Use the word “indicate”

How to use in-sentence of “indicate”:

+ An independent study by researchers with the Framingham Heart Study in Massachusetts, has turned up results which indicate that the consumption of diet soda correlates with increased metabolic syndrome.

+ The table here uses dB as units of sound to indicate consensus on hearing protection.

+ The NCAA found nothing that would indicate Auburn participated in a pay-for-play in recruiting Newton to become an Auburn student.

+ Thus, History in this definition takes on the meaning more akin to the sense of Historiography and is perhaps even more eclectic and appears to indicate a superset of political science and History as we use them today.

+ For example, in many sign languages, raised eyebrows indicate a question that has a “yes” or “no” answer.

+ These show Ramesses as a god, with Osiris, the god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life and vegetation, to indicate the everlasting nature of the pharaoh.

+ The Political colourcolors indicate the political party affiliation of each individual.

+ This template is used inline in article prose or in tables and lists to indicate that the text in the first parameter is in the Scots language.

Use the word indicate
Use the word indicate

Example sentences of “indicate”:

+ Otherwise, a minus sign “” is appended before the number to indicate that the number is a negative of another number.

+ The initial argument can be used to indicate a pronunciation prescript.

+ But an edit history that is clogged with experimental or “junk” edits may become confusing, and versions that fail to meet encyclopedic standards may in the long run have a negative effect, particularly if they are not marked with tags to indicate their temporary status.

+ It is used to indicate the number of chromosome sets in a cell.

+ Some decades ago a different symbol was used to indicate the stop sign.

+ Genetic analyses indicate that the Culicinae and Anophelinae clades may have diverged about 150 million years ago.

+ Otherwise, a minus sign "" is appended before the number to indicate that the number is a negative of another number.

+ The initial argument can be used to indicate a pronunciation prescript.

+ The words which indicate position are called prepositions.

+ It is supposed to indicate that this style was the original style described in a book on Natya by the sage Bharata, i.e.

+ Recent sources indicate that White scores about 54 to 56 percent.

+ Do not use the owner field to indicate top-level ownership if it differs from the direct parent.

More in-sentence examples of “indicate”:

+ Aburish indicate Cairo as Arafat's place of birth, but others list his birthplace as Jerusalem as well as Gaza.

+ Although only a few bones are known from the hind limb, they indicate that "Dromaeosaurus" was a powerfully built animal.

+ Aburish indicate Cairo as Arafat’s place of birth, but others list his birthplace as Jerusalem as well as Gaza.

+ Although only a few bones are known from the hind limb, they indicate that “Dromaeosaurus” was a powerfully built animal.

+ In contrast, Japanese and Korean can be written in phonetic scripts that do not indicate tone.

+ Because atoms and molecules are three-dimensional, it is difficult to use a single method to indicate orbitals and bonds.

+ The poorly-known remains of “Regnosaurus” from England, however, indicate it too could be a member.

+ Because the initial data are subject to revision, providing the access-date is useful to indicate the concurrency of the data.

+ It may also be done to indicate the accuracy of a computed number; for example, a quantity that was computed as 123,456, but is known to be accurate only to within a few hundred units, is better stated as “about 123,500”.

+ Note that square brackets indicate editorial replacements as well as editorial insertions.

+ The other is about a restaurant and doesn’t indicate notability.

+ If you indicate something different, that title will appear as a sub-title for both area and population sections.

+ It is the result of division by zero, or to indicate that a series is increasing without bound.

+ This base class is defined to be used in Device Descriptors to indicate that class information should be determined from the Interface Descriptors in the device.

+ This could indicate that the current revision has been deleted, the server is lagging, or that bad data has been received.

+ Most often, the tense of the verb will indicate this, but there may be other ways in which the statement is qualified: for example, by saying when the statement was true.

+ The D and S did not indicate “Double” or “Single”; there are D-series titles that are not “tête-bêche”, although none of the “tête-bêche” titles have an S serial number.

+ In some languages, diacritics are added to indicate things like vowel length.

+ Their results indicate that “Acanthostega” was adapted for what they call terrestrial-style feeding.

+ The “score” may indicate it’s simple enough, but unless people read the words and look at the structure, we’re not reviewing the article correctly.

+ The Aramaic alphabet contains 22 lettercharacters used mainly to indicate consonants.”Languages from the World of the Bible”, ed.

+ Coins, gold dust and nuggets were used until they considered replacing with something which would indicate them.

+ The above numbers might indicate that this discussion, might be able to close for now.

+ Fingering is the act of touching of the clitoris, vagina, vulva or anus for the purpose of sexual arousal and stimulation with the fingers, the slang for fingering is known fingerbanging and the word bang in fingerbang is used to mean the female will orgasm and has somewhat of an explosive sound whilst banging is to indicate the act of the intercourse.

+ Pressure on the cover sheet allowed voltage to flow between the X wires and the Y wires, which could be measured to indicate coordinates.

+ Templates use a colon to indicate the page number or location.

+ The bricks indicate an early settlement in the Hockenheim area.

+ The colors indicate the political party or party groups of each President at Election Day.

+ These bumps on bird wing bones show where feathers anchor, and their presence on “Velociraptor” indicate it too had feathers.Turner A.H.; Makovicky P.J.; Norell M.A.

+ The idiom is used rhetorically to indicate that a particular situation could be a cause for optimism.

+ It is also possible to prescribe an abdominal radiograph to indicate if there is a perforation.

+ Declensions may apply to nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and articles to indicate number.

+ This template is used on deletion request pages to indicate that the case is still being discussed.

+ The results indicate that they date between eight and one thousand years ago.

+ To indicate a deliberate typo in the wikicode of page.

+ Great white and golden cities of Oriental appearance at close intervals along these cliff-tops indicate distant bergs…

+ As per the religious census of 2011, Ramanathapuram had 79.00% Hindus, 19.71% Muslims, 3.08% Christians, 0.01% Sikhs, 0.79% following other religions and 0.01% following no religion or did not indicate any religious preference.

+ Oral stories and birch bark scrolls seem to indicate that they were found in the ground, and/or washed up on the shores of lakes or rivers.

+ If the song is not in English, indicate the language.

+ If the term is already in parentheses, use “or” to indicate the acronym.

+ The facing of the sticks after being thrown indicate the movements of each team’s “mal”.

+ Pregnancy Categorisation has been previously declared using just the pregnancy_category parameter with a variety of markup styles used to indicate various countries and their classifications.

+ In order to designate the proper sequence of dits-and-dahs for a long special symbol, the standard practice is to list alphabetic characters which contain the same dits-and-dahs in the same order, with a bar atop the character sequence to indicate that there should not be any internal spaces in the transmission.

+ One plaque bears only a rank, “major general” and a date, “born 1740”,Arnold’s birth records indicate that he was born 3 January 1740.

+ Though the two terms are not etymologically or historically related, they serve similar purposes and indicate the universal importance of large fires.

+ For example, “For sale: “fresh” fish, “fresh” oysters”, could be construed to imply that “fresh” is not used with its everyday meaning, or indeed to indicate that the fish or oysters are anything but fresh.

+ Maritime flags indicate this with a single square red flag.

+ In undress uniform or on occasions when the medal ribbon alone is worn, a silver rosette is worn on the ribbon to indicate each bar.

+ The purpose of this template is to indicate that a span of text belongs to a particular language.

+ Therefore, any edits already made to that page at the time of the import will have lower revision numbers than the imported edits, even if their timestamps indicate they were made at a later time.

+ A badge is a device or patch which is displayed to indicate a special accomplishment or as a symbol of authority.

+ Quotation marks are also used to indicate that the writer realizes that a word is not being used in its current commonly accepted sense.

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