How to use the word “bantu”

How to use in-sentence of “bantu”:

+ The Ugandan Kavirondo tribes are a mix of Bantu and Nilotic immigrants.

+ Among the Bantu Kavirondo married women wear a short fringe of black string in front and a tassel of banana fiber suspended from a girdle behind.

+ Other people, like the Bantu do not like public nudity at all.

+ The Bantu languages are a branch of the Niger-Congo languages.

+ Abanyom is very similar to the Bantu languages.

+ Chokwe is the Bantu languagesBantu language spoken by the Chokwe people.

How to use the word bantu
How to use the word bantu

Example sentences of “bantu”:

+ This convention is also used by several Bantu languages and several indigenous languages of Mexico.

+ It is a Bantu language.

+ This convention is also used by several Bantu languages and several indigenous languages of Mexico.

+ It is a Bantu language.

+ The Nguni languages are a sub-group of the Southern Bantu languages.

+ Swati is part of the Nguni group of Bantu languages.

+ The Xhosa language, called, is a Bantu languagesBantu language of the Nguni subgroup, like Zulus.

+ Zulu belongs to the Nguni languagesNguni group of Bantu languages.

+ North Mbundu, or “Kimbundu”, is one of two Bantu languages called Mbundu.

+ Men of the Bantu tribes are buried in an open space in the midst of their huts; in the Nilotic tribes, if the first wife of the deceased be alive he is buried in her hut, if not, beneath the veranda of the hut in which he died.

+ In South African, Namibian, Zambian, Botswanan, and Zimbabwean context, the term Coloured is used to refer to people of mixed European and Khoisan or Bantu ancestry.

+ Their Bantu neighbors call the Nilotic Kavirondo “Ja-Mwa”.

+ Kikongo or Kongo is the Bantu language spoken by the Bakongo and Bandundu people in the tropical forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo and Angola.

+ Three of the Bantu languages are Sotho-Tswana languages.

+ Among the Bantu tribes a man has the refusal of all the younger sisters of his wife as they attain puberty.

+ The other nine languages are Bantu languages.

+ Guthrie’s divisions of the Bantu languages were based on geography, not on language characteristics.

+ The group includes all of the important Bantu languages of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana.

+ Some of the Bantu tribes practice circumcision, the Nilotic tribes do not.

More in-sentence examples of “bantu”:

+ The Southern Bantu languages, however, are also a valid linguistic group.

+ Venda, also called, is a Bantu languagesBantu language and an official language of South Africa.

+ The Bantu language with the largest number of native speakers is Shona languageShona with 13.8 million speakers in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana and Zambia.

+ The generic name for the Nilotic tribes is “Ja-Luo”, but the Bantu Kavirondo call them “Awa-Nyoro”.

+ Then the southward Bantu migrations from North AfricaNorth and East Africa reached the region 700 years ago.

+ They are seen as honest, and as having a high sexual morality, traits common among the Bantu tribes.

+ Among one of the Bantu tribes, the Awa-Kisesa, a chief is buried in the floor of his own hut in a sitting position, but at such a depth that the head protrudes.

+ Of the two groups the Bantu now occupy a more northerly position than their neighbors, and are practically the most northerly representatives of that race.

+ They are 22% of Kenya’s population and are of Bantu ethnicity.

+ The Herero language is a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo group.

+ Some words from various Bantu languages have been borrowed into western languages.

+ Goober is derived from “nguba” the name for peanut in the Bantu language spoken in parts of Africa.

+ The Bantu language with the largest total number of speakers is Swahili.

+ It is a Bantu language believed to have developed from the interactions between the Luo and the Bantu speakers of Lusoga.

+ The Southern Bantu languages are a group of languages in the Niger-Congo language superfamily.

+ Lozi, also called Silozi and Rozi, is a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo language family.

+ Among the Bantu Kavirondo the usual minimum price for a wife is forty hoes, twenty goats and one cow, paid in installments.

+ Lingala is a Bantu language spoken in the North-East of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the North of the Republic of the Congo.

+ Both are Bantu languages, but Northern Ndebele is very similar to Zulu.

+ He taught at Johannesburg Bantu High School and at Munsienville High School in Mogale City.

+ Venda is a language in the Bantu branch of the Niger-Congo language family.

+ The Nguni languages are a group of Bantu languages spoken by the Nguni people.

+ Yaka is a minor Bantu language.

+ Umbundu is the most widespread Bantu language in Angola.

+ The Bantu populations displaced the Khoi and San to become the predominant inhabitants of Southern Africa.

+ It is a mixture of local and Indian cattle, they were introduced by the Bantu tribes of southern Africa from the north.

+ Walter Sisulu, Bantu Holomisa, Yamkela Mhlana and Buyisiwe Yonela Mhlana, as well as Ndima Mhlana were also born in Mthatha.

+ They are mainly united by culture and under the mother tongue of Kiswahili, a Bantu language.

+ Four of the Bantu languages are part of the Nguni family.

+ Like other Bantu languages, Zulu is written using the Latin alphabet.

+ Among the Bantu Kavirondo the mother of twins must remain in her hut for seven days; among the Nilotic Kavirondo the parents and the infants must stay in the hut for a whole month.

+ Married women of the Bantu tribes are buried in their hut lying on their right side with legs doubled up, the hut being then deserted.

+ If a Bantu mother has lost two children in succession, the next child born is taken out at dawn and placed on the road, where it is left till a neighbor, usually a woman friend who has gone that way on purpose, picks it up and takes it to its mother who gives a goat in return; a somewhat similar custom prevails among the Niotic tribes.

+ President Nimbala and his aide appear to speak Setswana, a Bantu languagesBantu language spoken in South Africa and Botswana, which would imply a Southern African setting.

+ The Bantu languages came from the region of eastern Nigeria or Cameroon.

+ When Mswati’s armies attacked other Bantu armies or nations, they stole cattle and captured people instead of trying to make the other people’s territory part of their kingdom.

+ Tsonga is a language of Bantu languagesBantu origin spoken primarily in South Africa and Mozambique.

+ The Bantu Kavirondo are divided into three principal types: the Awa-Rimi, the Awa-Ware and the Awa-Kisii.

+ The Southern Bantu languages, also known as Bantu zone S, are a group of languages in the Bantu language family.

+ Parts of the Bantu area include languages from other language families.

+ They speak the Bantu Kikamba language as a mother tongue.

+ These people lived in the central plains of KwaZulu-Natal until the expansion of Bantu people from the north sometime during the last millennium.

+ In Iraq, Bantu languagesBantu-speaking Africans were called Zanj.

+ Kikuyu is spoken in parts of Kenya, and is a Bantu language.

+ Kavirondo is the general name of two distinct groups of tribes: The Bantu peopleBantu immigrated from the south and the other Nilotic, came from the north.

+ This template is designed to illustrate ethnic names with divergent variants for the people, nation, and language, as are commonly found in Bantu languagesBantu and other African languages.

+ There are about 520 languages in the Bantu family, 670 languages in the Southern Bantoid branch which includes Bantu, and 1,532 in Niger-Congo.

+ The Swahili are unique Bantu inhabitants of the East African Coast mainly from Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique.

+ His family could not afford to send him to medical school, so Tutu studied at the Pretoria Bantu Normal College to become a teacher.

+ The Southern Bantu languages, however, are also a valid linguistic group.

+ Venda, also called, is a Bantu languagesBantu language and an official language of South Africa.

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