“maturity” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “maturity”:

+ In 1989, the Software Engineering Institute introduced the notion that SPC can be usefully applied to non-manufacturing processes, such as software-engineering processes, in the Capability Maturity Model.

+ For the tiger shark, maturity depends on size and not on age.

+ Another study in the northern Gulf of Mexico showed that the age of maturity was 7 feet for females.

+ I believe his maturity and forward thinking ability will serve us well on RFx closures, crat chats, and I know that he has the technical know-how to conduct username requests and bot requests.

+ Some species reach maturity quickly.

maturity - example sentences
maturity – example sentences

Example sentences of “maturity”:

+ They reach maturity at about 14 months, and have been known to reach the age of 23 years.

+ At the death of the insured person or on the date of maturity whichever happens earlier, the amount insured will be paid.

+ They reach maturity when they are around 2 years old.

+ It is the only known case of an animal which can revert completely to a sexually immature, colonial stage after it has reached sexual maturity as an individual.

+ One study in the southern Gulf of Mexico found that the age of maturity was 10 years for males.

+ Indonesian mountain weasels reach sexual maturity at one year.

+ Body mass, age and sexual maturity in short-beaked echidnas, “Tachyglossus aculeatus”.

+ Sobhuza was chosen King soon after that, and his grandmother Labotsibeni and uncle Prince Malunge led the Swazi nation until his maturity in 1921.

+ Females reach sexual maturity at 4 years.

+ They reach sexual maturity at 3–5 years, depending on the type of habitat.

+ Kittens are “weaned” at between six and seven weeks, and cats normally reach sexual maturity at 5–10 months.

+ It is also known Monte Carlo fallacy or fallacy of the maturity of chances.

+ They reach maturity at about 14 months, and have been known to reach the age of 23 years.

+ At the death of the insured person or on the date of maturity whichever happens earlier, the amount insured will be paid.

More in-sentence examples of “maturity”:

+ I have nothing but confidence that this maturity will translate over to actions as a crat.

+ Bonds have a maturity date.

+ I have nothing but confidence that this maturity will translate over to actions as a crat.

+ Bonds have a maturity date.

+ The least weasel reach sexual maturity in 3 to 4 months.

+ Barras has shown us the maturity required for this position.

+ The age of sexual maturity is uncertain, but may be four to five years.

+ A scorpion reaches maturity after it has gone through 5 to 7 moults.

+ The works of his early maturity were typically Impressionist snapshots of real life, full of sparkling colour and light.

+ Sexual maturity occurs around three to four years of age, and life expectancy in captivity is 20years.

+ The common toad reaches maturity at three to seven years.

+ This idea exists today within the Level 4 and Level 5 practices of the Capability Maturity Model Integration.

+ Pups are weaned around 5 to 6 weeks and reach sexual maturity at about 6 to 9 weeks.

+ When males reach sexual maturity in their early teens, the matriarch and other female members of the group will chase him away.

+ Although eclectus parrots usually reach sexual maturity between 2–3 years.

+ If you don’t have another reason, and just keep this one, it’ll show that you are more immature than Shappy and comments about his maturity on EN have nothing to do with him on simple.

+ Although this shark is widely distributed, its restricted habitat, depth range, small litter size, and the long time to reach maturity means that the whitetip reef shark may become increasingly threatened to overfishing.

+ Fruits are at their optimum maturity when the seed pulp has turned into a clear jelly with no hint of browning.

+ Good habitats are made up of trees of sufficient size and maturity sufficient for tree cavities to form.

+ If a novelty were to evolve gradually in an animal’s juvenile form, then its development might not appear in the fossil record at all, but if the species were then to undergo neoteny, in which sexual maturity is reached while in a juvenile form, then the feature would appear suddenly in the fossil record, despite having evolved gradually.

+ The main disadvantage of abstraction is that highly abstract concepts are more difficult to learn, and require a degree of mathematical maturity and experience before they can be assimilated.

+ The seeds are dispersed when the pod reaches maturity and bursts open.

+ This means they get to sexual maturity and reproduce while still in a larval form.

+ The bulls have a huge proboscis, front part of face and may weigh 750lbs, and 8ft in length at maturity although old males can approach 11ft long and weigh 1,375lbs in rare cases.

+ Kansan has shown even temper and maturity in every action taken.

+ Whitetip reef sharks reach maturity at around the age of 8 years, and live up to a maximum age of 25 years.

+ Female Sumatran tigers reach maturity at the age of around three to four years.

+ I am left without doubt that the maturity and competence will be added to the crat working group, as a net benefit.

+ Male bignose sharks reach maturity at around 2 metres in length, while females reach maturity between 2.3-2.8 metres.

+ The age of maturity is from 6 to 13 years.

+ As one of the older people involved in the project I think I have the maturity and wisdom to be a very responsible Oversighter.

+ They are normally weaned around six months of age and reach sexual maturity after a year.

+ Equality feminists opposed protective legislature, such as maturity leave, purely on principle.

+ Males reach maturity at the ages of 4–5 years, when they are at the lengths of between 1.8-2.8 metres.

+ With the growth of the five children to maturity and elegance, the stories have been tailored accordingly to suit the children.

+ This was based on ideas from “Neuropath, “a  fictional world where the technologies of neuroscience have reached technical and social maturity and prevalence.

+ Leopard geckos reach sexual maturity at the age of one to three years.

+ Sexual maturity is reached at 3 years.

+ Steppe polecats reach sexual maturity at the age of 10 months.

+ Males do not reach maturity until 7 years old.

+ Fruit maturity is not always apparent from the outside as the fruits remain green until they are over mature or rotting.

+ His estimated age at death depends upon whether the maturity stage of his teeth or skeletal is used, and whether that maturity is compared to that of modern humans or chimpanzees.

+ The oceanic whitetip shark is viviparous, and both genders reach maturity around the ages of 6-7 years, with the females being at a length of 1.8-2 metres.

+ The Blacknose shark is quite a fast growing species, with both males and females reaching maturity at the lengths of about 1 metre.

+ Reproductive maturity occurs at seven to ten years.

+ These fish reach sexual maturity at 9–12 months of age.

+ Blue sharks are viviparous, with the males maturing at the age of 4-5, and females reaching maturity at the age of 5-6.

+ Bull sharks reach maturity depending on where they are.

+ When it reaches maturity it is about the size of a rabbit, making it the smallest living ungulate.

+ After sufficent time has passed, I believe the editor now has the maturity to look past disputes and do what is right and correct on this wiki.

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