“engage” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “engage”:

– In general, there is a greater social expectation for women to engage in emotional labor than there is for men; there are also greater consequences if they do not.

– Medical students typically engage in both basic science and practical clinical coursework during their tenure in medical school.

– This allowed women to engage in petty trading.

– There are other kinds of organisms, the protistother eukaryotes – such as the malaria parasite – that also engage in sexual reproduction.

– In his course of studying religious topics, he would often interact with many Muslims, non-Muslims, and with Christian missionaries whom he would engage in debates.

engage some example sentences
engage some example sentences

Example sentences of “engage”:

– It also invites us to consider and engage with critical questions about how and by whom knowledge is constructed.

– Where there is disruption of the wiki, action must be taken, for “we are not equipped to engage in extended efforts to change or improve someone’s behavior”.

– Instead of having a one-way conversation with the patient, the therapist would engage him through the use of real world examples to elicit the desired responses.

– Killswitch Engage is an United StatesAmerican metalcore band from Massachusetts.

– If a man and a woman want to reproduce sexually, they have to engage in sexual intercourse.

– Under the War Powers Clause, only Congress may declare war, but in several cases it has, without declaring war, granted the President the authority to engage in military conflicts.

– Meselson at Harvard University showed that, despite the lack of sexual reproduction, bdelloid rotifers do engage in genetic transfer within a species or clade.

– Freud explains that the pleasure principle is controlled by the id because it makes people engage in need-satisfying behavior without any accordance to what is right or wrong.

– Barnes Noble hires community relations managers to engage in community outreach.

– Persons or professionals who engage in social work activities and social care services are not necessarily a qualified social worker, though within geographical differences they are accepted as companions of change.

– Moreover, Hitler was forced to engage his forces in quelling the rebellion.

– The Tupí were divided into several tribes which would constantly engage in war with each other.

– In addition, the former three TVXQ members applied for an injunction that was the same as the lawsuit to engage their entertainment activities.

– Both reject the Good Friday Agreement and continue to engage in paramilitary activity.

- It also invites us to consider and engage with critical questions about how and by whom knowledge is constructed.

- Where there is disruption of the wiki, action must be taken, for "we are not equipped to engage in extended efforts to change or improve someone's behavior".

More in-sentence examples of “engage”:

– Other communities may engage less.

– It is alleged by supporters that despite his dictatorial rule and the high growth that occurred during his years in power, Pak did not engage in corruption and led a simple life.

– This brake is usually an external drum brakedrum type and is actuated by spring force and held open electrically; a power failure will cause the brake to engage and prevent the elevator from falling.

– She stated that it was “necessary” to talk to dictators and terrorists, to protect security and said that the British government’s decision to engage with Colonel Gaddafi in 2003 was “the right decision”.

– Finally, japsaek dressed as caricatures of traditional village roles wander around to engage spectators, blurring the boundary between performers and audience.

– People who engage in or support iconoclasm are called iconoclasts.

– Two Jedi Knights, Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, are sent on a mission by the Galactic Republic to engage in peace talks with the greedy Trade Federation of Neimoidia.

– Nevertheless, artivists engage in different media like the internet not only for actions which could be described as hacktivism.

– Go back to the top of the nugget bridge and take a left to engage in battle with that man but press start right when you do and he should have a ❗️ Over his head when you hit teleport and teleport back to the health center.

– This could be a possible explanation for their tendency to engage in seemingly random cannibalistic behaviour.

– With full-contact lap dances, the stripper may engage in contact with the patron, such as pressing his or her body against the patron.

– The Seoul Central District Court in October 2009 ruled in favor of JYJ affirming their right to independently engage in entertainment activities and granted JYJ’s injunction suspending the JYJSM entertainment contract.

– As a community, we can do better in our efforts to engage editors before resorting to other sanctions.

– To get food, non-photosynthetic plants engage in parasitism, by myco-heterotrophy or direct parasitism of other plants.Bidartondo M.I.

– Typically a transfer case is used to engage the four-wheel drive function.

– Koans are also designed to help the practitioner not just engage in rational thought.

– It was his refusal to engage in premature and piecemeal counter-attacks which enabled the Americans to gather their reserves and frustrate the German attempts to extend their breakthrough.

– Often it will feel more natural to engage in heated debate on a talk page but in fact the wiki article itself can offer a powerful means of reaching middle-ground.

– The Public Health Agency issued recommendations to: if possible, work from home; avoid unnecessary travel within the country; to engage in social distancing; and for people above 70 to stay at home, as much as possible.

– The British sent aircraft carrier Victorious and an additional four light cruisers to have Swordfish torpedo bombers find and engage “Bismarck” but due to the inexperience of the pilots, they nearly attacked “Norfolk” and a US Coast Guard USCGC “Modoc” and alerted Bismarck’s anti-aircraft gunners.

– According to the Glaise von Horstenau Hebrang, by Zvonko Ivanković – Vonta, Scientia Yugoslavica 1988 Pages 169-170 reports, Hitler was angry with Pavelić whose policy inflamed the rebellion in Croatia – by which Hitler lost ability to engage the Independent State of Croatia forces on the Eastern Front.

– They can also engage in oral sex.

– General Von Kluck did not know about this so he continued to move up and engage the French.

– Joichiro has Soma go to Totsuki Saryo Culinary Institute, an elite culinary school where students engage in food competitions called shokugeki.

– The decision hinged on the right of Lawrence and Garner to engage in private conduct under the Due Process Clause.

– Winged females and males leave their respective nests “en masse” and engage in a nuptial flight known as the “revoada”.

- Other communities may engage less.

- It is alleged by supporters that despite his dictatorial rule and the high growth that occurred during his years in power, Pak did not engage in corruption and led a simple life.

– This is one of the reasons why demisexuals usually don’t engage in hook-up culture.

– His field armies would all engage the confederate field armies at the same time.

– I encourage the candidate to continue working, and please do engage the community before another RFA run.

– The typical GUI wizard does engage in some sort of dialog, but it includes very few of the common dialog system components, and dialog state is trivial.

– While it is possible for the player character to engage in direct combat, he is easily defeated.

– Leveque would engage in several fights with Dominic “The Giant” Forcier of the Sorel Royaux during the season.

– Humans sometimes engage in behaviors that do not include the penetration of sex organssexual organs, such as oral intercourse or anal intercourse or by non-sexual organs.

– But although the Germans were successful at first, after a few days the German offensive was suddenly exhausted, and beginning March 27, when the French began to engage their strategic reserve near Amiens, the Germans had no more substantial territorial gain.

– In spite of this, the Munis did not abandon him, and Dattatraya, accompanied by his shakti, continued to engage in these practices and was meditated on by those longing for moksha.

– Only Zod remains, and he and Superman engage each other.

– The 41-year-old asked a 15-year-old girl to engage in sexual acts with him and record it with a video camera.

– Solar protection is a must for those who wish to work, play, or engage in activities outdoors.

– For members of the UN to engage in war or major military activity against another country or a large armed group outside of their own country they are supposed to have the agreement of the Security Council to do so but recent history shows that this rule is often not closely followed by everyone.

– This leaves kids with information only from their peers, which often includes pressure to engage in sex acts to meet social standards.

– In December 2013 Killswitch Engage were nominated for Best Metal Performance at the 2014 Grammy Awards for their song “In Due Time”.

– People may engage in oral sex as part of foreplay before intercourse, or during, or following intercourse.

– Many people also engage in hunting, horse riding and the traditional martial art of Gatka.

– In 2002 rival radio hosts Opie and Anthony were fired from their popular radio show after they encouraged a couple to engage in sexual intercourse at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, then airing a running commentary of the act on their show.

– I believe there was some discussion I was involved in about us losing the battle regarding vandalism…I shall engage in a moment of silence.

– King Charles of France didn’t engage because he was mentally unwell.

– To make a modern car go or accelerate once the engine is running, a person steps on a pedal on the floor to engage the transmission into low gear.

– Both sexes occasionally engage in this activity, however, even when in sexually active relationships.

– Van Dorn reunited Price’s and McCullough’s formations into a force he named the Army of the West, and set out to engage Union troops in Missouri under the command of Brig.

– According to Festinger, people engage in a process he termed “dissonance reduction”.

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