How to use in sentence of “evolution”

How to use in-sentence of “evolution”:

– Old world, new world: the evolution of foreign affairs think tanks.

– The clade was identified when research showed that the evolution of venom was very ancient, and that it might have occurred only once.

– Richardson and Palmer has played a major role in bacterial evolution and is fairly common in certain unicellular eukaryotes.

– Contrary to what the nomenclature would suggest, the 1941 WC models were a direct evolution of the 1940 VC models, retaining the U.S.

– In the latter years of his life, Gould also taught biology and evolution at New York University near his home in SoHo.

– Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” has two themes: the evidence for evolution, and his ideas on how evolution took place.

– Polyploidy may occur in one generation, and is an exception to the principle that evolution occurs gradually.

How to use in sentence of evolution
How to use in sentence of evolution

Example sentences of “evolution”:

– In addition, there is a growing number of individuals—especially those born to parents who have been educated in the developed world, who are usually University graduates and have some sort of understanding about evolution and sexuality—who are Coming out to their friends and introducing them to their same-sex partner.

– The evolution of “Chlamys” in the tropical western Atlantic and eastern Pacific.

– He was known for his work in directed evolution and his role in creating a genetic engineeringgenetically engineered organism using plasmid.

– The movie, shot in Romania, continues the series’ evolution from horror to a horror-comedy.

– However, they provide evidence for how the main groups of marine invertebrates evolved, and for the pace and pattern of evolution in the Cambrian explosion.

– The early evolution of the Amniota.

– In 2017 she entered politics and was elected Buenos Aires City Legislaturelegislator of the City of Buenos Aires on the front Evolution of Martín Lousteau.

- In addition, there is a growing number of individuals—especially those born to parents who have been educated in the developed world, who are usually University graduates and have some sort of understanding about evolution and sexuality—who are Coming out to their friends and introducing them to their same-sex partner.

- The evolution of "Chlamys" in the tropical western Atlantic and eastern Pacific.

– The era saw many important events, including the development of most invertebrate groups, life’s conquest of land, the evolution of fish, reptiles, synapsids, amphibians, insects, and plants, the formation of the supercontinent of Pangea, and at least two distinct ice ages.

– This is well illustrated in the evolution of such groups as horses.

– Cretaceous sauropods from the Sahara and the uneven rate of skeletal evolution among dinosaurs.

– Aperture evolution in Nymphaeaceae: insights from a micromorphological and ultrastructural investigation, Grana, DOI:10.1080/00173134.2013.769626 Pellicer, Jaume “et al” 2013.

More in-sentence examples of “evolution”:

– They emerged as an evolution of shorter weapons of the type of the daggers.

– On the origin and early evolution of terrestrial planet atmospheres and meteoritic volatiles.

– Galloanserae is the clade fowl the form they Together relatives ary evolution close are groups two these suggest similarities molecular biology Molecular and anatomical Anatomy of Studies eat we which and farm or hunt we birds of mostly is group The bird game a for used be may ‘fowl’ word the So gun by hunted often and eat to good are groups these in birds that happens.

– Ohno suggested that gene duplication plays a major role in evolution in his classic book “Evolution by Gene Duplication”.Ohno, Susumu 1970.

– There are only few changes during their evolution from the earlier actinopterygians.

– In the landmark work “Variation and evolution in plants”, Stebbins discussed how alternation of generations related to the overall evolution of plants.

– His work on the development of sea urchin eggs was fundamental and lasting; his work on evolution was not.

– To evolve a Pokémon, you can just put its evolution card on top of it.

– Many conservative clerics opposed evolution fiercely, whilst few liberal clerics saw conflict with their beliefs.

– In the second half of the 20th century, population geneticists tackled a range of complex evolutionary problems, such as the evolution of sex, sexual selection, kin selection, mimicry and molecular evolution.

– In the book Huxley gives evidence for the evolution of man and apes from a common ancestor.

– Rapid evolution of a geographic cline in size in an introduced fly.

– In the 2000s, the role of gene duplication, the extent of adaptationadaptive molecular evolution versus neutral genetic drift, and the identification of molecular changes responsible for various human characteristics especially those pertaining to infection, disease, and cognition.

– It is not a value judgement, but a concept of evolution equivalent to natural selection.

– Owen is probably best remembered today for coining the word “Dinosauria and for his outspoken opposition to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection.

– When the theory of evolution was developed, it was not clear that natural selection and genetics worked together.

– Comparative vertebrate neuroanatomy: evolution and adaptation.

– His studies on bees and the evolution of flowers were quoted by Darwin in “The Descent of Man”.

– Darwin’s idea of evolution surfaced in several of his other works.

– Many collisions between bodies have occurred, and have been important to the evolution of the Solar System.

– His main work was about the evolution of signals, particularly those signals that are indicative of fitness, and their selection for “honesty”.

– The area has been described as a natural laboratory for studying the evolution of the eucalypts.

– The evolution of a new feature may let a group diversify because it makes possible new ways of living.

– A 2007 paper has suggested that many dwarf galaxies were created by tidal forces during the early evolution of the Milky Way and Andromeda.

– Petroski, Henry, “From Pins to Paper Clips”, “The Evolution of Useful Things”, Vintage, New York, 1992.

– The extreme cooling of the global climate around 700 million years ago and the rapid evolution of primitive life during the following Ediacaran and Cambrian periods may have been triggered by the breaking up of Rodinia.

– It shows the story of the evolution of Australia’s unique eucalypt trees and the other plants and animals which live among them.

– There were biologists who did not see how evolution by natural selection could happen with heredity as they understood it.

– Predatory behavior of spitting spiders and the evolution of prey wrapping.

– At Payback, Evolution lost to The Shield again.

– Early evolution of the venom system in lizards and snakes.

– Cope’s beliefs became one with an increased emphasis on continual and utilitarian evolution with less involvement of a Creator.Polly, David 1997.

– When Gondwana was separated from Laurasia, evolution of most animals and plants went on separately in the two great supercontinents.

– Convergent evolution has taken place.

– The evolution of heterospory and endospory were among the earliest steps in the evolution of seeds of the kind produced by gymnosperms and angiosperms.

– The theory of evolution says that all living things on Earth, including plants, animals and microbes, come from a common ancestor by slowly changing throughout the generations.

– According to his theories, paedomorphosis is important in evolution because juvenile tissues are relatively undifferentiated and capable of further evolution, whereas highly specialised tissues are less able to change.

– The Late Permian herbivore “Suminia” and the early evolution of arboreality in terrestrial vertebrate ecosystems.

– The SAC was built on the concepts of evolution completeness and avalanche.

– The science of evolution can help to explain why multicellular organisms have not developed wheels.

– These terms refer to evolution above the species level, including such events as mass extinction, adaptive radiation, and the major transitions in evolution.

– Over the following 70 or 80 million years the rate of evolution accelerated by an order of magnitude.Butterfield N.J.

– He received the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics “for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars”.

– Some claim that many of its words come from Latin, but phonetic evolution has made many of them now appear as if they were native words.

– The formation and evolution of the Solar System describes how the Solar System began, and how it will go on changing.

– It is an updated edition of “eFootball PES 2020” containing the latest player data and club rosters.Lionel Messi as the cover star of the standard edition, alongside Pro Evolution Soccer ambassadors Cristiano Ronaldo, Alphonso Davies and Marcus Rashford, each representing one of the game’s partner clubs.

– The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate is set in 1899 and features eleven year old Calpurnia Tate.

– I am working on topics in evolution and genetics, plus associated mini-biogs, so am a bit over-committed at present.

– Tongue contractions during speech may have led to the development of the bony geometry of the chin following the evolution of human language: a mechanobiological hypothesis for the development of the human chin.

– One suggestion is that the evolution of animals which grazed upon the soft-bodied forms would have been sufficient to cause a collapse of the biota.

- They emerged as an evolution of shorter weapons of the type of the daggers.

- On the origin and early evolution of terrestrial planet atmospheres and meteoritic volatiles.
- Galloanserae is the clade fowl the form they Together relatives ary evolution close are groups two these suggest similarities molecular biology Molecular and anatomical Anatomy of Studies eat we which and farm or hunt we birds of mostly is group The bird game a for used be may 'fowl' word the So gun by hunted often and eat to good are groups these in birds that happens.

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