“invasion” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “invasion”:

+ The Zou tribe successfully resisted the British invasion and have maintained their culture and indigenous customs.

+ The French invasion of Piedmont failed.

+ The invasion of Kuwait gave Iraq, with its own substantial oil fields, control of 20 percent of the Persian Gulf oil.

+ Set during the Invasion of Normandy in World War II, the movie is known for its graphic portrayal of war and for the intensity of its second scene of 24 minutes, a depiction of the Omaha Beach assault during the Normandy landings.

+ As the invasion of Germany started, Eisenhower had 90 divisions.

+ The Bay of Pigs Invasion was an attempt in 1961 to remove Fidel Castro from power in Cuba.

invasion use in sentences
invasion use in sentences

Example sentences of “invasion”:

+ During the Viking invasion of Britain, they set up their own kingdom in north-western England, which the Anglo-Saxons named the “Danelaw”, after the Danes who lived there and controlled the land.

+ Under the Parthian period, a kingdom of Elymais existed which survived until its extinction by Sassanid invasion in the early third century AD.

+ During his candidacy, Chafee criticized Hillary Clinton for her public support of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and her use of a private email server.

+ Under then-editor Piers Morgan, it opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and ran many front pages critical of the war.

+ He had largely built his military education beginning from the late 1970s and 1980s where he fought against the various splintering factions in the Lebanese Civil War, against Israel Defense ForcesIsraeli troops in the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and was a member of the Armenian guerrilla organization ASALA.

+ This time was called the British Invasion because so many British bands were successful.

+ During the Allied invasion of Sicily, in the Second World War, Allied forces moved past Sperlinga to envelop Nicosia, a few kilometres to the south.

+ On 6 February 1940, three months before the invasion of France, Rommel was given command of the 7th Panzer Division, for “”Fall Gelb” the Battle of Franceinvasion of France and the Low Countries.

+ This invasion was the first American attack on Japanese home territory.

+ Because of this, the German invasion in World War II was a great shock.

+ The Battle of Plataea was the final land battle during the second IranPersian invasion of Greece.

+ Madrid hosted the second largest rally with more than 1.5 million people protesting the invasion of Iraq; Mainland China was the only major region not to see any protests on that day, but small demonstrations, attended mainly by foreign students, were seen later.

+ Much later, after the invasion by the Danes, Leicester was within the area under Danish rule and one of the fortified “Five Burghs”.

+ It remained the cultural capital of Persia until the devastating Mongol invasion in the 13th century.

+ A message from Pearl Harbor told Fletcher that Japanese planned to land their troops at Port Moresby on 10 May and their carriers would be close to the invasion group.

+ He leads an alien invasion of Earth to get the Mind Stone from the robot superhero Vision by killing him.

+ In 43 AD, the Emperor Claudius sent an invasion force, Dio Cassius, “Roman history” led by Aulus Plautius, a distinguished senator.

+ Hitler ordered the invasion of Poland in 1939, and this started World War II.

+ Forty-six thousand British troops, one-third of the total strength of the British Army, were active to assist with the invasion of Iraq and after that British armed forces were responsible for security in southern Iraq in the time before the Iraqi elections of January 2005.

+ The Maroon Berets remained highly active in the Turkish Invasion of Cyprus in 1974 war.

+ During the Viking invasion of Britain, they set up their own kingdom in north-western England, which the Anglo-Saxons named the "Danelaw", after the Danes who lived there and controlled the land.

+ Under the Parthian period, a kingdom of Elymais existed which survived until its extinction by Sassanid invasion in the early third century AD.

More in-sentence examples of “invasion”:

+ Indeed Subroman Britain initially successfully fought the invasion of the anglosaxons from northern Germany and the Jutland peninsula, thanks to a mytical king named King Arthur.

+ Since he did not support the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakiainvasion of Czechoslovakia, he wrote samizdat poems.

+ Napoleon I wanted Dutch troops for his invasion of Russia.

+ The invasion theory is also not as accurate, because excavation and restoration work started with the temples, and palaces.

+ At that time an alien invasion threatens the whole world.

+ The Invasion storyline was presented with a backdrop of a McMahon feud.

+ The invasion was first stopped by the Romano-British.

+ It was built on the site of a Roman army supply base built during Claudian invasion in 43 AD.

+ Late on 6 May or early on 7 May, “Kamikawa Maru” set up a seaplane base in the Deboyne Islands to help the invasion forces as they approached Port Moresby.

+ The invasion started with the Allies crossing the Rhine River.

+ This was because of Radio Swan Radio Swan, which began broadcasting in May 1960 during preparation for, and during, the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba.

+ The next major Allied attack was the Allied invasion of Sicily.

+ There are a number of specific causes of action, including: contract-based actions, Statutory lawstatutory causes of action, battery, invasion of privacy and fraud.

+ The Allied invasion of Italy was the invasion of mainland Kingdom of Italy Italy by the Allies during World War II.

+ When the Second Continental Congress authorized an invasion of Quebec, in part on the urging of Arnold, he was passed over for command of the expedition.

+ In 1940, the Fallschirmjäger paratroops conquered the Belgian Fort Eben-Emael and took part in the airborne invasion of Norway, but after suffering heavy losses in the Battle of Crete, large scale airdrops were discontinued.

+ One of his plays, “The Persians”, was about the Persian invasion of Greece.

+ He had some of the best tutors to teach him various subjects like shooting, riding and swordsmanship and joined his father in the 1766 invasion of Malabar.

+ The invasion was very violent.

+ Once Normandy had been chosen as the site of the invasion, it was decided to attempt to trick the Germans into thinking it was a fake invasion and that the true invasion was to be elsewhere.

+ The defeat at Marathon was a decisive victory that marked the end of the first Persian invasion of Greece.

+ At the end of 1943, following the Allied invasion of Italy, Allied forces were stuck at the Gustav Line.

+ The invasion of Saipan was planned for June 15, 1944, with landings on Guam planned for June 18.

+ The invasion convoy, Gotō, and Kajioka moved east of Woodlark Island.

+ The Battle of Normandy was the beginning of the Allied invasion and liberation of Europe from Nazi Germany.

+ Indeed Subroman Britain initially successfully fought the invasion of the anglosaxons from northern Germany and the Jutland peninsula, thanks to a mytical king named King Arthur.

+ Since he did not support the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakiainvasion of Czechoslovakia, he wrote samizdat poems.
+ Napoleon I wanted Dutch troops for his invasion of Russia.

+ Second, the continued Soviet invasion of Korea and Manchuria would have led to Stalin’s premeditated oppressive occupation in Hokkaido.

+ William began his plans for invasion almost as soon as he received news of the events in England.

+ England has never been successfully invaded since the Norman invasion nearly 1000 years ago.

+ Much of the movie is set in “Pepperland”, an, escapes the invasion in a yellow submarine, and seeks help.

+ It commemorates Russia’s 1812 defense against Napoleon’s advancing Grande Armée at the Battle of Borodino, during the French invasion of Russia.

+ Early in September 1861, a home guard was organized in the town to protect it in case of invasion from Missouri.

+ A host is infected by an active invasion by the parasites.

+ He was the grandson of Hostus Hostilius, who had fought with Romulus and died during the Sabine invasion of Rome.

+ His government of Normandy as well as his failed invasion of England suggests that his military skills were little better than his political skills.

+ Eventually, a Roman invasion of North Africa made him return to Carthage.

+ Bush started the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

+ A prince at southern China was lucky to be the only one who was not taken by the Manchus, and after the invasion of northern China he succeeded the throne at Hangzhou.

+ After Harthacanute had settled the situation in Scandinavia he prepared an invasion of England to take over his kingdom.

+ Before sunset on September 27th, according to William of Poitiers, Duke William’s invasion fleet left for England.

+ In June 2001, the storyline got more intense as more WWF storylines ended to make room for the central Invasion storyline.

+ It based on the true story of 5 Australian news reporters working for Australian TV during the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in 1975.

+ The game has Multiplayer video gamemultiplayer like its prequel, but there is a new mechanic called Invasion Mode where players can play as demons and invade other players’ campaigns to kill them, though Id Software said that players allowing this feature in their own campaigns would be up to themselves.

+ During the Bay of Pigs Invasion on 17 April 1961, he was director of militia training and based at Managua near Havana.

+ He was made to quit after the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia.

+ Lee’s Maryland Campaign saw the first invasion of the Northern United StatesNorth by the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.

+ Having a baby would be a huge invasion to the body and should be a choice.

+ Droideka’s were sent but the two Jedi were able to escape to the planet below were they witnesses the invasion first hand.

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