“assume” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “assume”:

+ The 1960 edition of his memoirs contains a publisher’s note drawing attention to that broadcast, and stating that in the publisher’s view the reader might assume from Montgomery’s text that Auchinleck had been planning to retreat and pointing out that this was in fact not the case.

+ History since it documents change over time, is often used as a means of arguing in political economy, and often historical works have a framework of political economy which they assume or argue as the basis for the narrative structure.

+ Fortunately, after discussing it with them, I’m excited to nominate enfcer to assume a new role.

+ We should always assume good faith since no one understands the motives of someone who posts a question.

+ They later hear crackling sounds in the darkness that seem to be coming from all directions and assume the noises are from animals or locals following them.

assume - some sentence examples
assume – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “assume”:

+ They assume that we have data and that we interpret the data.

+ Normally I do not try to start pontential controversies-in-making but Icek863 is making it hard for me to assume good faith in helping him.

+ Therefore, we can assume that the entire lead content of the zircon is radiogenic.

+ The typical reaction is to assume the elevation is incorrect and in fact the user can find reliable documentation based on the Sea Level Datum of 1929 to support their assumption.

+ Mathematicians have different sizes of infinity and three different kinds of infinity.To simply, we will assume several axioms like the Axiom of Choice and the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis.

+ I think BCE and CE are even more pov terms, because they assume that dating years from Christ is or should be “Common Era” to all countries, even the ones that have different dating systems.

+ I assume “ICT” refers to information and communications technology, but I can’t see anything worth merging.

+ The umpire must assume that the ball would have continued on the same trajectory after striking the batter, even if it would have bounced before hitting the stumps.

+ Let us assume for an instant, that we are not talking about women writers, but say “presidents of a country”, or “monarchs” of a country.

+ We assume good faith – mistakes are occasionally made, and newcomers may not understand the change conflict window.

+ The reason the upper-level courses are so difficult, so hard to understand, is that they assume the person already knows, perhaps, 1,000 technical terms learned in earlier college courses.

+ We ourselves assume that others have consciousness, but this is notoriously difficult to prove.

+ There’s actually a fascinating lesson in filmmaking, because everything that they did reflects back to the script or looks like something from the script, and people assume that, if I hated it, then they’d changed the script…

+ They assume that we have data and that we interpret the data.

+ Normally I do not try to start pontential controversies-in-making but Icek863 is making it hard for me to assume good faith in helping him.

More in-sentence examples of “assume”:

+ However, let us assume that his judgenment was right, and his reaction adequate.

+ I assume there may be some in Arabic, but there are none on the page to use and nothing reliable available online in English.

+ However, let us assume that his judgenment was right, and his reaction adequate.

+ I assume there may be some in Arabic, but there are none on the page to use and nothing reliable available online in English.

+ Perhaps suitable for Hazard, whom I assume you had in mind when writing it.

+ If it is possible for Monobook to be kept as default, would the community be willing to keep Monobook? Wikinews put their default as Vector several months ago, so I assume requests are considered.

+ Since the Vice President was not physically present in Washington D.C., Secretary Haig thought that, as Secretary of State, he was to meant to assume command.

+ He moved to London to assume the post of Inspector of Weights.

+ He is also of age and willing to assume this role, given the communities acceptance.

+ Well, assume now that “p” does not divide “a”.

+ Do not assume that your reader knows the acronym or abbreviation you are using.

+ They assume that people reading a Hebrew calendar know the sundown rule.

+ I assume that Blockinblox, the user reverting my edits, will start the discussion, but he doesn’t, so I do, and here we are now.

+ Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

+ Following the 2011 election defeat, Holness served as Leader of the opposition from 6 January 2012 to 3 March 2016, when he once again assume the Position of Prime minister.

+ Some historians assume that there was a race between the minute German Uranium project and the huge American Manhattan project.

+ If the file does not exist, Web robots assume that they can see all parts of the site.

+ Since neither of them has edited since they have retired about a month ago, I think it would be safe to assume that they aren’t going to be coming back.

+ Although no images from within Jupiter’s atmosphere have ever been taken, artistic representations typically assume that the planet’s sky is blue, though dimmer than Earth’s, because the sunlight there is on average 27 times fainter, at least in the upper reaches of the atmosphere.

+ When you go to delete a page, you are given a warning to check the page history, so I will have to assume that people pay attention to that warning and check it out.

+ So I assume it’s a hoax.

+ Some assume Béarnaise refers to the Béarn region, a former province now in the departments of France”département” of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, in southwestern Franceto refer to the region of Béarn However, the sauce has no tradition in the cooking of the area, and Larousse has the name honouring Henri IV of France, a native of Béarn, and for whom the restaurant where the sauce was first shown was named.

+ So, anyone reading the log book would assume that the repair was done correctly and that the workers had cut out the damaged section and replaced it.

+ The templates assume that the last field is the year.

+ We may bring that experience to the world of atomic-sized phenomena and incorrectly assume that if we measure the position of something like an electron as it moves along its trajectory it will continue to move along that same trajectory, which we imagine we can then accurately detect in the next few moments.

+ I assume bad faith many’s the time, and I am informed that it needs to change, and that I need to work on that.

+ We can therefore safely assume that he is not a re-incarnation of Kimberley Ashton.

+ Before this theory was made, other expectation theories basically assume that people irrationally think sometimes making decision based on the past facts or falling into the illusion.

+ Some authors assume that the wool, the artistic conception, as well as the workmanship, may have been provided by Armenians of the Near East; The rug itself is considered as a Sakic funeral accessory.

+ The Hyde personality is apparently killed when he is shot with multiple bullets and then manages to avoid ‘sharing the damage’ by taking the wounds onto himself while allowing Tom to assume his undamaged, healthy form, leaving Doctor Jackman as the only personality.

+ Gregor Von Görög, Chef to the Royal family at Buckingham Palace, was quick to assume this form of service, and soon all ‘High Society’ was adopting ‘Russian-style’ service.

+ As a result there are two libraries in Germany, which assume the duties and function of a national library for the later GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany, respectively.

+ These can be hard to recognize, partly because we assume all settlements to be notable and we don’t require much info in the article.

+ A Leshy is male and human in shape and can assume any form.

+ I assume he got that position for what he did here.

+ Each device is either active or passive; some can assume both roles.

+ However, if we assume the smaller specimen was a juvenile, then there are other slightly smaller species.

+ I assume that I want my username to be changed from Classic Big Mac to RenameMan.

+ Supporters of design assume that natural objects and man-made objects have similar properties, therefore both must be designed.

+ I assume the most wanted list is bot-created.

+ Otherwise, I believe we should assume “Silence equals consent” as described on Consensus Policy.

+ Though these studies did not test social cognitive theory directly, but instead drew from its concepts to assume how it would explain the effect acknowledged in their study.

+ This means that chemists assume the chance of an electron being at any point in the molecule is the sum of the probabilities of the electron being there based on the individual atomic orbitals.

+ Patrick Achi has been acting prime minister since 8 March 2021 to assume the duties of Hamed Bakayoko, who died on 10 March 2021.

+ Courts should assume that the legislature did not mean to give a power unless that power was clearly spelled out in a law.

+ The event emptied many ecological niches, and allowed the dinosaurs to assume the dominant roles in the Jurassic period.

+ That may be preferable since other templates and tools also assume that the sandbox uses that name, such as.

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