“deposit” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “deposit”:

– Males deposit sperm packages rather than fertilising the female internally.

– Males bump a female to initiate mating, and then deposit a spermatophore on the lake bottom.

– A numerical age for the Messel fossil deposit derived from 40Ar/39Ar dating on a basaltic rock fragment.

– The Kimmeridge clay Formation formation is a sedimentary deposit of marine clay and mudstones.

– Some loans require a deposit while some do not.

– Research on the deposit may fund internal conflict in Myanmar.

deposit - some sentence examples
deposit – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “deposit”:

– Some wasps deposit their eggs in wood so that the young wasp larvae will feed on the tree itself, making circular tunnels through the wood as they feed, until they pupate and crawl out of the tree as adult wasps.

– The giant Norilsk nickel-copper-palladium deposit formed within the magma flows in the main Siberian Traps.

– The cells deposit tannins and resins which block up the damaged area.

– These deposit chalky mounds up to 100 metres wide.

– These clays were deposited in the past by low-velocity streams which tend to deposit fine-grained sediment.

– The container deposit charged for a deposit bottle may be a fee to “buy” the bottle, separately from the fee to buy what it contains.

– Wanda discovers the key to the safe deposit box containing the diamonds in Ken’s fish tank.

– There is a rich iron ore deposit in the Orinoco delta.

– The Arc of Cordoba is an important symbol in the Southeast, deposit on Route 9 national.

– The glands deposit sebum on each hair, and bring it to the skin surface along the hair shaft.

– All species are benthic, and either deposit feeders or suspension feeders.

- Some wasps deposit their eggs in wood so that the young wasp larvae will feed on the tree itself, making circular tunnels through the wood as they feed, until they pupate and crawl out of the tree as adult wasps.

- The giant Norilsk nickel-copper-palladium deposit formed within the magma flows in the main Siberian Traps.

– She found out that Cynthia’s will was missing and that Randy Roth was the last person to open the safe deposit box where it had been.

– While an individual animal’s deposit of feces will not measurably affect the environment, the cumulative effect of thousands of dogs and cats in a metropolitan area creates serious problems due to contamination of soil and water supplies.

– Cementation occurs when dissolved mineral components deposit in the interstices of sediments.

– Fort Deposit is a town in the U.S.

– The deposit is usually higher than the monthly contribution towards the loan.

– The city is nicknamed Egoli or Jozi, which means “”place of gold””, for the large gold deposit at Witwatersrand.

– Also there is a marble deposit in the town.

– When a drop of water flows down the stalactite, the water evaporates and leaves a mineral deposit of calcite.

– Fine ash can deposit over large areas.

More in-sentence examples of “deposit”:

– S198 Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 It has had rights of legal deposit for books since the 17th century.

– The mobile forms tend to have well-developed sense organs and jaws, while the stationary forms lack them, but may have specialized gills or tentacles used for respiration and deposit or filter feeding., fanworms.

– A certificate of deposit says someone has money in a bank.

– In 2004, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation issued an order barring De La Fuente from participating in an FDIC-insured institution.

– The other major types of deposit account are the transactional account, money market account and time deposit.

– After this, the male leads the female around until it finds a suitable spot to deposit its spermatophore.

– It provides various deposit and loan products to small and medium enterprises, craftspeople, franchisees, and franchisers; savings collection and management, credit, payment, and wealth management services; and real estate financing and corporate banking services.

– Some time before 1565, an enormous deposit of graphite was discovered in Borrowdale, Cumbria.

– An alluvial fan is a fan-shaped deposit of soil and rocks.

– When a Federal Reserve Bank receives a cash deposit from a bank, it checks the individual notes to determine whether they are fit for future circulation.

– Fossils of “Shonisaurus” were first found in a large deposit in Nevada in 1920.

– The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation aims to keep people’s money safe.

– It is most familiar as the deposit bottle – where one pays for the loan of the bottle at the same time as one purchases what is inside it.

– When the public’s demand for cash declines—after the holiday season, for example—banks find they have more cash than they need and they deposit the excess at the Fed.

– If the item is returned with damage the cost of repairing that damage may be charged against the deposit, and part of the deposit will be returned.

– Ranger Uranium Mine is a large uranium deposit in the Kakadu National Park.

– Banks also can use the money they have from deposit accounts to invest in businesses in order to make more money.

– In the 1950s Moab became the so-called “Uranium Capital of the World” after geologist Charles Steen found a rich deposit of uranium ore south of the city.

– The largest deposit of the mineral is under a large tree that the local Na’vi people have named “Hometree”.

– Many potentially toxic chemicals adhere to tiny particles which are then taken up by plankton and benthos animals, most of which are either deposit or filter feeders.

– Orkney and Shetland were given to Scotland as a deposit on the dowry of Margaret of Denmark, Queen of ScotlandMargaret of Denmark when she married James III of Scotland in 1469.

– Then they insert one or more eggs into the host or deposit them upon the host externally.

– It is one of six legal deposit libraries for works published in the United Kingdom Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 and under Irish Law it is entitled to request a copy of each book published in the Republic of Ireland.

– The cassiterite is normally found downstream of the cassiterite deposit when it is by a stream or river.

- S198 Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 It has had rights of legal deposit for books since the 17th century.

- The mobile forms tend to have well-developed sense organs and jaws, while the stationary forms lack them, but may have specialized gills or tentacles used for respiration and deposit or filter feeding., fanworms.
- A certificate of deposit says someone has money in a bank.

– He narrowly beat future Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationFDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair in the Republican primary.

– He often entertained the tellers and other workers whenever he visited his local bank to make a deposit or withdrawal.

– There was a famous story of a lost gold Deposition deposit called Lasseter’s Reef.

– The subcommittee is in charge of overseeing all financial regulators, such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Federal Reserve.

– Due to it’s relatively small size and high value, bullion is often stolen in robberies and burglaries, as a result it is mainly stored in safes, some people who invest in bullion may choose to pay to have it stored in a safe deposit box at a local bank, rather then a safe in their own home.

– The deposit is an olistostrome, a very large underwater landslide possibly caused by an earthquake some time after 614 million years ago.

– The deposit is usually a fraction, typically a percentage, of the total amount that is loaned out.

– The deposit or down-payment is an amount of money that the borrower is required to pay, as the first contribution towards clearing the debt, so that the loan deal can be finalized.

– Sometimes the customers have to pay a small deposit when collecting a trolley.

– The British army reported 379 dead say it over 1000 dead.Home Political, Sept 1920, No 23, National Archive of India, New Delhi According to a Home Political Deposit report, the number was over 1,000, with more than 1,200 wounded.

– All the currents deposit the marine plants and garbage they carry into this sea.

– They then insert one or more eggs into the host or deposit them upon the host externally.

– It is a sealed road that runs for The highway is named after the Prospectingprospector Harold Bell Lasseter, who claimed to have discovered a rich gold deposit west of Kata Tjuṯa.

– It is mining in which soil and rock overlying the mineral deposit are removed.

– In an opinion published in “Le Figaro”, “Le Figaro”, 14th of November 2009 he advocated a separation between bank deposit and investment bank to regulate the financial system to prevent another financial crisis.

– In one family, the Trigonalidae, the female wasps deposit eggs into small pockets they cut into the edge of leaves with their ovipositor.

– One noted deposit of brazilianite is in the surroundings of Conselheiro Pena, in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

– Tides and wind deposit coral debris.

– The specimen was called the Taung Child, an australopithecusaustralopithecine infant discovered in a cave deposit being mined for concrete at Taung, South Africa.

– This in contrast with most other countries that have a legal deposit of publications.

– The “Victoria Mine” became the first gold deposit to be commercially mined in Australia.

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