“encourage” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “encourage”:

– These are intended to encourage overtaking.

– Guidelines for the use of the flag have been relaxed in recent years to encourage greater usage.

– In global public opinion surveys there is strong support for promoting renewable sources such as solar power and wind power, requiring utilities to use more renewable energy, and providing tax incentives to encourage the development and use of such technologies.

– Firms exhibit the things they have made, hoping to encourage business.

– I also don’t really want to do a straight ban because I still think that they could be a valid resource to the project and whenever possible we want to try to encourage that.

– Give us our shop front as a sign of respect please, and consider this to be a sign that all major topics will have a project page where one is lacking, also as a sign of respect and to encourage its growth.

– I encourage those who are struggling with the reason DJSasso undid the requests to read.

– The accuser said Singer provided him with drugs and alcohol to encourage him to have sex on more than one occasion in 1999.

encourage use in-sentences
encourage use in-sentences

Example sentences of “encourage”:

– He was proud of his country, and tried to encourage French artists to stay in France instead of going off to Italy.

– Our goal is to provide space for the community to discuss all the aspects of these office actions that need to be discussed, and we want to ensure with your feedback that the consultation is presented in the best way to encourage frank and constructive conversation.

– In the United Kingdom enterprise zones were meant to make it easier for people living living there to start a business and to provide tax incentives to encourage locals to invest in them.

– If you have ideas for new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well.

– Moreover, with MTR stations being an integral part of the neighbourhood, the programme also provides opportunities to promote Hong Kong’s community art, encourage art appreciation among the public and give residents a feeling of home at the stations.

– We will encourage them to remain active beyond their assignments.

– Could I encourage people to visit T:TDYK? There is a need to fill up the next update template and there are DYK nominations that could use !voting on.

- He was proud of his country, and tried to encourage French artists to stay in France instead of going off to Italy.

- Our goal is to provide space for the community to discuss all the aspects of these office actions that need to be discussed, and we want to ensure with your feedback that the consultation is presented in the best way to encourage frank and constructive conversation.

– Addition of such a citation will encourage verification of the claim.

– Until we grow into a large encyclopedia with entries on all Core articles, we strongly encourage editors to focus on core articles, since these articles are of more general importance.

– Several editors have agreed to focus energy over a weekend on a specific topic to encourage collaboration.

– More recently, such Hoto culture has been promoted to encourage profit from tourism.

– There are other cases, where the respective group has supported mass suicide, but where it did not encourage all members to kill themselves.

More in-sentence examples of “encourage”:

– IUCN’s purpose is to influence, encourage and assist countries around the world to conserve the quality and diversity of nature.

– The song was written to encourage people to believe/imagine a world where everyone was equal and peaceful, without the separation of different religions, beliefs, races etc.

– They want to encourage art education.

– Condorcet methods tend to encourage the selection of broadly supported candidates who appeal to the median voter.

– I do appreciate your concern and assistance but I encourage you to remember that when you are able to see multiple administrators editing messages on this board tend to be counterproductive and just lead to more drama.

– Another one of their goals is to encourage “collaboration” between companies and people who use their products.

– Stowers had led an assault on German trenches, continuing to lead and encourage his men even after being twice wounded.

– He wrote these letters to encourage them, to help them understand Christian teaching, and to help them to live Christian lives.

– Fire-resistant seeds and reserve shoots that sprout after a fire encourage species preservation, as in ‘pioneer’ species that specialize in restarting ecological succession after a fire.

– It was an act “to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to encourage economic growth through reductions in individual income tax rates, the expensing of depreciable property, incentives for small businesses, and incentives for savings, and for other purposes”.

– In August 2008 a report by the right-leaning pressure group the Taxpayers’ Alliance, claimed that £15 billion was being wasted by the regional development agencies, quangos set up to encourage economic development in their regions.

– The league was set up to encourage the Irish culture, music, dances, and language.

– Plautus did not make up or encourage irreverence to the gods, but used the ideas of his time.

– She wrote a children’s book on astronomy to encourage young girls to study science.

– The main purpose of the Society is to encourage research and study of the history of the old colonial British Indian Army, although some study is also done on the present day Indian Army and Pakistan Army too.

– To encourage the respect, enjoyment and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, on the basis of the principles of universality, objectivity, impartiality and non-selectivity, avoiding politicization of human rights issues, thus ensuring that all human rights of individuals and peoples, including the right to development, are promoted and protected in a balanced manner.

– Such adaptations include physical protection against heat, increased growth after a fire event, and flammable materials that encourage fire and eliminate competition.

– I encourage you to reach out to a mentor such as Peterdownunder, and consult with him before making changes or even just asking general advise; you have been gone from simple due to this ban for some time, it will be best if you mentor with another user until such time you and the mentor believe you are ready to go at things solo.

– Some plants encourage the presence of natural enemies of herbivores, which in turn protect the plant.

– Some cows also encourage people to take care of Costa Rican nature and all the biodiversity that this small country has.

– The IWA publishes numerous reports on the research it carries out, and organises public seminars and conferences to encourage discussion and debate.

– Also, if an editor takes the responsibility upon themselves to attribute one or two articles for an infringing editor, aren’t they then responsible for all the non-attributed articles the infringer created? I’m perfectly willing to encourage new editors to attribute and, before I looked into this at the WMF, to attribute for them as an example.

– Drives often occur “within” the individual and may not need external stimuli to encourage the behaviour.

– When the opera begins, Paolo, the leader of the Plebeian party, persuades Pietro to encourage the plebeians to vote for Simon Boccanegra as the new doge of Genoa.

- IUCN's purpose is to influence, encourage and assist countries around the world to conserve the quality and diversity of nature.

- The song was written to encourage people to believe/imagine a world where everyone was equal and peaceful, without the separation of different religions, beliefs, races etc.

– This was the brutal method of executing “one man in ten” to encourage the others to fight harder.

– He contends that the controversy with Summers was indicative of the fact that “a market-driven technocratic culture has infiltrated university life, with the narrow pursuit of academic trophies and the business of generating income from grants and business partnerships taking precedence over the fundamental responsibility of nurturing young minds.” At the time, West had been focused on reaching wider audiences as part of his effort to encourage civic engagement—especially amongst youth—in the hope of revitalizing what he calls a deep democratic commitment that would counteract the encroaching political nihilism that he argues threatens the future of American democracy.

– Instead, Congress may use the promise of federal funds or special situations, such as national emergencies, to encourage the states to follow federal law.

– It is designed to encourage cooperation, coordination, and interaction among the Arctic states.

– First, it is awarded not only to recognize the valuable contributions of a mathematician but also to encourage him or her to continue their works.

– America was previously neutral, but German submarines kept sinking American ships sailing in British waters and even tried to encourage Mexico to invade the United States, which was the final straw for Wilson.

– The position is said to resemble a Nelumbolotus plant and to encourage proper breathing and to be helpful for physical stability.

– The purpose of a sermon is to give hope to the people who hear it, or to encourage them to do right things in their lives.

– This is to encourage breaking of world records.

– Don’t encourage SPAs to write articles on multiple wikis about a non-notable subject, in this case, a non-notable person.

– I would encourage people to come down, relax, have a beer or a soda and either take some time off of the discussion or come back to it with a total “no one did wrong we just want to figure out best practices” mindset.

– Monasteries should encourage the production of artworks.

– These theories try to explain how evolution has shaped psychological mechanisms, such as emotions, that encourage altruistic behaviour.Pat Barcaly.

– It hopes to “raise awareness of intangible cultural heritage, and encourage local communities to protect them and the local people who do these forms of cultural expressions”.

– Not really the best thing to have a list for; it could go on forever and might encourage people to write dictionary definitions for the words that don’t have articles.

– So, I hereby contest the deletion of this article and I encourage others to vote here too.

– Many urban areas offer subsidysubsidized public transportation to reduce commuting traffic, and encourage carpooling by providing designated high-occupancy vehicle lanes and lower tolls for cars with multiple riders.

– Pornography, defamation, harassment, commercials and videos that encourage criminal conduct may not be uploaded.

– If you have ideas for software, offline outreach, research, online community organizing, or other projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well.

– Euronymous was fascinated with Dead’s suicidal tendencies and would encourage Dead to kill himself often.

– Not only that, but human ecology is governed by mechanisms of positive feedback, defined as a mechanism which tends to encourage behavior rather than to discourage it.

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