Use the word “understood”

How to use in-sentence of “understood”:

– It is estimated to be spoken by a quarter of the population, but understood by a higher percentage.

– He even learnt to play the instrument swarabat, which could be a rare skill and is understood by hardly anyone.

– For example, if a child misplaces the decimal point in some decimal arithmetic, that shows he or she has not understood the idea.

– This discovery was made after Darwin had published “On the Origin of Species”, and not understood until after 1900.

– Mansell and Wehn state that development has been understood since the second World War to involve economic growth, increases in per capita income, and attainment of a standard of living equivalent to that of industrialized countries.

– He understood people’s characters very well and was able to write music which tells us everything about the personalities in the operas.

– These are easiest understood by looking at the examples in the sections below.

– Bambara is a national language of Mali, and it is also the most widely understood language in Mali.

Use the word understood
Use the word understood

Example sentences of “understood”:

– Buffon understood the idea of common descent, and discussed it a number of times.

– Some ideograms can be understood because they resemble an image; they are known as Pictograms.

– For example, a cricket ball can be understood as an object but the ball also consists of many particles.

– Isaac Newton’s calculations changed the way people understood the universe.

– Hawaiian Pidgin can largely be understood by English speakers, and many Pidgin speakers mix Pidgin with English.

– Brecht worked with composers like Weill and Eisler who understood the kind of message that he wanted in his plays.

– Some of her books were written in simple English so that they could easily be understood by those with poor reading skills.

- Buffon understood the idea of common descent, and discussed it a number of times.

- Some ideograms can be understood because they resemble an image; they are known as Pictograms.
- For example, a cricket ball can be understood as an object but the ball also consists of many particles.

– The hydroids may be best understood by taking some examples.

– Many of these languages are cannot be understood by each other.

– Even though his dialog is not understood by the viewer, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman can understand him clearly.

– At the time, nobody understood what caused the plague, how it spread, or how to treat it.

More in-sentence examples of “understood”:

- It argues that few aspects of human nature can be understood apart from sex, since human nature is a product of evolution, and evolution in our case is driven by sexual selection.

- To solve a problem, questions can be written as clearly and simply as possible, making certain that all terms are well understood by giving definitions if necessary.
- As cladistic understanding of the vertebrates has improved over the last few decades a monophyletic Rhipidistia is now understood to include the ancestor of the whole Tetrapoda.

– It argues that few aspects of human nature can be understood apart from sex, since human nature is a product of evolution, and evolution in our case is driven by sexual selection.

– To solve a problem, questions can be written as clearly and simply as possible, making certain that all terms are well understood by giving definitions if necessary.

– As cladistic understanding of the vertebrates has improved over the last few decades a monophyletic Rhipidistia is now understood to include the ancestor of the whole Tetrapoda.

– Generally the educational level of a Japanese person is decided by the number of Chinese characters understood by this person.

– Carpentier studied and understood music.

– However, Galileo did not explain the process in modern terms and had not understood the modern concept either.

– They are often called “dragons” in English and are understood across Asia as being the same as dragons.

– While the technique was theoretically understood for some time, it was only advances in computer technology during the 1990s that finally made the technique practical.

– Dave’s love for Rock and rollrock understood everything he was referring to the “rock culture” so he grew his hair too much, which caused him problems with his skinhead friends.

– The latter is extremely, journal-style writing, and may not be understood by readers who are not biologists.

– As a user interested in physics and chemistry I understood the majority these articles fairly easily, even though they deal with complicated subjects.

– English and Hindi are understood by a majority of the population.

– For example, they wrongly understood her use of irony.

– Sign languages use hands and are understood with the eyes.

– This is understood to mean that normally Paul used a secretary to write down as he spoke his letters.

– The reasons for this weakening are not completely understood yet; while the eye-wall replacement cycle played a part, slightly increasing wind shearshear, dropping minimum central pressures of 973mbar or less have weakened over the 12hours before making landfall in the Gulf Coast of the United States.

– This relationship is generally understood to mean not only those still in earthly life, but also to those who have gone past death to be “at home with the Lord”.

– Due to geographical affinities, natural, economic and social, the Southern Cone is usually understood as the region that includes all of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, the southern states of Brazil.

– Believers in the Abrahamic religions believe that God has created human beings in his image, but this idea is not easily understood by humankind.

– The Bombyliidae include a large number of species, but for its size this is one of the least understood families of insects.

– The Buddha taught that life is best understood as being “impermanent”.

– The other was his “long list” of 3,000 easy words, which were understood by 80 percent of fourth-grade students.

– However, at the tail end of the 1986 season, Richmond was feeling noticeably ill, Following the season, he checked into a clinic and discovered that he had AIDS, and which at the time, was a little understood disease, Despite his illness, Richmond worked to regain his strength and in 1987, He returned in midseason and subsequently won two races at Pocono and Riverside.

– Unlike generals who enjoyed long campaigns, he understood war was serious.

– Later it was understood that this was a greatly deformed image of a galaxy far beyond the cluster.

– What I understood from this was that you wanted to move sandbox3 to the mainpage and then move the “original template” i.e.

– Very few people understood it.

– The economic impact of the common cold is poorly understood in much of the world.

– With figurines in place of the initials, this would be understood by players everywhere.

– Urdu is also understood and spoken by local peoples.

– The King, if anything was ahead of his ministers and understood the Empire better.

– The second language is called the target and can usually be understood by computers.

– Obviously it is very difficult for someone who speaks english natively to create text which is easily understood by someone who doesn’t.

– While national parks are generally understood to be administered by national governments, in Australia national parks are run by State Governments and predate the Federation of Australia.

– English and Mandarin are often understood where there are many tourists, such as the Bunaken National Park.

– Signalling between partners by means of the card-play was well understood and used.

– They rejected the name Viridiplantae on the grounds that most of the species are not plants, as understood traditionally.

– Since the 1960s, people understood that it would be much easier for a farmer to have all his fields together so that he did not have to keep making journeys between lots of small fields.

– It is not understood why Iceland is an island, but the rest of the ridge consists of seamounts, with peaks below sea level.

– It can also be understood as the work done for passing one ampere of Electric current through an Electric circuit of external resistance equivalent to one ohm for one second.

– There are some words that are understood by the image tag.

– A subject can be better understood by asking the correct questions.

– Ketosis can be understood as the use of body fat as a source of energy.

– To those of you who already understood this, thank you for bearing with me.

– Although this difference can be found in older writings, it is of little new interest as quantum effects are now understood to be of importance even in fields that before were called classical.

– While Louis assumed responsibility for decision making, he understood that he must rule within the constraints of the laws and customs of his kingdom.

– Such facts will only become useful when assembled with other historical evidence, and the process of assembling this evidence is understood as a particular historiographical approach.

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