“independence” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “independence”:

– In that year, however, the parish gained its independence from its neighbour, and the inaugural meeting of the Parish Council was held in May 2000.

– He is known for being the former leader of the UK Independence Party.

– Truman lived in Independence for a long time.

– In our own time, subjects such as consciousness studies, decision theory, and applied ethics have increasingly found independence from philosophy as a whole.

– June 12 is the day President Emilio Aguinaldo declared independence of the First Philippine Republic from the Spanish Empire in 1898.

– After approaches to the government to reconsider the acquisition bill failed, Casley and his associates resorted to a United KingdomBritish law which they felt allowed them to secede and declare their independence from the Commonwealth of Australia.

independence how to use?
independence how to use?

Example sentences of “independence”:

- That game was between the Independence Producers and House of David semi-professional baseball team of Benton Harbor, Michigan.

- The violence started after the result of an East Timor Special Autonomy Referendumelection was independence from Indonesia.
- However, by 1960 the people wanted independence very much, and Britain finally let them have it.

– That game was between the Independence Producers and House of David semi-professional baseball team of Benton Harbor, Michigan.

– The violence started after the result of an East Timor Special Autonomy Referendumelection was independence from Indonesia.

– However, by 1960 the people wanted independence very much, and Britain finally let them have it.

– The department and its capital city are named after José Gervasio Artigas during the wars of independence of Uruguay.

– After the War in the Philippines, the Philippine Commonwealth was restored, and a one-year transitional period in preparation for independence began.

– Yi See-young was a politician and independence activist, politicians and Neo-confucian scholars of South Korea.

– In 1572 the Dutch Dukes under Willem van Oranien declared their independence from Spain in Dordrecht.

– The driving force behind the movement for Pakistan was the educated Muslim in the Muslim minority states of United Provinces United Province and Bombay Presidency, those of the Muslim majority areas such as Punjab region, Sindh or Bengal, parts of which eventually formed Pakistan were less enthusiastic and joined the cause of Pakistan in the last years before independence and partition.

– Thus, the primary of objectives of the non-aligned countries focused on the support of self-determination, national independence and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States; opposition to apartheid; non-adherence to multilateral military pacts and the independence of non-aligned countries from great power or block influences and rivalries; the struggle against imperialism in all its forms and manifestations; the struggle against colonialism, neocolonialism, racism, foreign occupation and domination; disarmament; non-interference into the internal affairs of States and peaceful coexistence among all nations; rejection of the use or threat of use of force in international relations; the strengthening of the United Nations; the democratization of international relations; socioeconomic development and the restructuring of the international economic system; as well as international cooperation on an equal footing.

– Gran Colombia was a country formed after New Granada declared independence in 1819.

– He claims Hong Kong independence and created the sentence “Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times” during the 2016 by-election.

– Iyambo was a member of the Cabinet of Namibia since independence in March 1990.

– The Soviet Union and later the United Nations helped destroy the groups who wanted independence from the new country.

– The Declaration of Independence had many different effects.

– In the 1040s, the Zirids declared their independence from the Fatimids and their conversion to Sunni Islam, which led to the devastating Banū Hilal invasions.

– Today, the highway’s northern end is in Independence Township, Michigan.

More in-sentence examples of “independence”:

- He also interceded in the negotiations for the independence of Namibia, the conflict in Western Sahara between Morocco and the Polisario Front, and the Cyprus issue.

- In the last years of the 19th century, during the war of independence in Cuba, many Cuban and United StatesAmerican companies came to the Dominican Republic to grow sugar cane and to produce sugar.

– He also interceded in the negotiations for the independence of Namibia, the conflict in Western Sahara between Morocco and the Polisario Front, and the Cyprus issue.

– In the last years of the 19th century, during the war of independence in Cuba, many Cuban and United StatesAmerican companies came to the Dominican Republic to grow sugar cane and to produce sugar.

– To this effect, they killed two Macedonian officers who had been roaming the city, and declared their independence from Macedonia.

– The independence of Bangladesh in 1971 led to around half a million “stranded Pakistanis”.

– In 1844, after the Dominican independence from Haiti, the city was made a municipality of the old Santo Domingo province.

– Even though the Taiwan Democracy only existed for a short time, it inspired the ideas of the provinces’ independence and autonomy and had a lasting impact.

– A historically prominent regional power, Morocco has a history of independence not shared by its neighbours.

– Lithuania announced its independence from the Union and the Soviet government demanded it surrender its independence or it would send the Red Army to keep order.

– This Statute showed the independence to the world.

– Kim Jong-suk was a Korean independence activist, and communist politician.

– In the 19th centurynineteenth century, the city became the General Headquarters for the French War of Independence under the reign of Joseph Bonaparte.

– In 1979 they adopted a constitution, and in 1986 independence was attained under a Compact of Free Association with the United States.

– It served an important role in the declaration of independence from the union with Sweden.

– The village was divided by independence in 1947.

– This has attracted criticism as it reduces the country’s independence to run its economy in its own way.

– They are the most successful team in Armenia, winning the Armenian Premier League 14 times and Armenian Independence Cup 8 times.

– After he had recorded “Oh Na Na Na” in September 2013, he thought the song was special and eventually decided to release it on Independence day to celebrate Nigeria at 53.

– They obtained independence in 1960.

– He became seriously ill in 1776 and did not sign the Declaration of Independence until some time later.

– He led the predominantly Caucasianwhite government that declared independence from the United Kingdom in 1965.

– The Catalan independence movement began in the 19th century.

– Our people have broken the chains which for nearly a century have fettered them and have won independence for the Fatherland.

– Thomas Paine wrote “Common Sense Common Sense”, a famous pamphlet about independence from Britain.

– The leaders of Latvia also started process of independence on 4th May 1990.

– Since the early 19th century many Russians settled in Azerbaijan, but after the end of the Soviet Union with the independence of Azerbaijan which is back in control, most Russians and other minorities have left the country and are continuing to leave the country.

– He fought for the independence of Friesland.

– The Wars of Scottish Independence were many military campaigns fought between Scotland and England in the late 13th and early 14th centuries.

– On 21 March 1990, South Africa granted independence to the territory, which became the Republic of Namibia.

– In January 1959, Senegal and the French Sudan became one to form the Mali Federation, which became fully independent on June 20, 1960, as a result of the independence and transfer of power agreement signed with France on April 4, 1960.

– After the independence of the Republic of Korea, Korean government started to reconstruct and reorganize the temple.

– The team had a lot of followers who were native Somalis and so survived until 1990 when the Somali civil war started, while the antagonist AC Mogadiscio disappeared when Italy gave the independence to Somalia in 1960.

– When Chad won independence from France in 1960, the town became called Faya-Largeau.

– An example of the first case is Belgium, where only the French was the official language since the independence in 1831.

– The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their physical and mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and property in order to safeguard their independence and liberty.

– Kalamata became the first city which was liberated in the Greek War of Independence in 1821.

– Their rulers received a degree of independence and autonomy from the Ottoman Empire, but they had to pay more money to the sultan.

– On Independence Day in Ukraine, the 24th August, the channel launch officially, and began to show news.

– The Al Badar were formed to find these independence fighters and to be guides as well as co-fighters who were familiar with the local terrain.

– Much of the area of “Provincia di Misurata” became “Misrata District” with the independence of Libya after World War II.

– The 2017 Catalan independence referendum is a independence referendum that occurred in Catalonia on 1 October 2017.

– Since the independence of Kenya in 1963, Kenya had usually had a one-party government.

– Amateur radio operators have played an important part in the Indian independence movement with the setting up of pro-independence radio stations in the 1940s.

– Serbia revolted and gained nominal independence in 1815, but they were still vassals of the Ottoman Empire.

– He was given the Independence Badge of Honor by His Majesty the late King Hussein Ben Talal in 1988 and was chosen seventh best Jordanian athlete for the century in 1999.

– There were many fights here between the armyarmies of the two parts of the island and some important battles were held close to the city of Dajabón during the Dominican Independence War.

– In March 2014, Russia occupied Crimea, made a pseudo-referendum which proclaimed the Crimea independence and annexed it.

– After its independence from Pakistan, the people of Bengal thereon had formally become Bangladeshis and they became a Parliamentary democracy, with Mujib as the Prime Minister.

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