How to use the word “classified into”

How to use in-sentence of “classified into”:

+ Those bird of prey that are active during the day are classified into five families in two orders.

+ Perpetual motion machines have been classified into different types.

+ The channels were also classified into eight categories based on the channel’s genre and its first number.

+ During apartheid, people were classified into four groups: White, Black, Coloured, and Asian.

+ There are around 1200 species of hawk moth, classified into around 200 genera.

How to use the word classified into
How to use the word classified into

Example sentences of “classified into”:

+ Order Thysanoptera includes 5,500 species classified into two suborders.

+ They are not classified into one natural family or group.
+ There are also some languages in the Southern Bantoid group that have not been classified into one of these language families.

+ Order Thysanoptera includes 5,500 species classified into two suborders.

+ They are not classified into one natural family or group.

+ There are also some languages in the Southern Bantoid group that have not been classified into one of these language families.

+ Elements can also be classified into metals and non-metals.

+ Fuel oil in the United States is classified into six classes, according to its boiling temperature, composition and purpose.

+ After the refresh, its programs were classified into two programming blocks, UNTV News and Rescue and UNTV Public Service.

+ Of the 7,000 species, 5,500 are classified into one suborder, the Gammaridea.

+ CT is classified into three subtypes: embryonic CT, proper CT, and special CT.

+ People can be classified into one of three groups based on the bacteria in their intestines.

+ Theater pieces of Noh are classified into 5 groups.

+ Nanotechnology has nanomaterials which can be classified into one, two and three dimensions nanoparticles.

+ According to the degree of folding of the layers, folds can be classified into five main types.

+ Roads in Metro Manila are usually classified into highways, avenues, and streets.

+ The branches of microbiology can be classified into pure and applied sciences.  Microbiology can be also classified based on taxonomy, as in the cases of bacteriology, mycology, protozoology, and phycology.

+ Integrated circuits can be classified into analog, digital and mixed signal.

+ Nouns are classified into common and proper.

+ Drugs that act on the nervous system, such as the brain, and impact a person’s mental state may be loosely and informally classified into categories.

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