How to use the word “absorption”

How to use in-sentence of “absorption”:

+ Chlorophyll content meters measure the amount of absorption at the red band to estimate the amount of chlorophyll present in the leaf.

+ Another application of the exponential function is exponential decay, which occurs in radioactive decay and the absorption of light.

+ The data is shown as a spectrum with absorption versus wavelength.

+ From 1996 to 1999 he was also minister of immigration absorption in the First Netanyahu Government, and from 2001 to 2003 also deputy minister of immigration absorption in the First Sharon Government.

+ It starts with its absorption as atmospheric carbon dioxide, and ends with its conversion into carbohydrates and other organic compounds.

+ Remarkably, its near-infrared spectrum clearly exhibited a methane absorption band at 2 micrometres, a feature that had previously only been observed in the atmospheres of giant planets and that of Saturn’s moon Titan.

+ Exposure by absorption often happens in workplaces where people work with toxins.

+ Lenard used this knowledge, together with the results of his and others’ earlier experiments on the absorption of the rays in metals.

How to use the word absorption
How to use the word absorption

Example sentences of “absorption”:

+ The so-called “water” absorption feature around 3 μm, which can be a sign of water content in minerals is also present.

+ The wavelengths of light for UV-visible absorption are from about 200 nanometers to 800 nanometers.

+ Metals are commonly measured by atomic spectroscopy and mass spectrometry: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry techniques.

+ They give information about the wavelength of the absorption maximum spectrum of a compound.

+ Every element has a different atomic absorption spectrum because of the different light wavelengths it absorbs.

+ To compensate for varying leaf thickness, Chlorophyll Meters also measure absorption at the infrared band which is not significantly affected by chlorophyll.

+ These breaks are called absorption lines, and every element has its characteristic pattern of absorption lines.

+ This is used in a technique of absorption spectroscopy known as ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy.

+ The so-called "water" absorption feature around 3 μm, which can be a sign of water content in minerals is also present.

+ The wavelengths of light for UV-visible absorption are from about 200 nanometers to 800 nanometers.

+ We are able to see colors because of energy absorption by organic and inorganic compounds.

+ The mechanisms of increased absorption are both Matterphysical and chemical.

+ So events of emission and absorption are considered as Perturbation theoryperturbations and are dealt with by a series of approximations.

+ This is important because it allows us to compare the absorption lines of say, the atmosphere of a far away planet, to the absorption lines of elements we know to exist in a lab.

+ Huggins built his own observatory from where he and his wife looked at spectroscopyspectral emission lines and absorption lines of astronomical objects.

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