“coral” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “coral”:

+ He began Coral Ridge Ministries in 1974.

+ Also, coral is at risk, as it is being eroded by the acid in the ocean.

+ Large juveniles and adults are usually found around deep coral reefs, and rocky areas at depths of up to 3-75 metres deep after darkness.

+ These islands can be made by volcanoes or made on coral reefs.

+ The coral snakes are a large group of elapid snakes.

+ He died from an aneurysm while living in Coral Gables, Florida in 1976.

+ A cay is a small, low island consisting mostly of sand or coral and situated on top of a coral reef.

coral - sentence examples
coral – sentence examples

Example sentences of “coral”:

+ Clownfish habitat usually is a coral reefs.

+ It is made when a coral reef forms around an island that sinks over many years.

+ Cyanobacteria in coral reefs can fix twice the amount of nitrogen than on land—around 1.8kg of nitrogen is fixed per hectare per day.

+ As coral reef communities were established on the shelves, they built reefs that grew upwards, keeping pace with the rise in sea level.

+ This was about a month after the Battle of the Coral Sea, and six months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

+ The Coral Reef Room, showcases exotic fish, crustaceans, eels, and coral.

+ The individual zooids in a particular coral or bryozoan are usually genetically identical.

+ The whitetip reef shark is found mainly at coral reefs, but it is also found over sandy flats, in lagoons, and near drop-offs to deeper water.

+ It only feeds on coral polyps, and usually at night.

+ This was because of its natural setting, their coral reefs, and biblical history.

+ Its habitats are largely coastal such as islands, coral reefs, mangroves and large rivers.

+ Clownfish habitat usually is a coral reefs.

+ It is made when a coral reef forms around an island that sinks over many years.
+ Cyanobacteria in coral reefs can fix twice the amount of nitrogen than on land—around 1.8kg of nitrogen is fixed per hectare per day.

+ Diatchenko was found dead in his home in Coral Gables, Florida on April 21, 2020 of a heart attack, aged 52.

+ Each coral animal secretes calcium carbonate around itself.

+ It is located at the south of Eilat’s Coral Beach Nature Reserve.

+ The one for the Coral label had a stronger beat and orchestra arrangement.

+ He lived in Coral Gables, Florida.

+ She was the president of the University of Miami, a private university in Coral Gables, Florida, from 2001 through 2015.

+ A special feature of the Norwegian Sea is large coral reefs of “Lophelia pertusa”, which provide shelter to various fish species.

+ It is made up of oceanmarine fish living in tropical seas, usually around coral reefs.

More in-sentence examples of “coral”:

+ On January 3, 2015, Brooke died at his home in Coral Gables, Florida at the age of 95 from natural causes.

+ The ship had been damaged by coral on the Great Barrier Reef.
+ Under stress, coral polyps may expel the algae which live inside their tissues.

+ On January 3, 2015, Brooke died at his home in Coral Gables, Florida at the age of 95 from natural causes.

+ The ship had been damaged by coral on the Great Barrier Reef.

+ Under stress, coral polyps may expel the algae which live inside their tissues.

+ Large and complex coral reefs are along the north-east coast of Komodo.

+ Predator cognition permits imperfect coral snake mimicry.

+ Mass ejections are known as coral bleaching, because the algae contribute to coral‘s brown coloration.

+ They live mainly in coral reefs, but have been found in lagoons and deep water near land.

+ They usually live around coastal waters or coral reefs.

+ The ejection of the algal partner is called “bleaching”, because the coral loses its colour.

+ The crab eats small feather duster worms and other coral reef invertebrates.

+ It contains the polyps which build most coral reefs.

+ The park includes coral reefs, coastal area, and mountains.

+ Baker Island is a small coral island, or atoll, in the North Pacific Ocean.

+ Australia claims many of the islands as part of its 780,000 square kilometre Coral Sea Islands Territory.

+ All coral snakes are shy, secretive animals, and are nocturnal.

+ The Coral Sea Islands is a group of islands on the Great Barrier Reef, in the country of Australia.

+ Other colors are due to host coral pigments, such as green fluorescent proteins Ejection increases the polyp’s chance of surviving short-term stress—they can regain algae, possibly of a different species, at a later time.

+ The coral is attached permanently to the ocean floor.

+ The land is very low lying and the coral atolls are narrow.

+ Crace remained on patrol in the Coral Sea in case the Japanese invasion force tried to go towards Port Moresby.

+ Warmer sea water temperatures caused by global warming is the leading cause of coral bleaching.

+ The coral snake population is most dense in the southeast United States, but coral snakes have been spotted as far north as Kentucky.

+ The Arizona coral snake, which is a separate genus, is found in central and southern Arizona, extreme southwestern New Mexico and southward to Sinaloa in western Mexico.

+ Yamamoto did not notice another thing about the Coral Sea battle.

+ Scuba divingScuba divers can explore many wrecks and coral reefs in shallow water with nearly unlimited visibility.

+ The Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama met Malindi authorities in 1498 to sign a trade agreement and hire a guide for the voyage to India, when he erected a coral pillar.

+ The four are contiguous, though separated by water, and are surrounded by a common coral reef.

+ It was the combined effects of the battles of the Coral Sea and Midway that reduced Japan’s ability to do major attacks.

+ One of the most important effects of the Coral Sea battle was the loss of.

+ The latter group profits from the gained manoeuvrability that is needed when living in coral reefs for example.

+ Japanese naval forces were weakened at both the Coral Sea and Midway battles, which allowed the Allies to defeat them.

+ These fish usually stay near the top of the water around sea grass and coral reefs.

+ The only settlement on Southampton Island is Coral Harbour pop.

+ The coral weakens the algal cell walls, and digests about 80% of the food synthesised by the algae.

+ Once in the Coral Sea, the carriers were to provide airplanes for the invasion forces, destroy Allied airplanes at Port Moresby, and destroy any Allied naval forces in the Coral Sea.

+ NWF seeks to educate people of all ages by publishing a variety of wildlife magazines, including “Wild Animal Baby”, “Your Big Backyard”, “Ranger Rick”, and “National Wildlife Magazine”, and by the “Backyard Habitat” series on Discovery’s Animal Planet along with IMAX films, such as Coral Reef Adventure, India: Kingdom of the Tiger, Bears, Wolves, and Dolphins.

+ This is the second-largest coral reef system in the world.

+ The Americans would have three carriers at Midway, because “Yorktown” could still sail, even with the damage from Coral Sea.

+ Pinecone fishes live in ledges and caves, rocky and coral reefs over a hard bottom.

+ It is mostly seen in shallow lagoons and coral reefs where its food is.

+ It is made up of nearly 2900 coral reefs and over 600 islands.

+ In the end, the land is gone, and only the coral reef continues to grow until it becomes an atoll, a group of islands shaped like a doughnut.

+ The sea slugs graze on coral, and are the same colour as the coral they graze.

+ This included placid lagoons which had limited access to the open sea because they were surrounded by coral reefs.

+ Ningaloo has about 200 species of hard coral and 50 species of soft coral.

+ It lives on coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific.

+ The islands made on coral reefs are smaller, and fewer people can live on them.

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