“curve” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “curve”:

– This curve starts at a point, and then goes around the point, but gets farther and farther away from it.

– It is often called the bell curve because the numbers spread out to make the shape of a bell on a graph.

– There are also streets that curve in a circle around the Man.

– A person can see that the red curve crosses the “x”-axis, the line that goes from left to right at -1.

– A disc tilted leading-edge up will lose speed at the end of the throw and make a gentle landing; if tilted sideways, it can curve around objects.

– When any uniform magnetic field is applied across the cloud chamber, positively and negatively charged particles will curve in opposite directions, according to the Lorentz force law.

curve how to use?
curve how to use?

Example sentences of “curve”:

– One example of this is the Keeling Curve – a series of measurements from 1958 to today which show a steady rise in of the concentration of carbon dioxide.

– This gives more freedom with how the logistic curve matches the data.

– But if the curve was to be cut into very, very small pieces, the curve at the point would look almost like a very short straight line.

– See below for further explanation of the curve “C” and surface “S”.

– The bell curve used has a center value of 100 and a standard deviation of 15; other tests may have different standard deviations.

– But how to judge whether the curve passes the x-axis or not? We pick one section with lower boundary a1 and upper boundary b1.

– Study of its light curve shows that Camilla’s geographical polepole probably points towards ecliptic coordinates with a 10° uncertainty, which gives it an axial tilt of 29°.

– Because the board make a curve in the front and in the back, it can glide on the two sides.

– Numerical methods of curve fitting.

– They can get the ball able to curve in the air or change the speed or length to fool the batsman.

– In particular, during their hydrogen burning period, stars lie along a curve in the diagram called the main sequence.

– It touches the blue curve at one point without crossing it.

– Alès is at north-northwest of Nîmes, in a curve of the Gardon d’AlèsLe Gardon d’Alès river, which half surrounds it.

– The curve itself is called the permeation region and this provides a range of molecular weights which could be found in the experiment.

– The curve being flattened is the epidemic curve, a representation of the number of infected people needing health care over time.

– The unguis grows outward faster than the subunguis to make a curve and the thinner sides of the claw wear away faster than their thicker middle, making a more or less sharp point.

– To find the slope of the curve or line, we input the value of “x” to get the slope.

- One example of this is the Keeling Curve - a series of measurements from 1958 to today which show a steady rise in of the concentration of carbon dioxide.

- This gives more freedom with how the logistic curve matches the data.
- But if the curve was to be cut into very, very small pieces, the curve at the point would look almost like a very short straight line.

More in-sentence examples of “curve”:

– He first described the forgetting curve, the learning curve and the spacing effect.

– Then choose another point B on the curve which is a little bit farther across than A, and call its horizontal position “x + h”.

– All its ribs are of the same curve and spaced the same.

– A Bézier curve is a type of parametric curve that is used in computer graphics and related fields.

– The curve at the edge of the sleeve is not as round.

– Text for broader geographic features can be placed around an arc, to convey a sense of a broader area, or to follow the curve of a river, mountain range, coastline, etc.

– When swimming, the mute swan holds its neck in a graceful “S” curve with its bill pointing downward.

– Light bends in a curve in air and water, but travels in a straight line away from the earth or other bodies in outer space where there is no air.

– Both the thickness and the curve suggest the need for more strength than our species.

– An asymptote is a line that a curve gets closer and closer to touching but never does.

– So we know without having to draw any tangent lines that at any point on the curve “f will be 2″x” at any point.

– The instantaneous rate of change at a specific point on the curve can be found by evaluating the derivative function for the curve at that point.

– At the place where they touch, the line and the curve both have the same slope.

– This is a natural consequence of the evolution of human optical senses: the response curve that maximizes the overall efficiency against solar illumination will by definition perceive the Sun as white, though there is some subjective variation between observers.

– The shape of the curve shows the principle of limiting factors.

– Thus, the cells on the side not directly exposed to light will grow faster than the opposing side, and the stem will curve towards the light source.

– The curve can be found using calculus of variations and optimal control.

– The claws on the back feet are longer and curve backwards to help cleaning and grooming between the spines.

– But when a firm is a monopoly, the price that the firm sets is the price level of the demand curve for that amount of output.

– Some old alarms in the UK like the Chloride Gent Warbler will curve between the two tones.

– The direction on another curve was reversed and a new curve created.

– Flammersheim, pp.115 Analysis of these curves plays an important role in determination of heat of transformation, heat of reactions or any changes in heat capacity due to temperature variations, for instance, the enthalpy of exothermic and endothermic processes can be determined by finding the area under the DSC curve using a mathematical technique called integral calculus.

– High-end mixers often have crossfade curve switches allowing the DJ to select the type of crossfade necessary.

– The curve is restricted between 0 and 1, so it is easy to apply when y is binary.

– In botany, a light curve shows the photosynthetic response of a leaf or algae to the brightness of a light.

– Reichart showed that the light curve of GRB 970228 could only have been caused by a supernova.

– It is the space between an arch and a rectanglerectangular fence or the space between the right and left exterior curve of an arch and an enclosing right angle.

– As the average total cost curve also meets at this point, the firm is thus earning normal profits in the long run.

– The point is that a convex curve forms the boundary of a convex set.

– The point in which the demand curve intersects the vertical axis is the price of the product sold by the firm.

– The Makielski addition to the back of the house has a porch that echoes the curve of the closet.

– Males and females of the species are very similar but males have a curve on the end of their beak.

– Observations in 2005 and 2011 showed possible periods of either 7.33 hours or its alias 10.44 hours, or twice those values for the double-peaked solution, with a small light curve amplitude of 0.05±0.01 mag.

– The Koch Curve is one of the simplest fractal shapes, and so its dimension is easy to work out.

– Light curve observations of 2002 MS are difficult because of the dense field of background stars it is crossing.

– A curve of up to 30° is considered normal, and medical treatment is usually not needed unless the angle of curvature is more than 45°.

– While this curve had already been named by other mathematicians, the name “miraculous” or “marvelous” spiral was given to this curve by Jakob Bernoulli, because he was fascinated by one of its unique mathematical properties: the size of the spiral increases, but the shape stays the same with each added curve.

– He started his career as a bartender at Hilton Hotel and considers his first job as a major learning curve in his professional journey.

– In the study of planets, a light curve can be used to work out the rotation period of a minor planet, natural satellitemoon, or comet nucleus.

– While the skater skates in a curve across the ice, the back can be bent backwards.

– Glareolidae is a family of wading birds including the pratincoles, which have short legs, long pointed wings and long forked tails, and the coursers, which have long legs, short wings and long, pointed bills which curve downwards.

– Second, there are infinitely many possible surfaces “S” that have the curve “C” as their border.

– A meander is a curve in a river.

– In some shell such as “Nautilus” and ammonites the generating curve revolves in a plane pirpendicular to the axis and the shell will form a planer discoid shape.

– In 2012, the first season of works included “Yes, Prime Minister”, “Funny Peculiar”, “Horrible Histories” and a co-production of “The Butterfly Lion” in association with New Perspectives Theatre Company and Curve Theatre.

– It is used because it can go further than the JHP and does not curve as much.

– The bharal has horns that grow upwards, curve out and then towards the back, somewhat like an upside down mustache.

– In mathematicsmath, a helix is a curve in three dimensions.

– As a result, light tends to curve towards the colder layer of air.

- He first described the forgetting curve, the learning curve and the spacing effect.

- Then choose another point B on the curve which is a little bit farther across than A, and call its horizontal position "x + h".

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