“proved” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “proved”:

– His famous fighting skills proved their worth in many battles.

– Democritus was proved right by physicist John Dalton in 1804.

– Other generalizations of the main conjecture proved using the Euler system method have been found by Karl Rubin, amongst others.

– However, this changed during the 19th century when scientists like Hans Christian Ørsted and Michael Faraday proved that electricity and magnetism are actually connected.

– The Vietnam War proved so unpopular that the Army no longer wanted conscripts, but volunteers, which have better motivation to serve.

– August proved a very good month for Norwegian allrounder Edvald Boasson Hagen, with two stage wins and a podium finish in the Tour of Poland and two more stage wins and the GC win in the Eneco Tour.

proved use in sentences
proved use in sentences

Example sentences of “proved”:

- Her work on "Noether's theorem" has been called "one of the most important mathematical theorems ever proved in guiding the development of modern physics".

- It was later proved that this song, ' Tu lakh chale ri gori thum thum ke', was not Shifai's work Prof Gilani Kamran, Interview, "The Frontier Post", Lahore and Peshawar, 30 September 1988 and he had to retract his earlier claim and also remove it from a proposed collection of poems and songs he had planned to publish.

– Her work on “Noether’s theorem” has been called “one of the most important mathematical theorems ever proved in guiding the development of modern physics”.

– It was later proved that this song, ‘ Tu lakh chale ri gori thum thum ke’, was not Shifai’s work Prof Gilani Kamran, Interview, “The Frontier Post”, Lahore and Peshawar, 30 September 1988 and he had to retract his earlier claim and also remove it from a proposed collection of poems and songs he had planned to publish.

– If the jury, or judge in a bench trial, has no doubt as to the defendant’s guilt, or if their only doubts are unreasonable doubts, then the prosecutor has proved the defendant is guilty.

– Padukone’s first film release of 2009, the Kung fu filmkung fu comedy “Chandni Chowk to China” opposite Akshay Kumar, proved to be a box office flop.

– Amongst the associated royalty, one individual’s 20th century association with Coburg proved especially tragic.

– This proved and continues to be very controversial, as traditional Islamic thought holds that Jesus is the Messiah, who himself will return in the flesh at the end of times.

– It was first stated by Alfred Kempe in 1890, and proved by Percy John Heawood eleven years later.

– The answer boiled down to reducing the problem of the equations’s field to the equation’s group; Galois proved that the two had a connection.

– The production of a healthy clone therefore proved that a cell taken from a specific part of the body could recreate a whole individual.

– An Italian volcanological mission analyzed gas samples from the fumaroles along the Arenas crater floor and proved them to be a mixture of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, indicating a direct magmatic release into surface environment.

– The “Speedwell” proved unsafe and the passengers were put on the “Mayflower”.

– But the Japanese, by their attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 proved aircraft carriers were now the most powerful weapon.

– This too proved she was not a member of the royal family and also increased the likelihood that she was Schanzkowska.

– Their first attempts proved unsuccessful.

– In 1828 Charles Sturt proved that Macquarie River ended in marshes.

– Some do, and this can be proved if the strata show signs of dune formations.

– Multiple studies already proved him wrong.

– The first person who proved the theorem was Euclid.

– There are a number of similar products, but none has proved more successful.

More in-sentence examples of “proved”:

- He proved extinction was a fact.

- However, sourdough that has been proved over many hours, using a sourdough starter or mother dough, can then be transferred to the machine, utilizing only the baking segment of the bread-making program, bypassing timed mechanical kneading by the machine's paddle.
- This proved to help its success when the Premier George Grey visited Lawrence on 11 March 1878 and was welcomed by six hundred local schoolchildren singing what was by then beginning to be labelled as the "national anthem".

– He proved extinction was a fact.

– However, sourdough that has been proved over many hours, using a sourdough starter or mother dough, can then be transferred to the machine, utilizing only the baking segment of the bread-making program, bypassing timed mechanical kneading by the machine’s paddle.

– This proved to help its success when the Premier George Grey visited Lawrence on 11 March 1878 and was welcomed by six hundred local schoolchildren singing what was by then beginning to be labelled as the “national anthem”.

– Also, the surfacing of a possible sockpuppet of either Benniguy or IuseRosary started mimicking my editing and talking style and proceeded to try to completely derail my own Request for Adminship with a possiblility that that might be a sockpuppet of mine trying to influence my Request by multiple voting, which is absolutely false, which a checkuser proved after I consented to being checked.

– Using the Gelfond–Schneider theorem and Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem, many of the standard elementary functions can be proved to return transcendental results when given rational non-zero arguments; therefore it is always possible to correctly round such functions.

– Galileo’s findings were ignored by most people, and Aristotle’s view was still accepted as correct until Isaac Newton proved Galileo was right.

– After its discovery, many teams proved its existence and continued to find out more about its properties, including the fact that it orbits very close to the star, has estimated temperatures around 1200 Celsius, and has a minimum mass about half that of Jupiter.

– In the story “Retcon Hour”, Myk-El came back to life and it was proved that he was not a traitor.

– Statements have a truth value, meaning they can be proved to be true “or” false, but not both.

– Galton created a method for classifying fingerprints that proved useful in forensic science.

– Goldbach’s weak conjecture was later proved by Harald Helfgott in 2013, but Goldbach’s strong conjecture has not been proved yet.

– The rogue state of Iran Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei condemned the savage attack of the Zionist regime against an international aid convoy heading towards Gaza, and said the Israeli regime proved that it is more brutal than Fascists.

– For the above reasons, although liquid-based systems are proved to be more reliable and effective, they appear to be quite expensive with respect to air cooling techniques and slightly more difficult to implement.

– Parents’ reports of food additives proved to be better indicators whether additives were present than clinical tests.

– His work on the upward movement of tree sap proved that the process was physical and not physiological.

– Galileo’s discovery proved the importance of the telescope as a tool for astronomers.

– It can be proved using the trigonometry form of complex numbers by mathematical induction, with the help of some trigonometrical identities.

– Though Dunham never missed major events such as birthdays, his work would keep him away from home two and a half to three weeks a month, which proved difficult for the family.

– In 2006 a small piece of brass with Leichhardt’s name on it proved to be a genuine item from the explorer.

– Britain and France proved victorious, and Sardinia was able to attend the peace conference.

– When the notebook was discovered, mathematicians proved almost all of Ramanujan’s work.

– DNA evidence proved that 25 of these people were innocent of the crimes they were sentenced to death for.

– Finally, Chesterman said of Gabe Watson, “”That the respondent himself promptly provided the information which proved the case against him and that for years he has borne the unjust charge, made very public, of murder are factors requiring substantial amelioration in sentence.”” Gabe Watson gave the information which showed he had killed his wife accidentally.

– Kerouac had to find his own way home, and was angry at Cassady, while Kerouac’s mother thought it just proved her suspicions about him.

– Many of the predictions made in his periodic table were later proved correct by experiments.

– Steiner, Oxford University Press, 2005, pages 270-271The terrorist group IMRO was the most powerful terrorist movement in the Balkans, and proved to be a highly disruptive political force.

– However, she proved to be a talented actress interpreting also a dramatic role in Michelangelo Antonioni’s “Il grido” with great critical acclaim.

– This was proved some years later.

– During the 1950s, in the mid-atlantic ridge discoveries of sea-floor spreading and magnetic reversal proved that Wegener’s theory was real and led to the theory of plate tectonics, though his proposed causes were mistaken.

– Although the Truce set up a demilitarized buffer zone, Japanese territorial desires towards China remained, and the Truce proved to be only a short break until fightings broke out again with the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937.

– It proved crucial as he retired two laps later, the damage being too much.

– Finally Niels Henrik Abel proved in 1824 that the equation of degree 5 and the equations of higher degree cannot always be solved by using radicals.

– She played the role of a studious geek, who obeys her professor to gamble in cards, which later proved to be her biggest mistake of her life.

– This was later proved to be untrue.

– This proved that Euclid’s fifth postulate was not independent of the other postulates.

– They further proved that the neural activity, such as the basal amygdala activity of the offspring’s brain, illustrated fear response.

– I appreciate the history I have but its been a long while and I hope my actions have proved I am committed to the cause.

– That this is the correct explanation is proved by cases where the animal lives upside down.

– Unifying and integrating the peshmerga has been on the public agenda since 1992 but the forces remain divided due to factionalism which has proved to be a major stumbling block.

– Ethology proved that much animal behaviour was heritableinherited, innate and permanent.

– This confederation of states proved to be a very poor form of central government.

– Whilst the spire is the cathedral’s most impressive feature, it has also proved to be troublesome.

– She has attempted to regain the world title but, with the rise of the Chinese women and the formidable Polgár sisters, this has not proved possible.

– Since being introduced the charge has proved to be controversial, though Transport for London maintains that traffic has fallen by 20% within the charge zone since the scheme began.

– It proved Lorentz’s theory about the polarization of light emitted in the presence of a magnetic field.

– Earlier units proved to be unreliable, but later units were of a better design.

– Then, Aristotle proved the Earth was round in around 330 BC.

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