In sentence examples of “unused”

How to use in-sentence of “unused”:

+ Please unused parameters, and refrain from inserting dubious trivia in an attempt to fill all parameters.

+ However, the unused nitrogen and hydrogen is recycled.

+ Rationale for deletion: unused and unneeded template.

+ I am not sure if we should comment out red links from unused user subpages.

+ The revision also had some unused sound files in test mode and had a different background music compared to the newer revision.

+ A “key innovation” is a Trait trait which allows a clade to exploit a previously unused or under-used resource.

+ This is an unused category other than one inactive since 2007.

In sentence examples of unused
In sentence examples of unused

Example sentences of “unused”:

+ However, this usage means that cheap handcuffs are used in times where steel ones would normally be unused for long times.

+ Short circuits are circuits that get back to the power source unused or with the same power as put out.
+ For comparison, Clarke Quay station, which is the second most unused station, already had more than 6,000 passenger trips each day.

+ However, this usage means that cheap handcuffs are used in times where steel ones would normally be unused for long times.

+ Short circuits are circuits that get back to the power source unused or with the same power as put out.

+ For comparison, Clarke Quay station, which is the second most unused station, already had more than 6,000 passenger trips each day.

+ He decided that a vast area of unused Stanford land was perfect for real estate development, and set up a program to encourage students to stay in the area by enabling them to easily find venture capital.

+ Any unused fields may be left out.

+ It was built on an unused area that was at one time the old town market.

+ She is “handsome, graceful, sprightly, and highly accomplished.” She has good skills, but is unused to thinking for herself, for her aunt orders her to do everything.

+ Unknown to them the unused word gives their minds a subtle bias.

+ He was an unused substitute at the 1998 World Cup.

+ All parameters except name are optional; any unused parameters should be left blank or omitted.

+ For what it’s worth, the matching template on enwiki was a redirect to template and was deleted as an unused redirect.

More in-sentence examples of “unused”:

+ An unused organ usually degenerates, and becomes smaller or vanishes altogether.

+ Any unused parameters should be omitted, but can also be left blank if preferred.

+ Delete unused parameters.

+ I see we are getting a number of unused templates for deletion discussion.

+ Satellite manufacturers must demonstrate that their satellite can safely destroy itself or boost itself into a higher or lower orbit, known as a graveyard orbit, to avoid keeping unused satellites in common orbits for other satellites.

+ This law allowed Aboriginal communities to claim ownership of unused land, and to be granted freehold title to that land if they could show that they had a historical association with it.

+ From 2007 to 2011, presidential $1 coins were minted for circulation in large numbers, resulting in a large stockpile of unused $1 coins.

+ I turned in my permissions several months ago because I knew I wouldn’t be able to edit much because of some health issues I’ve been dealing with, and I don’t think those should just be sitting around unused for site security purposes.

+ Alternate ending is a term used to describe the ending of a story that was planned or debated but ultimately unused in favor of the actual ending.

+ The Normans built a small castle there but it was unused and broken by the time of the Tudors.

+ This infobox may be added to an article by copy-pasting the code below at the start of the article, completing it and then grouping those parameters left unused together.

+ Include all unused fields within “commented out” section for future use.

+ We should either delete the unused category or create a new template so that both are used.

+ The 1500 unused hand-built Cosworth Vega engines were simply scrapped for lack of demand.

+ An outtake from the recording sessions, “Walking Through the Park”, appeared on the 2004 Legacy Recordings reissue CD, while several more unused tracks appeared on “King Bee” in 1981.

+ Bacteria are everywhere, and foods left unused too long will often get large amounts of bacterial living in them.

+ All unused fuel lines were drained.

+ Please delete any unused fields to avoid clutter in the edit window.

+ In 1953 London Transport used the tramway to store 120 unused buses and coaches.

+ All fields are optional, and any unused fields should be removed; if omitted, the name will be inferred from the page title.

+ However, use of the extension is a separate discussion and you don’t have to agree with that to agree with removing these unused categories and templates.

+ In addition to building the dummies he uses in his act, Dunham also restores antique ones as a hobby, such as The Umpire, a mechanized dummy built in 1941 to work the plate at a girl’s softball game, but which went unused and packed away for 50 years, before Dunham acquired it in early 2008.

+ If racks have empty space that it is not used then extra heat is being released into data center’s airflow in order to “fill in” this unused space.The use of blanking panels can prevent the hot air from being transmitted in the data center’s airflow.

+ The “N64” received no redesigns of any kind and the GameCube had a small revision which lacked the unused Serial Port 2 and the unpopular Digital AV Out port.

+ An unused organ usually degenerates, and becomes smaller or vanishes altogether.

+ Any unused parameters should be omitted, but can also be left blank if preferred.

+ This is usually done by putting many tents, and a few toilets and showers on an unused plot of land.

+ The Chicago Sun-Times, the last railroad customer to the east of the bridge, moved their printing plant out of downtown Chicago in 2000, and the bridge has been unused since.

+ He still had a number of unused chassis numbers for cars designed to be built in 1965.

+ In 1998 the central courtyard, which had been unused before, was turned into the Great Court with the Reading Room at its centre.

+ The decay of unused features is discussed in vestigial organ.

+ Recycling plants are currently operating in Japan, where there is about 300,000 tons of rare earths in unused electronics.

+ RCA has been recognized by the International Federation of Accountants as a ““sophisticated approach at the upper levels of the continuum of costing techniques”” because it provides the ability to derive costs directly from operational resource data or to isolate and measure unused capacity costs.

+ It was on unused bases for the Royal Air Force.

+ Transwiki and Importers are unused flags which give permissions on.

+ So it remained unused for 10 years,until the roads were finally built.

+ Relying on technical experts, the story reports that Gabe was exonerated by the Queensland Court of Appeal of murder but convicted of failing to comply with a previously unused and little-known part of the Queensland Penal Code.

+ The intended alignment of the unbuilt tracks can be seen from the width of the unused railway land south of the existing tracks.

+ There are two different kinds of banana paper: paper made from the bark, and paper made from the fibre and from unused fruits.

+ When light is shone through the photomask, certain parts where the light hits the unused circuit board are strengthened, much like what toothpaste does to the hard surfaces your teeth.

+ Any unused parameter names can be left blank or omitted.

+ In the first days of November 1968, Manson established the Family at alternative headquarters near Death Valley, where they occupied two unused or little-used ranches.

+ Empty salt mines are used very often as a storage area, for example, for unused radioactive elements.

+ A hotel maid had discovered that a hotel room had stood unused for several days.

+ I deleted Python and all related files from my computer, so the bot is basically just an unused account that does absolutely nothing.

+ It remains unused since 2009.

+ Gadgets are currently unused and there are no pages in any of the given namespaces.

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