“misty” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “misty”:

– The weather is rainy and misty in these mountain forests.

– Khazad-dûm was the ancient home of the Dwarves under the Misty Mountains.

– As the group travels east over the Misty Mountains, they are attacked by Goblins.

– Ash is usually seen traveling by himself during this manga, although he is sometimes joined by Misty and Brock in Indigo.

– Fangorn or Fangorn Forest is a large forest on the eastern side of the southern end of the Misty Mountains.

– They try to go east over the Misty Mountains through the “Redhorn Pass”, but there is too much snow.

misty - some sentence examples
misty – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “misty”:

– He lives between the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood.

– Isengard is a fortress at the southern end of the Misty Mountains.

– In 2004 Misty May married Matt Treanor the catcher for the Florida Marlins.

– He is often seen traveling along with Ash Ketchum and Misty on their journeys.

– Often the ghost is said to appear as a feeling of cold and a light or a misty cloud, but sometimes people say they have seen ghosts that look more like people.

– The road began in the city Fornost Erain, the capital of Arthedain, crossed the Great East Road Great East Road at Bree, and ran farther to the southern end of the Misty Mountains.

– It began in the Misty Mountains, and flowed south, through the valley of Rivendell, and into the river Mitheithel.

– Unriviling Misty fighting evils that seek to harm Dhulakpur or its inhabitants and their antics which often get theme into trouble during early days broadcaster Pogo TV has stressed that storyline be kept simple and mysteries and complex plot avoided as all cost as the viewers where too young to understand but nowadays there is no restrictions.

– She is better known for her roles in italian dubs of various anime as Misty from Pokémon.

– At the southern end of the Misty Mountains is Isengard, at the northern end Mount Gundabad.

– Manga author Toshihiro Ono said that Ash was one of his favorite characters to draw for the series, saying “I want to go on a trip with Misty just like him! “.

– Some passed over the Misty Mountains and eventually came to Rhosgobel, but they found that Radagast was not there.

– It is between the Ered LuinBlue Mountains in the west, the Misty Mountains in the east, the Ice-bay of Forochel in the north, and the rivers Glanduin and Greyflood in the south.

– In “The Lord of the Rings”, it is told that after this Gollum left the Misty Mountains to search for the “thief Baggins” who had stolen his Ring.

– Under the Misty Mountains is the old dwarven city Khazad-dûm.

– At the Misty Mountain, he landed at a cave and met Gollum.

– Very often, the weather is worst in the morning when it is mostly damp and sometimes misty or even foggy; the Glasgow Patter also refers to “dreich” weather – damp and drizzly.

– Now east of the Misty Mountains, the remaining Fellowship comes to the forest Lothlórien, the land of the Galadhrim, a wood-elven people.

- He lives between the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood.

- Isengard is a fortress at the southern end of the Misty Mountains.
- In 2004 Misty May married Matt Treanor the catcher for the Florida Marlins.

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