Some example sentences of “saltwater”

How to use in-sentence of “saltwater”:

– The algae may be found between ice crystals or attached to them, in the water or saltwater channels between ice crystals.

– American alligators cannot live in saltwater very long because they do not have salt glands.

– Two species of crocodile live in Kakadu: the Freshwater Crocodile and the Estuarine, or Saltwater Crocodile “C.

– Water quality issues of the Bou Regreg include tidal saltwater intrusion, excessive surface runoffrunoff of mercury contamination from use of some pesticides in the drainage basin.

– Large saltwater crocodiles are also common at Yellow Water and the East Alligator River.

Some example sentences of saltwater
Some example sentences of saltwater

Example sentences of “saltwater”:

- The Saltwater River, Tasmania historic site is near the north west tip of the peninsula.

- The Shedd Aquarium was the first inland aquarium with a permanent saltwater fish collection.

– The Saltwater River, Tasmania historic site is near the north west tip of the peninsula.

– The Shedd Aquarium was the first inland aquarium with a permanent saltwater fish collection.

– During this time he named the three Alligator Rivers after the large numbers of Saltwater crocodilecrocodiles, which he thought were alligators.

– There teeth are small than the dangerous saltwater crocodile.

– Some species of grebe will go to saltwater when they are migrating.

– Fish people get in saltwater include Swordfish, Marlin, Tuna, and others.

– The saltwater crocodile is the largest of all living reptiles.

– This can be either freshwater, such as in rivers and lakes, saltwater as in the sea, or brackish water, as in the estuary of a river.

– The anchovies are a family of small but common schooling saltwater plankton-feeding fish.

– The Sundarbans National Park houses a large number of reptiles as well, including Saltwater Crocodileestuarine crocodiles, hawksbill, and green turtles.

– The remaining 900 faced Hypothermiaexposure, saltwater poisoning, and shark attacks while floating with few lifeboats and almost no food or water.

– This is because saltwater fish have more specific needs to keep them alive.

– Clams can be found in saltwater and freshwater.

– Many types of saltwater fish are kept in saltwater fishkeeping.

– The endangered species that live in the Sundarbans are Royal Bengal Tiger, Saltwater Crocodile, Batagur baskaRiver Terrapin, Olive Ridley Turtle, Gangetic dolphin, Ground Turtle, Hawks Bill Turtle and Mangrove horseshoe crab.

– The water is saltwater but less salty than the ocean.

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