In sentence examples of “linear”

How to use in-sentence of “linear”:

– Gō, which means hard, refers to closed hand techniques or straight linear attacks.

– Four structural concepts are central to any definition of bureaucracy: a well-defined division of administrative labor among persons and offices, a personnel system with consistent patterns of recruitment and stable linear careers, a hierarchy among offices, such that the authority and status are distributed among actors, and formal and informal networks that connect organizational actors to one another through flows of information and patterns of cooperation.

– For example, a linear molecule will have a bond angle of 180° because the two atoms bonded to the central atom of a molecule are separated at a maximum angle of 180° equally opposite to each other.

– Female capuchins have linear dominance hierarchies.

– For toy Feistel ciphers, it was observed that those with complex and well-designed key schedules can reach a uniform distribution for the probabilities of differentials and linear hulls faster than those with poorly-designed key schedules.

– Because of the linear growth with time, the mean anomaly makes calculating the time of flight between two points on the orbit very easy.

In sentence examples of linear
In sentence examples of linear

Example sentences of “linear”:

– Mowing the lawn can be thought of as a problem with linear complexity.

– Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra.

– This equation only works on a linear spring.

– That parallellogram’s area will be, seen as a linear map, will turn a cube in 3-dimensional space into a parallelepiped.

– On the other side of the augmented matrix are the constant terms each linear equation is equal to.

– In mathematics, a linear equation is a type of equation.

– The Simplex algorithm is an algorithm which is used to solve problems of Linear programming or linear optimization.

– Power functions behave differently from linear functions, because their exponent and slope vary.

– The four symbols in Linear A also resemble symbols on the bigger bronze axe.

– Looking at the information theory complexity, linear programming problems are simple, and can be solved efficiently using algorithms such as the interior point method.

– Out of boredom, I wrote a stub on Linear A, a currently undeciphered script used on Crete.

– Logistic regression can then model events better than linear regression, as it shows the probability for y being 1 for a given x value.

– Effectively, CEBAF is a linear accelerator, like SLAC at Stanford, that has been folded up to a tenth of its normal length.

– It acts as if it were a 7.8 mile long linear accelerator.

– A polypeptide is a single linear polymer chain of amino acids.

– However the exact relationship of the term “Ahhiyawa” to the Achaeans is hotly debated by scholars, even after the discovery that Mycenaean Linear B is an early form of Greek.

– The most common types of electronic filters are linear filters, regardless of other aspects of their design.

– The simplest type of data structure is a linear array.

- Mowing the lawn can be thought of as a problem with linear complexity.

- Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra.
- This equation only works on a linear spring.

More in-sentence examples of “linear”:

- They are usually linear or circular.

- The compound shows a trigonal bipyramidal pseudostructure or a linear real structure in VSEPR theory.

– They are usually linear or circular.

– The compound shows a trigonal bipyramidal pseudostructure or a linear real structure in VSEPR theory.

– A tensor of order two is a linear map that maps every vector into a vector.

– Although an infinite of the group are commonly used, as all other representations of the group can be described as a linear combination of the irreducible representations.

– The laboratory’s main research facility is the CEBAF accelerator, which consists of a polarized electron source and injector and a pair of 7/8 mile long superconducting RF linear accelerators.

– Vector spaces are important in an area of mathematics called linear algebra, an area which deals with linear functions.

– Two examples are linear equations.

– Simpson dispelled the myth that the evolution of the horse was a linear process culminating in the modern “Equus caballus”.

– Methods of conjugate gradients for solving linear systems.

Linear Algebra and Linear Operators in Engineering: With Applications in Mathematica®.

– The conjugate gradient method is one of the best linear equation solving method.

– Additionally, a linear index is not easy to share because the whole index needs to be “locked” when one user edits it, whereas one “branch” of a tree can be locked, leaving the other branches editable by other users.

– They also occur in the solutions of many linear differential equations, Cubic functioncubic equations, and Laplace’s equation in Cartesian coordinates.

– The linear combination of atomic orbitals or “LCAO” approximation for molecular orbitals was introduced in 1929 by Sir John Lennard-Jones.

– Another linear LED display lining the entire arena was also added between the suite and mezzanine levels.

– Numerical errors can occur in any kind of numerical computation including the area of numerical linear algebra.

– The ridge sits atop a geologic feature known as the Mid-Atlantic Rise which is a progressive bulge that runs the length of the Atlantic Ocean, with the ridge resting on the highest point of this linear bulge.

– This is similar in some ways to a grid network, where a linear or ring topology is used to connect systems in multiple directions.

– Zeeman’s main contributions to mathematics were in topology, particularly in knot theory, the Piecewise linear manifoldpiecewise linear category, and dynamical systems.

– The slope-intercept form of a linear function is.

– However, as the unit is squared, the order of magnitude difference between units doubles from their comparable linear units.

– The Lorentz transformations is a set of equations that describe a linear transformation between a stationary reference frame and a reference frame in constant velocity.

– Craig Harris of IGN said that the “Pokémon” RPG’s move to 3D “does a decent enough job” and is “a bit more linear and straightforward”.

– They are considered to be one of the most successful studies in numerical linear algebra.

– A daisy-chained network can take two basic forms: linear and ring.

– So a linear equation is a linear function only if it has exactly 2 variables.

– It is abbreviated as LBK and is also known as the Linear Band Ware, Linear Ware, Linear Ceramics or Incised Ware culture.

– A bearing is a device to permit fixed direction motion motion between two parts, typically rotation or linear movement.

– However, while theory clearly favors a non-linear approach, there are no obvious experimental implications for a linear vs.

– This only applies to linear systems.

– He quantified this trend, and in doing so invented linear regression analysis.

– In a linear equation, both terms have to be constant.

– The “t”-distribution plays a role in many widely used statistical analyses, including the Student’s t-testStudent’s “t”-test for assessing the statistical significance of the difference between two sample means, the construction of confidence intervals for the difference between two population means, and in linear regression analysis.

– A Nonlinear systemsystem of non-linear equations can often be approximated by a linear system, a helpful technique when making a mathematical model, computer model, or computer simulation of a relatively complex system.

– This is accomplished using differential equations, linear algebra, and other branches of math.

– A linear map can stretch and scale a volume, but it can also reflect it over an axis.

– It was originally limited to specific linear systems.

– It is a method used in linear regression.

– Synthetic division for linear denominators is also called division in Ruffini’s rule.

– The suggestions for comparison with Linear A and Phaistos Disc glyphs are due to Torsten Timm.

Linear programming or Linear optimisation is a field of mathematics that deals with finding optimal values or solutions that can be described with linear equations and inequalities.

– If aromatic, linear approaches use disrotatory motion while non-linear approaches use conrotatory motion.

– Logistic regression is an alternative method to use other than the simpler linear regression.

– Most notable were the Stanford Linear Accelerator, which sent particles in a straight line, the Brookhaven National Laboratory at SUNY Stoney Brook and the Cornell University synchrotron, which sent particles around in a circle to have the same magnets work on the particles many times.

– In which case, the determinant indicates the factor a region of, seen as a linear map, will turn a square in 2-dimensional space into a parallelogram.

– A linear spring is a spring that is only being pushed or pulled in one direction, such as left or right or up or down.

– The oldest texts written in Linear B date from about 1450 BC.

– The small molecule can approach in either a linear or non-linear way.

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