How to use in-sentence of “darwin”

How to use in-sentence of “darwin”:

+ The next few months saw more observations, which Darwin had translated and published as Müller’s first paper in English.

+ If Müller had a weakness it was that his writing was much less readable than that of Darwin or Wallace; both the German and English editions are hard reading indeed, which has limited the appreciation of this significant book.

+ Mukto-Muno started the first Bengali Darwin Day, Rationalist Day, and International Women’s Day on the internet.

+ Hooker wrote to Darwin relaying to him the habits of animals in India, and collected plants in Bengal.

+ Although Darwin revisited some areas during the expedition, for clarity the chapters of the book are ordered by places and locations rather than by date.

+ Yunupingu died at Royal Darwin Hospital, Northern Territory on 25 July 2017 of kidney failurekidney and liver failure.

+ Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin had discussed this very point, with concern.

How to use in-sentence of darwin
How to use in-sentence of darwin

Example sentences of “darwin”:

+ For Fethullah Gülen, to allow views opposed to belief in creation is a devastating delusion and evolution, a Darwin fallacy.

+ The idea that all life evolved was hotly debated even before Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species”.

+ A variorum contains all variants of a text; this records every change made by Darwin to the first edition up to 1890.

+ Charles Darwin travelled to the Galápagos Islands.

+ This discovery was made after Darwin had published “On the Origin of Species”, and not understood until after 1900.

+ Visitors can experience Kakadu National Park via the Nature’s Way tourism drive which is a loop from Darwin to Jabiru then onto Katherine and back to Darwin covering about 900km.

+ Its significance lies in the fact that this was the first of the fossils which had been found in the twenties and thirties to provide evidence that humans indeed have a ‘natural history’ all of their own – just as Darwin had predicted.

+ He came by boat to Darwin as a refugee.

+ It is a theory of Charles Darwin that certain evolutionary traits can be explained by competition “within” a species.

+ The most common tree is the Darwin stringybark.

+ She studied biochemistry at the University of Melbourne, completed her PhD at the University of Cambridge, Darwin College, CambridgeDarwin College, and did postdoctoral work at Yale University.

+ Charles Darwin was the first to use this metaphor in modern biology.

+ Today, Darwin and Mendel’s ideas have been brought together.

+ Lyell’s books had widepread influence, not least on the up and coming young geologist Charles Darwin who read them with enthusiasm during his voyage on the “Beagle”.

+ For Fethullah Gülen, to allow views opposed to belief in creation is a devastating delusion and evolution, a Darwin fallacy.

+ The idea that all life evolved was hotly debated even before Charles Darwin published "On the Origin of Species".
+ A variorum contains all variants of a text; this records every change made by Darwin to the first edition up to 1890.

More in-sentence examples of “darwin”:

+ In these volumes, Darwin coined many of the English plant names that we use today.

+ But Darwin did not understand about genetics and how traits were actually passed on.
+ Charles Darwin wrote about the Khoisan and sexual selection in "The Descent of Man" in 1882, commenting that their steatopygia evolutionevolved through sexual selection in human evolution, and that "the posterior part of the body projects in a most wonderful manner".

+ In these volumes, Darwin coined many of the English plant names that we use today.

+ But Darwin did not understand about genetics and how traits were actually passed on.

+ Charles Darwin wrote about the Khoisan and sexual selection in “The Descent of Man” in 1882, commenting that their steatopygia evolutionevolved through sexual selection in human evolution, and that “the posterior part of the body projects in a most wonderful manner”.

+ Owen was highly critical of Darwin‘s “On the Origin of Species”, in part because Darwin did not refer much to the previous scientific theories of evolution.

+ Hooker had met Darwin for the first time before leaving on the “Erebus”.

+ This would be one of the ChinaChinese workers brought to Darwin in the late 19th century.

+ Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life.

+ Many, including Huxley, Hooker, and Darwin himself, were highly critical of these ideas.

+ In 1862 his estimate was between 20 and 400 million years; but in 1866 he reduced the top estimate to 100 million years, and attacked Darwin and Lyle for not taking notice of his calculation.

+ At least part of this was due to overwork; Japanese carriers had been constantly operating since 7 December 1941, including raids on Darwin and Colombo.

+ They played at the Barunga Festival in Darwin in 1992.

+ Kevin Darwin Greene was an American professional football player.

+ He received three of its medals: the Royal Medal in 1854, the Copley Medal in 1887 and the Darwin Medal in 1892.

+ Mukto-Mona was the first Bengali group to celebrate Darwin Day and International Women’s Day on the internet.

+ He was knighted in 1954, and awarded the Darwin Medal of the Royal Society in 1957.

+ Darwinism is a term used to talk about ideas connected to those Charles Darwin had about evolution.

+ He then goes to Charles Darwin Middle School and he makes friends with the animals at the school.

+ A settlement there became the town of Palmerston in 1869, and was renamed Darwin in 1911.

+ During this time, Charles Darwin started to develop his ideas about evolution.

+ The Darwin subsystem in macOS is in charge of managing the file system, which includes the Unix every day, a process which can take up to 15 minutes.

+ The core of macOS is an open source OS called Darwin, but Darwin itself cannot run macOS software.

+ Some very famous people have studied here, for example Charles Darwin and John Milton.

+ Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury and lived there for 27 years.

+ When Darwin published his own book on the subject, “The Descent of Man, and selection in relation to sex”, the idea of human evolution was already well-known.

+ This is a topic which fascinated both Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.

+ In the introduction to the 5th edition Darwin gave full credit to Spencer, writing “I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term Natural Selection, in order to mark its relation to man’s power of selection.

+ Building the line between Alice Springs and Darwin is said to be the second-largest civil engineering project in Australia, the largest since the Snowy Mountains Scheme was built 1949–1974.

+ In the fifth edition of 1869 Darwin used Herbert Spencer’s phrase ‘survival of the fittest’ for the first time, in the heading of chapter 4.

+ Charles Darwin 1999.

+ There is no real difference in the genetic processes underlying artificial and natural selection, and the concept of artificial selection was used by Charles Darwin as an illustration of the wider process of natural selection.

+ He also received the Royal Society’s Darwin Medal “In recognition of his distinguished contributions to general evolutionary theory, based on a profound study of palaeontology, particularly of vertebrates” in 1962.

+ Erasmus Darwin recommended the waters at Buxton to Josiah Wedgwood.

+ A paraphrase of Darwin C.D.

+ The Australian Overland Telegraph Line was a 3200km telegraphytelegraph line that joined Darwin with Port Augusta in South Australia.

+ His brother was the writer Aldous Huxley, and his half-brother, a fellow biologist and Nobel laureate, Andrew Huxley; and his paternal grandfather was Thomas Henry Huxley, a friend and supporter of Charles Darwin and proponent of evolution.

+ Charles Darwin 1851 and 1854.

+ Many evolutionary biologists read him, especially Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.

+ Regarding vestigial structures, Charles Darwin wrote, “An organ, when rendered useless, may well be variable, for its variations cannot be checked by natural selection.” In the March 2017 publication of the Global Health Journal: Science and Practice, Morris and Krieger wrote, “The variability in foreskin size is consistent with the foreskin being a vestigial structure.” It has been found that larger foreskins place uncircumcised men at an increased risk for HIV infection Morris BJ, Krieger JN..

+ Charles Darwin wrote the first well-known book on carnivorous plants in 1875.

+ Before he published the “On the Origin of Species”, Charles Darwin feared the reaction of the church, and spent years collecting evidence as defence to the expected criticism.

+ Charles Darwin was the first to use this metaphor in biology.

+ On “Climbing plants” Müller sent a letter to Darwin listing 40 genera of climbing plants classified by their method of climbing.

+ Charles Darwin himself used comparative anatomy as the main tool in his work on barnacles.

+ Between 1861 and 1863, Darwin found the same kind of structure in other groups, such as flax and in Purple Loosestrife and other species of “Lythrum”.

+ Darwin himself did not accept these ideas, In “The Descent of Man”, Darwin said: “Important as the struggle for existence been…

+ Michael Darwin Morley was an American mathematician.

+ The synthesis explains how the ideas of Charles Darwin fit with the discoveries of Gregor Mendel, who found out how we inherit our genes.

+ While recovering from malaria in the East Indies, Wallace sent an essay to Darwin in 1858.

+ The Alice Springs Campus of Charles Darwin University offers courses in TAFE and Higher Education.

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