Use in sentence of “electron”

How to use in-sentence of “electron”:

– Xenon gas is used in electron tubes, bactericidal lamps, strobe lamps, and lamps used to excite ruby lasers.

– The three types of neutrinos change into each other over time, so an electron neutrino could turn into a tau neutrino and then back again.

– Period 7 elements have electrons in the first seven electron shells.

– The Chandrasekhar limit is the mass above which electron degeneracy pressure in the star’s core is not enough to balance the star’s own gravitational self-attraction.

– The laboratory’s main research facility is the CEBAF accelerator, which consists of a polarized electron source and injector and a pair of 7/8 mile long superconducting RF linear accelerators.

– We may bring that experience to the world of atomic-sized phenomena and incorrectly assume that if we measure the position of something like an electron as it moves along its trajectory it will continue to move along that same trajectory, which we imagine we can then accurately detect in the next few moments.

– If an electron gets hit by a photon, then it will jump back down to a lower energy level, releasing its contained energy.

Use in sentence of electron
Use in sentence of electron

Example sentences of “electron”:

– One of the lone pair electrons moves down to form a pi bond with an electron from an adjacent bond.

– However, it has a positive electric charge, whereas an electron has a negative charge.

– But if an electron has enough energy to fly away from its nearest nucleus, it can join in the flow of electric current across the many atoms that make up the solid.

– The texture of cytosol being described as granular can be attributed to the fact that in order to study the texture, an electron microsope must be used, which requires a process of dehydration prior to study.

– The electron configurations fill up with electrons in an unchanging order.

– When it acts as an oxidizing agent, it gains an electron to transfer from an oxidation state of 0 to an oxidation state of -1.

– When large amounts of these atoms come together, there is a sort of electron cloud that “hovers” near the atoms of the material.

– The electron is a subatomic particle.

– It may also be known as the electron emitting element in a vacuum tube.

– This is because such ions may act as electron donors, and this is important in many reactions.

- One of the lone pair electrons moves down to form a pi bond with an electron from an adjacent bond.

- However, it has a positive electric charge, whereas an electron has a negative charge.
- But if an electron has enough energy to fly away from its nearest nucleus, it can join in the flow of electric current across the many atoms that make up the solid.

– After a statistically sufficient quantity of time, an electron in an excited state will undergo a transition to a lower state.

– The electron can spontaneously jump to it and emit a photon with the excess energy.

– So within a few days of Heisenberg’s discovery they already had the basic math for what Heisenberg liked to call the “indeterminacy principle.” By “indeterminate” Heisenberg meant that something like an electron is just not pinned down until it gets pinned down.

– This is the same as the energy needed to free an Electron shell#Valence shellsouter shell electron from its orbit about the nucleus to become a mobile charge carrier.

– Gamma rays from potassium-40 each have an energy of 1460 thousand electron volts.

– They showed the Aromaticityaromatic properties of benzene come from spin coupling rather than electron delocalization.

– For the electron transport chain to work, there must be a final electron acceptor at the end of the chain.

– The particle usually a Subatomic particlesubatomic or quark particle such as an electron or photon can become a wave to focus a great deal of energy on the barrier, ultimately negating it.

More in-sentence examples of “electron”:

– Period 4 elements have electrons in the first four electron shells.

– At higher temperatures each unbound electron behaves as if it were a free particle.

– To remove a second electron from xenon, an energy of 2046.4 kJ/mol is needed.

– Although electrons are contributed from a specific atom, the electron fills an MO without regard to its source atom.

– For example, viruses were first seen by electron microscopy..

– When the extra material replaces some of the silicon it leaves a ‘hole’ where the fourth electron would have been if the semiconductor was pure silicon.

– The charge on an electron is opposite to the charge on the proton.

– Period 2 elements have electrons in the first two electron shells.

– It is a type of nucleophilic substitution, where a lone pair from a nucleophile attacks an electron deficient electrophilic center and bonds to it.

– When the electron drops back down to its normal orbital, the phosphor re-emits its energy as visible light.

– A material that keeps each electron tightly in place is called an insulator.

– The one electron could not make bond and thus the vacant space where electron should be there is created.

– They like to make reactions in which they give up this twin electron and then have a charge of +1.

– One of the distinguishing features of JLab is the continuous nature of the electron beam, with a bunch length of less than 1 picosecond.

– This is because of the addition of more electron shells between the nucleus and the furthest electron, increasing distance.

– Complete atomic model of the bacterial flagellar filament by electron cryomicroscopy.

– The cutoff frequency is used to find the work function, which is the amount of energy holding the electron to the metal surface.

– Because the X-rays are emitted in all directions, an X-ray striking an electron produces secondary spherical waves emanating from the electron.

– Each electron shell has one or more electron sub-shells, or sub-levels.

– The term energy level is most commonly used in reference to the electron configuration in atoms or molecules.

– When he was there, he was mainly working on high-voltage equipment and electronics for electron microscopes.

– The most common type of ionization is electron ionization.

– This means that a lot of energy is needed to remove an electron from xenon.

– The techniques Henderson developed for electron crystallography are still in use.

– However, an electron needs a certain amount of energy to jump from a valence band to a conduction band.

– Light can move an electron up to an excited state that occupies a higher orbital.

– A 2010 Scanning electron microscopeSEM study found that Milbenkäse cheese was produced using “Tyrolichus casei” mites, while Mimolette cheese used “Acarus siro” mites.

– Sometimes, more than one electron is shared.

– It is also theoretically possible for other, less direct means of measurement to affect the electron; even if the electron is simply put into a position where observing it is “possible”, without actual observation taking place, it will still alter its position.

– Each hall contains a unique spectrometer to record the results of collisions between the electron beam and a stationary target.

– The electron cloud of each atom diffracts the X-rays thus revealing the positions of the atoms.

– Basically, if an electron with “x” amount of energy goes to a lower state of energy and loses “y” energy, then a photon with energy “y” is emitted by the atom and either becomes light or some other form of radiation.

Electronic arrangement can be shown by numbering or an electron diagram.

– He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1906 for his discovery of the electron and his work on the conduction of electricity in gases.

– This was first suggested as there were only a third of the number of electron neutrinos coming from the sun as theories of the time said there should be.

– The process of an electron going to a higher energy level is called “excitation”.

– Another important fact of quantum mechanics is that the electron behaves in a very weird way.

– The electron cloud model says that we cannot know exactly where an electron is at any given time, but the electrons are more likely to be in specific areas.

– A fuel cell combines hydrogen with an oxygen molecule, releasing an electron as electricity.

– It followed from the older ideas that the electron would have to fall in to the center of the atom because it starts out being kept in orbit by its own energy, but it would quickly lose its energy as it revolves in its orbit.

– An electron configuration is the arrangement of electrons within an atom.

– The electron cloud model was developed in 1926 by Erwin Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg.

– This is done by a nearby metal atom changing the electron distribution of the C-H bond.

– Klug used methods from X-ray diffraction to develop crystallographic electron microscopy.

– The other electron from the bond moves to an adjacent atom creating a radical.

– Its parts are a single negatively-charged electron that circles a single positively-charged nucleus of the hydrogen atom.

– Under Bohr’s theory, if an electron falls from a higher orbit to a lower orbit, then it will have to give up energy in the form of a photon.

– Period 6 elements have electrons in the first six electron shells.

- Period 4 elements have electrons in the first four electron shells.

- At higher temperatures each unbound electron behaves as if it were a free particle.
- To remove a second electron from xenon, an energy of 2046.4 kJ/mol is needed.

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