Some example sentences of “protective”

How to use in-sentence of “protective”:

– The Criminal Investigations Protective Directorate investigates violations of the United States Code within the jurisdiction of PFPA and provide executive protection to DoD High Risk Personnel in the Washington area.

– These animals have a protective outer case called a lorica.

– As the disease may transmit from person to person, those in close contact with a patient must wear protective gear including special masks, gloves and goggles.

– Loons are protective parents and will dance to exhaustion and death to protect their eggs.

– You may have to wear protective clothes and wear sunscreen.

– Pennsylvania officials placed the remaining 16 Susquehannocks in protective custody in Lancaster, but on December 27 the Paxton Boys broke into the jail and slaughtered most of them.

Some example sentences of protective
Some example sentences of protective

Example sentences of “protective”:

– It contains linear double-stranded DNA, and is covered by a protective protein coat.

– In February 2020, the region also saw a huge shortage of face masks and other protective gear even though China called themselves the world’s largest makers of these masks.

– The II-R strain does not have that protective shield around it and is killed by the host’s immune system.

– The reason for the protective devices was to make it easier for people to shave without getting hurt.

– Most ancient varieties had protective shells.

– Some felt that equality with men had been reached and shifted their focus onto the needs of women as women, such as the subjects of birth control, family allowance, and protective legislature.

– The elytra act as protective wing-cases for the hind wings underneath, which are used for flying.

– They can be very powerful, so the people who work around them when they are turned on may need to wear protective glasses and keep their skin covered to avoid injury.

– Mantids are masters of camouflage and most species make use of protective colouration to blend in with the leaffoliage or substrate.

– On many systems an insulating cover is provided above the third rail to protect employees working near the track; sometimes the shoe is designed to contact the side of the third rail, allowing the protective cover to be mounted directly to its top surface.

– The sensor has a robust protective layer and can provide a dynamic output.

- It contains linear double-stranded DNA, and is covered by a protective protein coat.

- In February 2020, the region also saw a huge shortage of face masks and other protective gear even though China called themselves the world's largest makers of these masks.

More in-sentence examples of “protective”:

- As well as a protective function, slime helps movement and plays a role in communication.

- The function of cork cambium is to produce the cork, a tough protective material.

– As well as a protective function, slime helps movement and plays a role in communication.

– The function of cork cambium is to produce the cork, a tough protective material.

– If carefully trained as a pup, it is very good with other people while always being highly protective of its owner.

– She found that protective walls form around the edge of kettle holes made by jökulhlaup floods.

– It is a thick, protective layer.

– Their diet consists primarily of that which they find on the ground in the dense vegetation they inhabit, and they prefer the plants of the faster-growing gap species over the closed forest understory species, likely due to the increased richness of secondary protective compounds which the gap species provide.

– Ibadan was the centre of administration of the old Western Region since the days of the British colonial rule, and parts of the city’s ancient protective walls still stand to this day.

– He was the founder of The Brassica Chemoprotection Laboratory for the study of edible plants that creates protective enzyme activity in the body and may help prevent the development of cancer.

– PFPA does its job using law enforcement officers, criminal investigative and protective services agents; threat management agents; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives technicians; and anti-terrorism/force protection and physical security personnel.

– There are many accessories for the Nintendo DS, including different coloured styluses and protective cases.

– Middle-class feminists tended to oppose protective legislature, whereas working class feminists largely supported it.

– This is because the Cane Corso breed is first and foremost highly protective of its owner.

– The 68th had set up a protective cordon to capture many of the enemy, but they did not have enough men to stop the Maoris from retreating completely and they escaped.

– Earth has a protective shield of energy around it.

– These eggs have a protective shell, and are laid out of water.

– A spacesuit is the specialised covering of protective clothing worn by astronauts when they travel into outer space occasional cases such as extravehicular activity or into the upper atmosphere.

– It has served as a clubhouse of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks organization.

– Henet is in royal funerary texts from the Pyramid Age as a protective symbol against snakes.

– As most parents intend to do, African American parents, particularly in the South, were very protective of their children and had to educate them on the realities of racism from an early age.

– Suicide prevention tries to decrease the number of suicides by using protective measures.

– People were afraid of Sekhmet because along with her healing and protective powers, she was also destructive and retaliating.

– Following this feud, Kelly and Knox were moved into a storyline with CM Punk in September, in which Kelly was shown to have developed a liking for Punk and Knox was shown to be increasingly protective and jealous.

– Hard time and punitive labor lengthen the protective custody a minimum of 8 weeks; addition of a supplementary punishment lengthens the protective custody a minimum of 4 weeks.

– Africanized honeybees are much more protective of their beehive and more likely to sting.

– Vibration isolation is a branch of protective techniques known as vibration control.

– While not aggressive, they will show some protective behaviors over their owners and families, especially children.

– This does not mean that a person threw a protective wrist-covering down on the ground.

– Healthcare workers in infected areas should also wear protective gear.

– She applied to play the squeaky-clean naive blond girl Sandra Dee, but she claimed the producers after Xena had typed her to playing only “bad girls.” She said the Sandy character was very similar to her sheltered childhood, growing up in New Zealand with many protective older brothers.

– The protective coating on the nuts was poor, and allowed moisture to cause damage.

– The Capuchin group will be protective of its territory, marking a central area of their territory with urine and defending it against intruders.

– Just to check is this enabled here? If not for having this tool will be useful to prevent abuse while not being overtly protective of a page.

– Generally, they can be protective of their owner, hence why they can be good watchdogs.

– The gauntlet of a glove or mitten is usually made from a material that is similar to the protective fabric or material used elsewhere on the glove or mitten.

– Formerly The Defense Protective Service, The Pentagon Police have exclusive jurisdiction within the Pentagon Reservation and share concurrent jurisdiction with other police agencies in an area of approximately around the complex.

– The bailey was surrounded by a protective ditch and wall of wooden fence.

– It argued that Australia needed protective tariffs to allow Australian industry to grow and provide employment.

– They are protective of their family.

– As with other herding and sheepdogs, border collies can be fiercely protective of their territory and their owners.

– Goalkeepers normally wear more protective gear than other players on the team but this is not always true.

– This plant-eater had protective body armour on the upper surface of its body and tail.

– Since the protective ability of influenza vaccines depends primarily on the closeness of the match between the vaccine virus and the epidemic virus, the presence of non-reactive H3N2 SIV variants suggests that current commercial vaccines might not effectively protect pigs from infection with a majority of H3N2 viruses.

– Her body made a protective layer over the Earth.

– Their civilization is surrounded by three protective walls called Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina.

– Trouble began in 1860 with the starting of the Miners Protective League.

– Due to the lack of a protective top, some modern convertibles use a strong windshield frame which acts as a roll bar.

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