“organize” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “organize”:

– The Know-Nothings believed a “Romanist” conspiracy was in progress, trying to undermine the power and authority of civil and religious liberty in the United States and wanted to politically organize native-born Protestants in a defense of their traditional religious and political values.

– There are different ways to organize an election in different countries.

– Every state government is allowed to organize its executive departments and agencies any way it wants.

– He has worked with many Native American remains to organize data in large computer databases.

– The growing of cereal crops and the use of central control to organize farm workers helped the success of the state for the next 800 years.

– They also needed to organize an army to defend themselves from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant which almost took control of Rojava because the government could not defend it due to the civil war.

organize some example sentences
organize some example sentences

Example sentences of “organize”:

– The gender of a word may not have connection with its biological sex in certain languages; it is instead a way to organize words grammatically.

– People who use the theory created equations which used the theory to organize the different types of publics, and the most real effects of communication for each public.

– Some communities organize special dance events, to mark Shiva as the lord of dance, with individual and group performances.

– Government is how people organize themselves to be directed by politics.

– He not only had to write the music but organize all the people to perform it.

– His job was to organize civil administration, create close economic ties with Germany and defend the interests of the Reich.

– Peru has also expressed its intention to organize the tournament.

– For example, if student representatives decide to collect money for an improvement at school, they may set up a committee to organize a sponsorship run or a charity concert.

– In 1989, he helped organize the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution.

– All of that with the understanding that the goal is to organize the stubs “to support ongoing improvement”.

– The players organize into two teams, and grab on to one side of the rope each.

– Most linguists organize the African languages into four major language families.

– They also organize music examinations in the whole of Britain for anyone learning musical instruments.

– They organize things like “Fresher’s Week”, the first week in October when new first-year students arrive.

- The gender of a word may not have connection with its biological sex in certain languages; it is instead a way to organize words grammatically.

- People who use the theory created equations which used the theory to organize the different types of publics, and the most real effects of communication for each public.
- Some communities organize special dance events, to mark Shiva as the lord of dance, with individual and group performances.

More in-sentence examples of “organize”:

- There are also ongoing efforts to organize a public lecture led by Pitts which will coincide with the September celebrations.

- He came to Warsaw in November 1918 and helped to organize Poland.
- This energy aloft helped to organize a surface low along the shearline early on August 2, Tropical Prediction Center.

– There are also ongoing efforts to organize a public lecture led by Pitts which will coincide with the September celebrations.

– He came to Warsaw in November 1918 and helped to organize Poland.

– This energy aloft helped to organize a surface low along the shearline early on August 2, Tropical Prediction Center.

– Every year they organize big Esperanto meetings such as the World Congress of Esperanto, International Youth Congress of Esperanto and SAT-Congress.

– The big popularity of ECW merchandise prompted WWE to organize ECW One Night Stand, an ECW reunion pay-per-view in 2005.

– I think that as simple becomes larger, portals will become even more necessary to organize related articles and coordinate improvements to articles related to the portal.

– He is best known for having helped the Arabs organize themselves against the Turkish peopleTurks during the First World War.

– Burnside sent more troops into the town but did nothing to organize an attack.

– It is very easy to get people to translate the terms in these boxes at scale, but very hard to organize local language discussion about what goes in these boxes.

– There are also other tools, such as NT Database, designed specifically for NT managers that help NT managers organize the NT players.

– Aburto helped organize the Council of Spanish Architectural Associations.

– Besides this, a month later he joined a Dramatics Society near the college campus and began to organize functions and shows.

– Congregationalism is a way to organize Christian churches.

– The association was started by Wally Parks in 1951 in the State of California to provide a Sport governing bodygoverning body to organize and further the sport of drag racing.

– Trotsky helped organize a committee of workers in St Petersburg which was called the Soviet.

– The Jimi system is a way to organize the government to rule over far-away foreign lands.

– Some librarians also work for private companies, to help them to organize their documents and reports.

– King also helped to organize the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and FreedomMarch on Washington, where he delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

– In that same year, he was appointed to organize the new faculty of science at Besançon, where he acted as dean and professor of chemistry from 1845 to 1851.

– He would sometimes organize a new band and play in a jazz festival, or go on a tour, playing in other countries.

– In 1924, jazz musician and orchestra leader Paul Whiteman decided to organize a special concert to show that jazz was serious music.

– Administrators are people who organize things like businesses.

– Sociologists research the structures that organize society, such as race, gender.

– Escobar started to organize more smuggling ships and routes.

– A template like this helped us in past deployments to organize and annotate issues.

– LGBT communities may organize themselves into, or support, movements for civil rights promoting LGBT rights in various places around the world.

– She also helped to organize the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.

– These secondary databases organize the information in different ways.

– Swartz was an AmericansAmerican computer programmer, writer, political organizer, and Internet activist who helped organize the RSS.

– What Napoleon needed now was a period of time to organize himself and the French army.

– I mainly started creating the origami portal to organize improvements on origami-related things, but a wikiproject would be just as effective.

– He had to organize road-building projects, and look after parks and buildings.

– In 325, the First Council of Nicaea agreed on how to organize the church.

– However, Nikita Khrushchev’s forced resignation and financial problems due to heavy costs led to the Soviet Union’s refusal to organize the exhibition.

– Choirs usually organize and limit themselves according to voicing and/or age of the singers as well as by the size of group or the type of music they sing.

– Every three years the orchestra organize a “Gustav Mahler Conducting Prize”.

– They organize events such as cardiac health camp, free eye camp, blood donation drive, and free covid testing.

– The tragedy, and the fact that one of the contributing factors was the lack of an organized fire-brigade, motivated José Luis Claro y Cruz to organize the first Volunteer Firemen’s Corps in Santiago, on December 20 of the same year.

– Gates’ philanthropy projects have included vaccination of children in sub-Saharan Africa, scholarship programs in the United States, and a mission to help organize other billionaires to redistribute their wealth.

– Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was started in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on February 16, 1881 to organize the printing and sharing of pamphlets written about God and the Bible.

– They began to organize their own art show.

– The conductor Thomas Beecham led their first concert in 1946, but Beecham had always organized his own orchestras and he wanted to organize this one.

– There are many theories of how to organize government better.

– He helped organize two World Modern Pentathlon Championships.

– Collusions often organize secret agreements to gain an advantage by modifying the market unfairly.

– These linguists organize the African languages into only three language families: Niger-Congo languages, Afroasiatic languages, and Khoisan languages.

– This bill would organize the Territory of Platte: all the land west of Iowa and Missouri, and going west to the Rocky Mountains.

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