“potent” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “potent”:

– It is believed that this is achieved by limiting the essential amino acid leucine, a potent activator of mTOR.

– Black Elderberry has a more potent antiviral effect than Echinacea.

– The snake’s resistance to the toxin has resulted in a selective pressure that favours newts which produce more potent levels of toxin.

– Italian varieties are slightly more potent than Spanish, while the most intense varieties tend to be Iranian in origin.

– Some have venom potent enough to cause painful injury or death to humans.

– Fentanyl is often sought out by recreational users of less potent opioids like Vicodin or heroin who have already built up a tolerance to their drug of choice and are seeking a new way to experience the euphoric high associated with this class of intoxicants.

potent some example sentences
potent some example sentences

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