In sentence use of “body of”

How to use in-sentence of “body of”:

– A beating heart cadaver is the body of a dead person that has been connected to a medical ventilator.

– All waste water, in time, enters a body of water.

– It shows the Virgin Mary holding the body of her son, Jesus.

– The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association is the governing body of professional snooker and English billiards.

– This template is for use in a cast list in the body of an article.

– The primary meaning of stream is a body of water, confined within a bed and banks, and detectably flowing.

– The eggs stick to the undersides of rocks and to the bottom of the body of water.

– Much like a spider, the body of a Solifugid is separated into an opisthosoma.

In sentence use of body of
In sentence use of body of

Example sentences of “body of”:

- The federation is governed by the legislative body of the IIHF which is the General Congress along with the executive body, which is the Council.

- Kaplan, 198 The first page was an image of Whitman, Callow, 227 but he doesn't write his name until 500 lines into the body of the text.
- It is therefore a huge body of knowledge about the natural world.

– The federation is governed by the legislative body of the IIHF which is the General Congress along with the executive body, which is the Council.

– Kaplan, 198 The first page was an image of Whitman, Callow, 227 but he doesn’t write his name until 500 lines into the body of the text.

– It is therefore a huge body of knowledge about the natural world.

– The body of the sergeant protected Montgomery and took most of the enemy fire.

– The underclass is the segment of the population that occupies the lowest possible position in a social classclass hierarchy, below the core body of the working class.

– Students were known as “Aggies” but are now known as the “Spartans.” Currently, Michigan State University has the largest single campus student body of any university in the state of Michigan, and is one of the largest universities in the country.

– Decapitation or beheading is the act of cutting off the head from the rest of the body of a living thing.

– Like with other decapots, the body of the coconut crab is divided into a front section, which has 10 Leglegs, and an abdomen.

– To conform a standard, this should include “all” countries that are directly involved with the body of water’s ecology; this would include inflows, outflows, or physically contact the body of water.Countries are listed in unwikified form, without flags.

– It is a body of liquid composed mostly of methane, on Saturn’s largest moon Titan.

– Empoldering involves the use of a polder, a piece of land in a low-lying area that has been reclaimed from a body of water by building dikes and drainage canals.

– He had the body of a satyr.

– This is the mean time water spends in the body of water.

– The circumstances which cause the salinity of a body of water to differ include evaporation from its surface, precipitation on its surface, the freezing or melting of sea ice, the inflow of fresh river water, wind and wave movement that increase evaporation and the mixing of bodies of water of different salinities.

More in-sentence examples of “body of”:

– The curves are also claimed to show the body of a wriggling dragon.

– Though the five lakes have separate basins, they form a single, connected body of freshwater.

– If desired could be placed in-between so the template appears in the body of the text.

– In 1632 the body of Gustav II Adolf, King of the Swedish, was laid out in “Red Deer Inn” after he had been killed in the Battle of Lützen the 16 November 1632.

– The body of a Decapodadecapod crustacean, such as a crab, lobster, or prawn, is made up of twenty body segments.

– A sandbar, or shoal is a landform which is in or partly in a body of water.

– An algal bloom is an accumulation of algae or a rapid increase in their amount in a body of water.

– He had encephalitis After death, the body of the bear was a subject of further study at the Berlin Museum of Natural History.

– The Caspian sea is an endorheic body of water.

– The body of the dead baby can be buried or cremated.

– The Prime Minister of Ukraine is Ukraine’s head of government presiding over the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which is the highest body of the executive branch of the Ukrainian government.

– Rafting is an Sportoutdoor sport in which a person uses an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other body of water.

– It has the upper body of a human, but below the waist it has the body of a horse.

– They claimed that it was the body of Maria was missing, not Anastasia’s.

– So, Airbus used the body of the A340-200 and took the wings and engines of the A330-300.

– Use this template in the body of an article as a request for other editors to clarify text that is difficult to understand.

– The body of World War I’s Unknown Soldier was received here.

– Azerbaijan Basketball Federation, also known as ABF, is the national governing body of basketball in Azerbaijan.

– Diggs’s poems truly work the whole body of the poem, the whole body of sound, the whole body of history, the whole body of voice and ear, the whole body of language and the ability of the page to be its own sonic syntax; they articulate and rotate joints that seemed fixed; they are bawdy and triumphant and they more than work.

– Generally, commentary about the composition, techniques used, etc., should be included in the main body of the article and not in the infobox.

– People mostly use heat engines where the heat comes from a fire that expands a working fluid and the heat sink is either a body of water or the atmosphere as in a cooling tower.

– In general, worship for the Eastern churches and for the Catholic and Anglican churches in the West is centered in regular celebration of the Lord’s Supper, celebrated by a priest with more or less participation from the whole body of believers that are there.

– Even though lobsters and shrimps can swim a bit, they usually walk along the bottom of the body of water in which they live.

– The Women’s Tennis Association, formed in 1973 by Billie Jean King, is the main organizing body of women’s professional tennis.

– The Adriatic Sea is a body of water and is a part of the Mediterranean Sea.

- The curves are also claimed to show the body of a wriggling dragon.

- Though the five lakes have separate basins, they form a single, connected body of freshwater.

– These devices can be worn on the body of a worker to record the level of sound they hear throughout their whole work day as they move to different areas of the workplace.

– A tsunami normally occurs in the Pacific Ocean, especially in what is called the ring of fire, but can occur in any large body of water.

– The Ministry is the central body of executive power, the activities of which are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

– Sometimes it is not clear where land ends and a body of water begins.

– Their body was segmented: there is a large central furrow, and smaller ones around the body of the organism.

– For example, after he dissected the body of a black man, Malpighi made some groundbreaking headway into the origin of black skin.

– A peninsula is a region of land that sticks out in a body of water.

– The body of the pubis forms one-fifth of the acetabulum, the area around the hip socket.

– On 24 August 1914 at Audregnies, Belgium, Captain Grenfell rode with the regiment in a charge against a large body of unbroken German infantry.

– The point at which a stream empties into an ocean or other large body of relatively level water is termed the mouth.

– This causes the boundary layer over the body of the airplane to grow.

– Try to place the full reference in the body of the article and use only the reference names in the Infobox.

– The remaining “Troodon” starts eating the dead body of its companion.

– Shipwrecks are found either beached on land or sunken to the seabed of a body of water.

– The East Bengal Legislative Assembly was the law-making body of the province of East Bengal.

– A glacier is a large body of ice and snow.

– The Tyndale Bible generally refers to the body of Bible translationsbiblical translations by William Tyndale.

– In December 2005, the Melbourne Aquarium in Australia got the intact body of a giant squid, preserved in a giant block of ice.

– All they found was one skeleton that might have been the body of one of the Englishmen.

– So the townspeople go to the cave where they find the dead body of Injun Joe.

– A nearby rocky promontory is the body of the canoe’s captain.

– They are organized according to what body of water they drain into, with the exceptions of Sicily and Sardinia, which are listed separately.

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