“divers” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “divers”:

+ Military divers may also do inspections and repair work on the bottoms of ships, and underwater work in support of military engineering operations.

+ Pearl-shelling brought many experienced divers from many countries, especially Japan.

+ Scuba divers also wear a tight diving suit, a diving mask, and diving fins.

+ The biggest organization for certifying divers is PADI – Professional Association of Diving Instructors – but there are many others, depending on the country.

+ This effect was first discovered by divers exposed to a high-frequency ca.

+ They don’t recognize humans as prey or predator so they avoid swimmers and divers and rarely bite them.

+ It was discovered by local divers in the 1980s.

+ Helium gas can be used in place of nitrogen in breathing gas for divers to make it less likely to have nitrogen narcosis.

divers how to use?
divers how to use?

Example sentences of “divers”:

+ In 1976 divers in the Aar found part of a seven-meter wide wooden bridge from the late Roman times.

+ If the diver goes up slowly the pressure will change slowly, and there will be enough time for the gas dissolved in the diver to return from the blood to the breathing gas in the divers lungs and it will be safely removed.

+ They are very venomous but they are not aggressive and rarely ever bite divers or swimmers.

+ Scuba divingScuba divers can explore many wrecks and coral reefs in shallow water with nearly unlimited visibility.

+ Swedish divers in diving bells brought up some of “Vasas cannons from the sunken ship in the 1660s.

+ In World War II, many of these abalone divers were recruited into the United States armed forces and trained as frogmen.

+ The most successful attack performed by the Italian Navy involved divers planting mines on British battleships in Alexandria harbour : HMS “Queen Elizabeth” and HMS “Valiant” were sunk in shallow water by the “maiali” of Luigi Durand De La Penne.

+ In 1976 divers in the Aar found part of a seven-meter wide wooden bridge from the late Roman times.

+ If the diver goes up slowly the pressure will change slowly, and there will be enough time for the gas dissolved in the diver to return from the blood to the breathing gas in the divers lungs and it will be safely removed.

+ A nation could have no more than 16 divers qualify and could enter up to two divers in individual events and one pair in synchronised events.

+ When divers take aggressive actions, these sharks are not discouraged, but instead become more excited.

+ In deep diving, divers use a Breathbreathing apparatus.

+ Advanced divers can dive down to Oasis and swim up and down the main street.

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