“relations” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “relations”:

+ This is one of the things that the Sikh community does to improve relations and understanding between Sikhs and other communities.

+ He is a substitute for the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, a member of the Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council and a substitute for the Delegation to the European UnionEU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan and EU-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, and for relations with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia.

+ It is one of the main styles of international relationsinternational relations theory.

+ In 1973, Carr founded Carr Communications a public relations and communications training company, the first of its kind in Ireland.

+ In 2014, Qatar’s relations with Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates came to a boiling point over Qatar’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood and extremist groups in Syria.

+ From 1994 to 2002 Williams was head of a public relations company.

+ Vanuatu has also supported the independence of New Caledonia and East Timor, and it strongly supports the Free Papua Movement in western New Guinea., Government of Vanuatu, “Pacific Scoop”, 22 June 2010 Its relations with Indonesia have suffered because of this.

+ Mansfield married public relations professional Paul Mansfield in 1950.

relations - sentence examples
relations – sentence examples

Example sentences of “relations”:

+ It was through his studies in international relations that he came across economics for the first time.

+ See Armenia–Pakistan relations and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
+ He had good relations with U.S.

+ It was through his studies in international relations that he came across economics for the first time.

+ See Armenia–Pakistan relations and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

+ He had good relations with U.S.

+ Humane relations and mutual respect between individuals: man is to man a friend, a comrade, and a brother.

+ Ollongren studied economics and history at the University of Amsterdam, public administration at the École nationale d’administration in Paris and internal relations at Clingendael Institute in The Hague.

+ According to an article published in the 10 August 1996 issue of the “Cincinnati Post”, the childless Colbert left most of her estate, estimated at $3.5 million and including her Manhattan apartment and her home in Barbados, to a friend, Helen O’Hagan, a retired director of corporate relations at Saks Fifth Avenue, whom Colbert had met in 1961 on the set of “Parrish”, the actress’s last movie.

+ Mathematics has defined equivalence relations for some objects.

+ His works include also relations between east and west, philosophy and religion.

+ It was alleged that he had used his position as a spiritual leader to induce one of his female students to have sexual relations with him.

+ Jake receives the mission to form relations with the Na’vi.

+ Owing to the strategic rivalry, suspicion and tenuous relations between the People’s Republic of China and India since the 1962 war, India has slowly sought to develop better commercial and strategic cooperation with Taiwan even while ruling out the possibility of establishing diplomatic relations.

More in-sentence examples of “relations”:

+ For several years, Pakistan’s relations with the Republic of India had been gradually improving, which opened up Pakistan’s foreign policy to issues beyond security.

+ He had good relations with Pepin, who was king of the Franks.

+ Klein is currently a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and is a former Guggenheim Fellow.

+ In Pakistan, he is regarded as one of the right-hand men of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League and first governor-general of Pakistan, but stands largely a controversial figure due to his bad relations with Miss Fatima Jinnah an account of which has been published in Qudrat Shahab’s “Shahab Nama”.

+ The French aggression in the Spanish Netherlands caused relations between France and Holland to deteriorate.

+ Diplomatic relations were established on February 3rd, 1949.

+ The USA’s large Culturecultural, economic, and military influence has made the foreign policy of the United States, or relations with other countries, a topic in American politics, and the politics of many other countries.

+ Improved relations with the king made the Storting approve the money to finish the construction.

+ It seems that even after 1054 relations between the east and west were not completely unfriendly, and the common peasant was probably not immediately affected by the schism.

+ He served as the head of public relations for the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management.

+ Furthermore, the Pax Ludens Foundation based in the Netherlands is an organization that puts together conflict resolution simulations set in an International Relations scenario to help students learn about the intricacies of where conflict emerges in the world of international politics.

+ A corporation may also be a power network if it relies on many power relations to maintain itself – for instance, the right to draw oil from the ground or dump waste without being held responsible for it.

+ So a jūn zǐ is somebody who has managed to hold onto the gifts that Heaven has given him, the gifts that can make humans act with benevolence, be led by a sense of duty, want to act in ways that will keep good relations with others, and try to aid and protect people who are being treated unfairly.

+ The marriage was an idea to try and better relations between France and Spain after Louis XV had not married Mariana Victoria of Spain, María Teresa Rafaela’s older sister.

+ The makers of this movie have been asked to change the lyrics of a reference to Misr might prove detrimental to diplomatic relations with that country.

+ This means that Niue’s head of state is New Zealand’s Sovereigntysovereign in right, and most diplomatic relations are conducted by the latter on Niue’s behalf.

+ Lee Kuan Yew signed a separation agreement on 7 August 1965, which discussed Singapore’s post-separation relations with Malaysia in order to continue co-operation in areas such as trade and mutual defence.

+ Bush to the National Labor Relations Board and later served in that administration as the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights DivisionAssistant Attorney General for Civil Rights and Southern District of Florida.

+ Is that enough to be notable? Her work was that of a public relations type.

+ When, in 1053 Cerularius attempted friendly relations with Pope Leo IX after a disagreement, a bull was brought to Constantinople.

+ Articles about biography of a living person, technology or international relations change quickly with changed facts.

+ He was in charge of the Commission of the Holy See for Religious Relations with the Jews.

+ The United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations is a Standing committee standing committee of the United States Senate.

+ No country that is a member of the United Nations has recognized Liberland, although Liberland has opened official relations with Somaliland as well as other partially recognized and unrecognized states and micronations.

+ The civil war has resulted in over 2.5 million people being displaced, and the relations between Sudan and Chad are at a crisis.

+ For several years, Pakistan's relations with the Republic of India had been gradually improving, which opened up Pakistan's foreign policy to issues beyond security.

+ He had good relations with Pepin, who was king of the Franks.

+ As of a 2009 study by, a media relations measurement service, it is the fifth most-widely distributed daily newspaper in the United States, publishing and selling.

+ The Cook Islands and Niue have diplomatic relations with UN members respectively.

+ In category theory, relations play an important role in the Cartesian closed categories, which transform morphisms from tuples to morphisms of single elements.

+ Josip Juraj Strossmayer’s ideas, of which the most important one was – serving God equals to serving people, “Novak “, page XIV created close relations between Croats and Serbs by introducing the Old Slavonic language as the liturgy language of the Roman Catholic Church in the Balkans “Novak “, page 257: “Uvođenje starog slavenskog jezika u bogosluženje katoličkih Hrvata Strossmayer je punih pet decenija smatrao kao jedno od sredstava za zbližavanje zapadne s istočnom crkvom.

+ He invited Lindbergh to Mexico in order to help create good relations between that country and the United States.

+ The Council on Foreign Relations is a United States independent nonpartisan nonprofit organization, think tank, and publisher that was founded in 1921 and that is meant to help educate people about foreign affairs.

+ Very close relations were established with fascist Spanish “Blue Guard” veterans.

+ The ROC Foreign relations of Taiwan#Relations with international organizationsparticipates in international organizations under a variety of pseudonyms, most commonly “WTO it has full membership.

+ The Government of the United Kingdom declares that the Charter should extend to the “Isle of Man”, being a territory for whose international relations the Government of the United Kingdom is responsible.

+ He served as a Member of the Bundestag from 1957 to 1990, and as Federal Ministry for Displaced Persons, Refugees and War VictimsFederal Minister for Displaced Persons, Refugees and War Victims in the Federal Minister of Intra-German Relations in the Cabinet Kohl II from 1983 to 1987.

+ Qatar has mixed relations with its neighbors in the Persian Gulf region.

+ He holds a master’s degree in International Relations from Oxford Brookes University.

+ Sarah Heaney was called Sarah McCann before she married Patrick Heaney, and her relations worked to make cloth in the linen industry.

+ French merchants and trappers from Quebec would arrive at Fort Ouiatenon in search of beaver pelts and to take advantage of trade relations with the native Wea Native American tribes.

+ In 2011 she graduated in studies of international relations at London School of Economics and Political Science.

+ The relations with Commonwealth countries and colonies were handled by the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs.

+ As Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations rapidly grew worse, Saddam was getting different information about how the United States would respond to an invasion.

+ She was also vicedean of International Relations and Cooperation between 2002 and 2005.

+ He was formerly a member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority appointed by President Barack Obama.

+ Gillard removed the WorkChoices industrial relations laws introduced by the Howard government, and replaced it with the “Fair Work Bill”.

+ Questioning the various processes by which globalization or globalisation has favored rapid Anglo-cultural dominance over a more gradual, egalitarian evolution towards an inclusive world civilization, Meyjes argues for cultural policies that support “ecological” relations between local ethnocultural traditions, by protecting cultural specificity in the short term and allow as many cultural groups as possible to organically contribute to the whole.

+ He had treaties with the Holy Roman Emperors, Henry II, Holy Roman EmperorHenry II and Conrad II and good relations with the popes of his time.

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