“circumcision” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “circumcision”:

– Annunciation Style was used in the Great BritainKingdom of Great Britain until 1 January 1752, except Scotland which changed to Circumcision Style dating on 1 January 1600.

– He seems to have written music for four voices which are settings of words for the Feast of the Circumcision and St Stephen’s Day.

– Along with being an important rite of passage, circumcision may have helped people keep track of dates and place events into the correct time and place.

– In Chapter 3, Paul warns the Philippians about those Christians who insist that circumcision is necessary for salvation.

– People disagree about whether circumcision is a good for health and sexual pleasure.

– There are two hadiths which are linked to the acceptance of male circumcision in Islam.

circumcision some ways to use
circumcision some ways to use

Example sentences of “circumcision”:

- Others, such as Reform Jews may choose to have the circumcision done in a hospital before the baby goes home.

- Brit milah is the Jewish ritual circumcision ceremony performed on eight-day-old male babies.

– Others, such as Reform Jews may choose to have the circumcision done in a hospital before the baby goes home.

– Brit milah is the Jewish ritual circumcision ceremony performed on eight-day-old male babies.

– For Jews who observe Halakhareligious law, the circumcision is performed at a ceremony called a Brit milah.

– Male circumcision was not to be done before the boy was 12 years old, and after that it was optional.

– In Islam and Judaism, male circumcision is commonly done for religious reasons.

– Because Hispanic and black individuals are over-represented in poorer demographics, the withdrawal of Medicaid funding for elective circumcision in 18 states is of concern to public health, as was also expressed by the authors of the CDC’s recent report.

– No reputable medical organizations including the World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics consider circumcision to be “Male genital mutilation”.

– How does male circumcision protect against HIV infection? “BMJ : British Medical Journal”, “320”, 1592–1594.

– Restoring the foreskin would involve expanding the skin to make something similar to the foreskin, but connective tissues cut during circumcision cannot be brought back.

– The rest of Great Britain changed to Circumcision Style on 1 January after the change in Great Britain from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar on 3/14 September 1752.

– People who do not like circumcision of baby boys say doctors and parents should not make this decision.

– Countries in West Africa, where male circumcision is common, have HIV prevalence levels well below those of countries in eastern and southern Africa despite the presence of other risk factors.

– How the circumcision solution in Africa will increase HIV infections”.

– Others do not like circumcision because they believe it has no medical advantage, or that it is easy to clean under the foreskin, or that circumcision harms the penis or the mind.

– In many African tribes, initiation means circumcision of males and sometimes circumcision/genital mutilation of females.

– The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has endorsed this statement..Cultural acceptance of circumcision will be vital, if this practice is to be an important complementary intervention for prevention of HIV infection.

– People who think circumcision is a good idea may point to health reasons.

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