Sentence example of “defence”

How to use in-sentence of “defence”:

+ Its defence had to stand up to attacks from taller theropods, hence the bony shield which covered its neck.

+ The second kind of defence is very obvious.

+ Energy and time spent on defence can be considerable, but justified if it makes reproduction more likely.

+ Such simulation represents a sequence of movements, the attack and the defence in an imagined combat.

+ He was Chief of the South African Defence Force between 1985 and 1990.

+ A press-release by the Foreign Affairs Minister of Israel said that violence against the soldiers was already planned, and that “light weaponry” was found on the ships, including pistols that would have been seized from activists on the “Mavi Marmara” by the Israel Defence Forces soldiers.

Sentence example of defence
Sentence example of defence

Example sentences of “defence”:

+ He ran the city’s police because the Chief Constable was fully occupied as Civil Defence Controller Young started the “good neighbour scheme” for bombed out civilians that he had trialled in Leamington and which was later adopted nationally by the Home Office.

+ He was Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs from 2010 to 2011 and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2011 to 2012.

+ Pillboxes were used a lot during World War I when defence in depth was being used.

+ From the fourth book onwards, Rowling admits Harry has become quite talented in the Defence Against the Dark Arts and would beat his friend Hermione in a magical duel.

+ In 2003, she became President of the Commission for External Relations and Defence of the Belgian Senate.

+ The body’s first line of defence against viruses is the innate immune system.

+ This lead to the creation of the Union Defence Force.

+ The committee asked for an extension of the Defence of India act of 1915 The act gave the Viceroy’s government with great power, that included silencing the press, including detaining the political activists without trial, arrest without warrant of any individual suspected of treason.

+ They have an additional type of defence against birds, and that is their mechanical toughness.

+ The BMVg is at the highest Federal authority and the highest command authority of the defence forces.

+ He ran the city's police because the Chief Constable was fully occupied as Civil Defence Controller Young started the "good neighbour scheme" for bombed out civilians that he had trialled in Leamington and which was later adopted nationally by the Home Office.

+ He was Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs from 2010 to 2011 and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2011 to 2012.
+ Pillboxes were used a lot during World War I when defence in depth was being used.

+ This highly effective defence strategy shields them against almost all predators.

+ A problem that Black often has in the French defence is finding a way for his light squared bishop to become active.

+ In Latvia and Lithuania, the chief of defence is a lieutenant general.

+ Because the German 6th Army was threatening its right side and there was no time to prepare a defence line, Gamelin ordered the 7th Army to withdraw its left side.

+ This kind of Defence against predationdefense is known as apostatic selection.

+ Qatar plays an active role in the collective defence efforts of the Gulf Cooperation Council; the other five members are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, the UAE, and Oman.

+ The caution given in England and Wales is: You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.

More in-sentence examples of “defence”:

+ The second line of defence is to shed their tail, which can grow again.

+ He asked for volunteers to join the Local Defence Volunteers, as it was known in the start.
+ Shaposhnikov was Minister of Defence between 1991 to 1992.

+ The second line of defence is to shed their tail, which can grow again.

+ He asked for volunteers to join the Local Defence Volunteers, as it was known in the start.

+ Shaposhnikov was Minister of Defence between 1991 to 1992.

+ He worked under Prime Minister Narendra Modi as Defence Minister of India from 2014 to 2017.

+ Kim Beazley was Minister for Defence Minister for Defence in the Hawke Government, and Deputy Prime Minister to Paul Keating.

+ The defence has a reputation for reliability, and has been played by many great players, and has featured in several world championship matches.

+ Since then the Garda has been the only police force in the state now known as the Republic of Ireland, with the exception of the Póilíní AirmMilitary Police within the Irish Defence Forces, the Airport Police, and Dublin Port and Dún Laoghaire Harbour police forces.

+ Later in the war, the Allies learned to defeat German blitzkrieg attacks by defence in depth and by attacking the flanks of the attackers with reserve forces.

+ He studied Mathematics at Forman Christian College in Lahore and was also EducateEducated at the Royal College of Defence Studies in the United Kingdom.

+ On 13 April 2012, Kim Jong-il was made Eternal Chairman of the National Defence Commission and Eternal General Secretary of the Workers Party of Korea.

+ He became Minister of Defence of Latvia in 2014 and held that office until becoming President in 2015.

+ French came to Weiss’s defence saying that Professors were allowed to have their opinions about Israeli–Palestinian conflictIsrael, but that Weiss was not saying that they could not, only that students were also allowed to have their own opinions about it, that yes professors could choose what they wanted to talk about but that no students did not need their professors’ permission to disagree with what they said and that yes Bari Weiss had said she was angry about every Columbia Professor in the Middle East department being against Israel but that she wasn’t saying that they should be fired for that only that Columbia should hire at least some teachers who were pro-Israel and that she was not telling the government that they should force Columbia to hire at least some pro-Israel professors but she was saying that Columbia should hire more pro-Israel professors.

+ Singapore gained self-government with autonomy in all state matters except defence and foreign affairs, and Lee became the first Prime Minister of Singapore on 5 June 1959, taking over from Chief Minister Lim Yew Hock.

+ This kind of information includes documents relating to Defense defence and census data.

+ The South African Navy is the navy of the South African National Defence Force.

+ Every attack must be made as if there were an opponent in front of the karateka in order to reach him, and every defence must be made as if the opponent attacked in a real situation of danger.

+ He was the Ministry of Defence Minister of Defence from 1990 to 1992 and Ambassador to Russia from 1996 to 2000.

+ To 1e4 they favoured an asymmetric defence such as 1…e6 or 1…c5 rather than the classical reply 1…e5.

+ It is a defence against herbivory.

+ It was set up in 1992 and is named after Sir James Robert DicksonJames Dickson, a supporter of the Australian Federation, the Minister for Defence in the first Australian government.

+ In 1947, the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence said it needed a bomber aircraft that could fly a long way and very high.

+ The Navy is ran by the Department of Defence and the Naval Headquarters.

+ The president leads the Executive executive branch of the Government of Uganda and is the commander-in-chief of the Uganda People’s Defence Force.

+ When this happened, the Ministry of Defence asked for a new vehiicle.

+ The Royal Australian Air Force is the air force of the Australian Defence Force.

+ He is well known for his work on metaphysics and the philosophy of mind, and for his defence of a state of affairsfactualist ontology.

+ The production of interferon is an important host defence mechanism.

+ O’Shaunessy’s first successful title defence came against Burridge the following month but Burridge would not let his grudge rest, continuing to attack O’Shaunessy and finally costing him the title during a match against D’Lo Brown on 29 May.

+ The Commander in chief of the Australian Defence Force is now Her Excellency Quentin Bryce as the Governor General of Australia.

+ The family of Eddie Fullerton, a Buncrana Sinn Féin councillor killed in his home by members of the Ulster Defence Association in 1991, have criticised the Gardaí’s handling of the investigation and in 2005 they started a campaign for an inquiry.

+ The BDF was established August 15, 1979, and has responsibility for the territorial defence and internal security of the island.

+ He was a fighter pilot and an air defence commander.

+ Examples might be: flowering time, drought tolerance, polymorphism, mimicry, defence against predators.

+ A new character is introduced when the Ministry of Magic appoints Dolores Umbridge as the latest Hogwarts’ Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor.

+ During the 1960s Alice Springs became an important defence base.

+ In 2009 the yearly defence budget was $6 billion.

+ The South African Defence Force was the name of the South African military from 1957 to 1994.

+ Popper’s great works in defence of the liberal society were “The open society and its enemies” and “The poverty of historicism”.

+ Freudian psychology suggests that much behaviour is motivated by “unconscious factors, working through a network of defence mechanisms, symbolic disguises and psychological cloaks”.

+ He is a former Minister of Defence of Peru and current congressman.

+ In defence of their nests, nuthatches make the entrances smaller by packing the edges with mud or tree resin.

+ He was the twenty-ninth Chief of the Defence Staff Chief of Defence Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces from 2013 through 2016.

+ The all-South American game was won for Argentina by a goal from Claudio Caniggia with 10 minutes remaining after a run through the Brazilian defence by Diego Maradona and an outstanding performance from their goalkeeper Sergio Goycochea.

+ The four Tetrarchs based themselves not at Rome but in other cities closer to the frontiers, mainly intended as headquarters for the defence of the empire.

+ Barakat was famous for his runs from midfield and his box-to-box kind of play, and that made him important in defence and attack.

+ Each type of defence can be either “constitutive”.

+ It was renamed in Federal Ministry of defence on December 1961 and was seen as one of the “classic departments”.

+ Qatar’s defence expenditures accounted for approximately 4.2% of gross national product in 1993.

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