Some example sentences of “insist”

How to use in-sentence of “insist”:

+ Many people choose to pour warm water into the “mate” before adding the “bombilla”, while others insist that the “bombilla” is best inserted into dry “yerba”.

+ The example below shows why we do not insist on using only Basic English words.

+ I advice you to stop wasting my time and use your precious time for something else, I have provided the all the facts and reliable sources so if you still insist to remove this article it arises a question about your neutrality.

+ Huxley was the most important biologist after August Weismann to insist on natural selection as the primary agent in evolution.

+ In Chapter 3, Paul warns the Philippians about those Christians who insist that circumcision is necessary for salvation.

+ After they climb out of the car, Sidney, Jerry and Tom insist on unmasking him, while Hallie insists they escape.

+ Some people still insist on maintaining their standards of modesty, even in an emergency situation.

+ Ancient rulers sometimes did insist not only that their own bodies, and much property, but even their servants and relatives be destroyed at their funeral.

Some example sentences of insist
Some example sentences of insist

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