“practical” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “practical”:

+ This was the first practical step taken to make sure each player had the same total thinking time available.

+ For all practical purposes the only simple word to use is “touching” and with the proviso about points, that will have to do.

+ Sales are more practical than theoretical.

+ Afazali’s tactical vision and practical savvy did not go unnoticed.

+ On this day, practical jokes are played on friends and family.

+ He was a lead authority on the Political theory and Practical Pan-Africanism.

practical use in sentences
practical use in sentences

Example sentences of “practical”:

+ Geometry is one of the practical sections of mathematics which involves various shapes and sizes of different figures and their properties.

+ The focal point of 4-H has been the idea of practical and hands-on learning, which came from the desire to make public school education more connected to rural life.

+ Within the grounds was a smaller structure, Swiss Cottage, which was where the royal children played and learned practical skills, such as cooking and farming.

+ The movie made extensive use of practical effects, such as employing thousands of extras, gathering boats that had participated in the real Dunkirk evacuation, and using genuine era-appropriate planes for aerial sequences.

+ However, the water wheels in ancient Rome and ancient China found many practical uses in powering mills for pounding grain and other substances.

+ Note, it will rarely be useful or practical to display bibliography/references list entries in more than two columns.

+ Geometry is one of the practical sections of mathematics which involves various shapes and sizes of different figures and their properties.

+ The focal point of 4-H has been the idea of practical and hands-on learning, which came from the desire to make public school education more connected to rural life.

+ However, there are practical uses of time dilation.

+ It is possible that these elements possess unusual chemical properties and, if they have isotopes with adequate lifespans, would be available for various practical applications.

+ No matter how fast the dispatcher speed, there is a practical limit on how many instructions can be simultaneously dispatched.

+ Since it is so expensive, this means that antimatter is not practical to use as a weapon or as an energy source, because so little of it is obtainable.

More in-sentence examples of “practical”:

+ William Smith first used stratigraphy for a practical purpose in the 1790s and early 19th century.

+ When it opened in 1885, the school’s main focus was on practical experience ; students spent half of their time in class, and half in the shop.

+ In practical use, it is common to round the calculated metric number.

+ Organometallics find practical uses in stoichiometrystoichiometric and catalytic processes, especially processes involving carbon monoxide and alkene-derived polymers.

+ Now Hydrogen storing technology using Hydrogen storage compound metal comes to practical use step in the side of technical, however, hydrogen storing capacity per weight is no match for demand of user, so this technology is not widely used yet.

+ The function α grows extremely slowly, so that for all practical purposes it may be considered a constant no greater than 4; thus Chazelle’s algorithm takes very close to linear time.

+ As a practical organization, it must be neutral, working mainly in development aid, technical assistance, and loans.

+ One famous book of his was written for children and is called “The Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats”.

+ In general terms a Building Designer will create plans and designs that reflect the clients practical needs, personal style preferences and budget indications.

+ In more recent years, the main practical interest in the Report has been its absolutist understanding of the First Amendment.

+ C++ is simple and practical approach to describe the concepts of to advanced software engineers.

+ Computational chemistry usually uses theoretical chemistry to work on industrial and practical problems.

+ Most Brown goods require high technical knowledge and skills, while white goods need more practical skills and “brute force” to make the devices work, and heavy tools required to repair them.

+ These were left out, and other passages changed, for reasons of dramatic flow and practical limits on what could be presented in three movies.

+ It has a complexity of n Gene Golub, Charles Van Loan: “Matrix Computations”, Johns Hopkins University Press, 3rd edition, 1996; Unfortunately, it is of little practical use.

+ Until recently, the only practical action was to offer abortion to the mother.

+ Accessories add color, style and class to an outfit, and create a certain look, but they may also have practical functions.

+ In fact, Woodward’s method could not be used on a practical scale, but it was a landmark for chemical synthesis.

+ Linear search is rarely practical because other search algorithms and schemes, such as the binary search algorithm and hash tables, allow significantly faster searching for all but short lists.

+ However, as a practical term, adaptation is often used for the “product”: those features of a species which result from the process.

+ Earthquake performance simulation is meant to study effect of earthquakes on building structures and is a practical way of seeing a thing to happen without it actually taking place in the same way.

+ There are practical differences.

+ It covers both practical and magical advice.

+ The school provided a practical education for the girls.

+ The moat around Bodiam Castle is not very deep and could be drained by an attacking army, so was not very practical as a defence.

+ William Smith first used stratigraphy for a practical purpose in the 1790s and early 19th century.

+ When it opened in 1885, the school's main focus was on practical experience ; students spent half of their time in class, and half in the shop.
+ In practical use, it is common to round the calculated metric number.

+ For practical purposes that includes the Spanish languageSpanish-speaking Caribbean.

+ Unused template that I don’t think has any practical use.

+ Horticulture is the practical botany of gardens.

+ They usually have no practical motive such as robbery or revenge.

+ In the 4th century BC Pyrrho of Elis, who travelled and studied as far as India, adopted practical skepticism.

+ Cajori says “Hero was a practical surveyor, so it is not surprising to find little resemblance between his writing and those of Euclid or Apollonius”.

+ Subba Rao didn’t only have theoretical knowledge of music, but was also quite skillful in its practical applicability.

+ To achieve these aims, AONBs rely on planning controls and practical countryside management.

+ I very much respect Peter’s opinion and his practical results in editing.

+ Later he also helped with general composition lectures and practical trainings.

+ A proof that attacks in this model are impossible implies that any practical chosen-ciphertext attack cannot be performed.

+ In the 1800’s, better ammunition and ways of firing the gun, meant that rifling was practical for military use, and the rifled musket became common.

+ After school, students can voluntarily take the entrance exam to high school, which has a range of practical and theoretical lines.

+ Using radiant heating outdoors is much more practical than heating air because the air is always moving outside.

+ Along with these basic features, caps gave more practical abilities as well.

+ Chanel became one of the first women fashion designers to create simple and practical clothes for the sporty women of the era.

+ In the program senior citizens play practical jokes on the younger generation.

+ A Russian immigrant, Igor Sikorsky, built and perfected the first practical helicopter in America in 1939.

+ She often lacks tact and play a practical joke on a person.

+ Medical students typically engage in both basic science and practical clinical coursework during their tenure in medical school.

+ When legal clinics were first started, they were a way for law students to get practical experience.

+ Presenters speak on topics ranging from practical advice for the classroom to new theories for explaining language learning.

+ A whoopee cushion, also known as a razzberry Cushion, is a practical joke device, used in a form of flatulence humour.

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