“conform to” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “conform to”:

+ In other data warehouse modeling schemes, the data warehouse generally stores “a single version of the truth”, data that does not conform to the business rules is removed.

+ When built, it needed permission because it did not conform to regulations.

+ On Camazotz, all objects and places appear exactly alike because the whole planet must conform to the terrifying rhythmic pulsation of IT, a giant disembodied brain.

+ This category contains articles that may have a promotional tone and need editing to conform to the neutral point-of-view policy.

+ Therefore, they changed their answers to conform to the group.

conform to use in-sentences
conform to use in-sentences

Example sentences of “conform to”:

+ However, the weather patterns of Maldives do not always conform to the monsoon patterns of South Asia.

+ Emperor Wilhelm II had already left in a huff, as the Leipzig citizens did not conform to Prussian Imperial ideology.

+ But this does not conform to the Manual of Style for date display and wikilinking.

+ To be “merchantable”, the goods must reasonably conform to an ordinary buyer’s expectations, i.e., they are what they say they are.

+ However, there is no requirement that browsers “must” conform to this standard, and so templates that code in en spaces “may” not display uniformly across all browsers.

+ Article 6 of the United States Constitution states this principle: “The Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof … shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” All laws, passed either by Congress or by state legislatures, must conform to the supreme law—the Constitution.

+ He might feel like he has to normatively conform to the group so that he will not be the only one to stand out.

+ If archive subpages do not conform to this convention, they can be renamed to conform, or a manual list can be maintained.

+ In more recent years, alternative rock, such as the music of Nirvana Nirvana, has managed to maintain popularity in the mainstream conform to mainstream standards.

+ People will conform to be liked or to be a part of a group.

+ However, the weather patterns of Maldives do not always conform to the monsoon patterns of South Asia.

+ Emperor Wilhelm II had already left in a huff, as the Leipzig citizens did not conform to Prussian Imperial ideology.

+ As with other wiki pages, anyone can help with tidying up discussions, to conform to the editing conventions.

+ Two questions really: why did this happen? Secondly: having done what I have shall I leave it or should I change the title to conform to enwiki title? Indeed, will I be able to move it? Thanks in advance.

+ In this book, Sartre said that when people tried too hard to conform to the rules of society, then people did not really make their own decisions.

+ The residents of a street of terraced houses decide to paint them all in the colours of their local football team – all except one man who refuses to conform to mob rule.

+ This might lead him to conform to the others informationally because he accepts their answers as right and does not want to be wrong.

+ Thinking of gender in this way can lead to a society with strict gender roles that are in place for a long time to think that those are natural or biological roles that each option has to conform to at birth.

+ Bokeh also takes on the shape of the aperture which the light passes through, making most bokeh circular in shape, which also means a lens “mask” made of black paper that has a certain shape cut into it can be placed over a camera lens to make the bokeh shape conform to that of the shape cut into the paper.

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