation over the painting’s model was solved in 2008 by Dr Armin Schlechter, a manuscript expert.

+ In Genzano, on the other hand, it continued into the 18th centuryeighteenth century, according to an anonymous manuscript 1824 which is preserved in the Central National Library of Rome and printed only recently, “History of the origin of the Infiorata of Genzano ” in “Genzano di Roma, historical and literary testimonies”.

+ The manuscript was refused by six publishers.

+ Bromley revised and corrected the manuscript before its publication in 1613, and said it was “truly reported” and “fit and worthy to be published”.

+ Many CRs view each act of daily life as a form of ritual, and they accompany daily activities with traditional prayers, chants and songs from sources such as the Scottish Gaelic “Carmina Gadelica” or manuscript collections of ancient Irish poetryIrish or Welsh poetry.

+ Before he died, Verne gave the manuscript to his nephew, telling him to look after it.

Some example sentences of manuscript
Some example sentences of manuscript

Example sentences of “manuscript”:

+ The title of Anna Magdalena Bach’s manuscript was “Suites á Violoncello Solo senza Basso”.

+ In early 2012, a manuscript of the memoir, titled Tiglachin, was leaked on the Internet.

+ After her death, her nephew, Louis-Philippe of FranceLouis-Philippe, wanting to give an air of respectability to her bohemian lifestyle, burned the manuscript of her memoirs and a file on her young police officer located in the war archives.

+ Together, they have written the manuscript for the movie based on the New York Times No 1 bestselling novel ‘Postcard Killers’ by Liza Marklund and James Patterson.

+ Most of his life he was supported by his friends who gave him manuscript paper when he could not afford it.

+ As there are gaps in the numbering, it seems likely that some pages were lost; the manuscript probably had at least 272 pages.

+ The original manuscript which was written around 1550 has been lost, but a copy of another handwritten copy in the early 18th century exists today in Chicago.

+ The manuscript has survived in a fragmentary condition.

+ The manuscript is made up of about 240 vellum pages, and was probably written in the early 15th century in northern Italy.

+ Written in the Ancient Egypt#Writinghieratic script, this Egyptian manuscript is made up of parts that are each 33cm tall.

+ The title of Anna Magdalena Bach's manuscript was "Suites á Violoncello Solo senza Basso".

+ In early 2012, a manuscript of the memoir, titled Tiglachin, was leaked on the Internet.

+ This edition had all the full-page illustrations in the manuscript and a section of text page ornamentation, with some enlarged details of the illustrations.

+ Wycliffite Bible texts are the most common manuscript literature in Middle English.

+ The convent of San Marco in Florence has several manuscript books that he is thought to have painted.

+ The manuscript takes its name from the Abbey of Kells which was its home for centuries.

+ The manuscript has been assigned palaeographically to the 1st century BC.

+ Berry had been writing since 1990, and it took him 12 years and 85 rejections to finally sell a manuscript to Ballantine Books.

+ Perrault’s version first appeared in 1695 in a hand-written and illustrated manuscript called “Tales of Mother Goose a collection of eight fairy tales by Perrault.

More in-sentence examples of “manuscript”:

+ The manuscript is kept in the Papyrology department of the Ashmolean MuseumSackler library in Oxford as.

+ This manuscript contains a tetragrammaton in the following places: Zec 8:20; 9:1, 4.

+ The manuscript is now on display in the British Library.

+ Seeking help at the Crune Museum, George discovers the tripod on the manuscript is in the museum itself, being discovered in Lochmarne, Ireland.

+ There are also 84 manuscript and four printed copies of “The Canterbury Tales” that were made before 1500.

+ In 1850, incited by Ljudevit Gaj, Starčević started working on the manuscript of “Istarski razvod”, a crucial Croatian document from 1325.

+ This manuscript received the designation Se2grXII.

+ After evading Flap and Guido who are searching for the manuscript and returning to Nico, she deduces the manuscript is related to the Knights Templar, a wealthy and powerful order of knights wrongly accused of heresy and burned at the stake by the Inquisition.

+ Riordan finished writing his manuscript in 1994.

+ The manuscript has been palaeographically dated to the 3rd century CE.

+ In the 15th century, a monk named Annio da Viterbo said he had found a manuscript of a historian named Berossus.

+ The original manuscript has not survived.

+ The idea of the novel was at first meant to be a movie manuscript but the possible producers found it would be too expensive as the story is set in seven countries.

+ It is the second oldest known manuscript of the Septuagint and the oldest which used the Hebrew Tetragrammaton in Aramaic “square” or Ashuri script in following places: De 18:5, 5, 7, 15, 16; 19:8, 14; 20:4, 13, 18; 21:1, 8; 23:5; 24:4, 9; 25:15, 16; De 26:2, 7, 8, 14; 27:2, 3, 7, 10, 15; 28:1, 1, 7, 8, 9, 13, 61, 62, 64, 65; 29:4, 10, 20, 29; 30:9, 20; 31:3, 26, 27, 29; 32:3, 6, 19.

+ From him it depends largely: whether this manuscript will be accepted for publication as a literary story.

+ This manuscript was discovered in August 1952 in the Judean Desert by Bedouins, who claimed to be from Wadi Seiyâl, but nobody knows the exact place of origin.

+ An illuminated manuscript is a manuscript where Writingtext is supplemented by the addition of decoration, like decorated miniature illustrations.

+ He had first submitted a 2,500 word manuscript to “Sports Illustrated” that was “aggressively rejected”.

+ This point is essential to know the language of the original, since it does not tell you ” “to translate it into the Catalan language” “, which was the most important because it was yours – implying that you did not need any translation – on the other hand, if you had in Catalonia a copy in the Catalan language would not have been requested by her aunt, ergo the Yolanda de Aragón manuscript was in Catalan.

+ Wyclif’s Bible was followed later by William Tyndale, who translated the Bible into a more modern form of English, and used Greek manuscript sources for the first time.

+ Sassoon helped Owen to write better poetry; this is known because the manuscript of one of Owen’s greatest poems, “Anthem for Doomed Youth”, still exists showing corrections in Sassoon’s writing.

+ The strongest evidence we have is one manuscript which says that the poem was written by ‘Willielmi de Langlond’, son of ‘Stacy de Rokayle, who died in Shipton-under-Wichwood, a tenant of the Lord Spenser in the county of Oxfordshire’.

+ With the actress and director Helena Bergström she wrote the manuscript to the movie ‘Så Olika’ that premiered towards the end of 2009.

+ The manuscript of “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” was published in edited form in 1962, with the explicit approval of Nikita Khrushchev.

+ Queen Christina had an alchemical laboratory in Riario palace attended by people like the esotericists “Giuseppe Francesco Borri”, and the learned Athanasius Kircher possessor of the mysterious Voynich manuscript of enigmatic scripture full of magic symbols.

+ The ornamentation varies from one manuscript to another.

+ The Romans were the first people to put separate pieces of manuscript between covers, to form a “codex”.

+ The burning of the Master’s manuscript is just what Bulgakov did, and for the same reasons of despair and frustration.

+ Later, the original manuscript was translated into Greek.

+ The gaps were already there when Voynich bought the manuscript in 1912.

+ They came back to the city in 3 months, but Beham was banished again in 1528 for publishing a book which was plagiarismplagiarised from an unpublished manuscript by Albrecht Dürer.

+ Jean was an important FranceFrench painter of the 15th century, a master of both manuscript illumination, and the apparent inventor of the portrait miniature.

+ Multiple manuscript copies were made and distributed to monasteries across England and were independently updated.

+ In the early 700s the famous illuminated manuscript known as the Lindisfarne Gospels was made, probably at Lindisfarne.

+ The collection consists of approximately twelve thousand items, including original manuscript poems and letters, correspondence, and photographs, as well as audio and visual recordings.

+ Bunshaft was known for his designs for Lever House in New York, the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C., the National Commercial Bank in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Marine Midland Building140 Broadway and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Branch Bank in New York.

+ The JEM traces its foundation to the writers of the “Black Book”, a manuscript published in 2000 that shows some problems.

+ Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed: Codex: “a manuscript volume”.

+ Turning the manuscript into a book required several developments.

+ The rejection of the Master’s novel about Pontius Pilate and Christ led him to such despair that he burns his manuscript and turns his back on the “real” world, including his devoted lover, Margarita.

+ It exists in different manuscript versions which shows its great popularity in from the 12th to 14th centuries.

+ This manuscript was discovered at Oxyrhynchus, about south of Cairo.

+ The manuscript is currently kept in the department of manuscripts in the British library, London Inv.

+ The editor who worked on “The Town and the City” found the long, scroll-like manuscript hard to understand, and even harder to work with.

+ Throughout his life his wife helped him by ruling neat manuscript lines on plain paper so that he could write his music.

+ The manuscript is kept in the Papyrology department of the Ashmolean MuseumSackler library in Oxford as.

+ This manuscript contains a tetragrammaton in the following places: Zec 8:20; 9:1, 4.
+ The manuscript is now on display in the British Library.

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