“feeling” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “feeling”:

+ However, due to anti-EnglandEnglish feeling during the forced to move to other land south of the new city.

+ They think these stories from the golden age of science fiction have a special feeling of wonder and excitement.

+ It also creates a special feeling in the mouth, a kind of numbness.

+ Orgasm is a very pleasurable feeling which results in semen being ejaculated from the penis.

+ Survivors confirmed the feeling of revenge in the attack on Lawrence.

+ When a person inhales cannabis smoke or consumes cannabis, he or she may get a feeling called “getting high” or “getting stoned”.

feeling in-sentences
feeling in-sentences

Example sentences of “feeling”:

+ Some of The Human League’s hit songs are “Don’t You Want Me”, “Keep Feeling Fascination”, “The Lebanon” and “Human”.

+ Some people have only mild symptoms, like being unable to sleep or feeling anxious.

+ Thinking and feeling are ways that people make decisions.

+ Google’s homepage includes a button labeled “I’m Feeling Lucky”.

+ Embarrassment is a feeling that human beings can have.

+ Kara means sweet melody and adds ‘CHARA’ in Greek, a feeling to want to give joy through music is put.

+ They may be feeling happy about something, or sad, or excited, frustrated or angry.

+ Some of The Human League's hit songs are "Don't You Want Me", "Keep Feeling Fascination", "The Lebanon" and "Human".

+ Some people have only mild symptoms, like being unable to sleep or feeling anxious.
+ Thinking and feeling are ways that people make decisions.

+ In this case the person feeling pity feels sorry it happened.

+ The dictionary definition for angst is a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity.

+ Despite the “invasion” of manga-manhwa-manhua fighting for a place in the Vietnamese market, 4 the rise of comics in a Vietnamese style was slow to gain pace given lingering prejudices, the feeling that comics were for children.

+ In popular culture, soul usually means deep feeling and commitment.

More in-sentence examples of “feeling”:

+ Next album "Space Avenue" is more electronic and it has some pop feeling to it.

+ The feeling can be either through touching the skin or through rubbing the glanspenis head against feces.

+ Next album “Space Avenue” is more electronic and it has some pop feeling to it.

+ The feeling can be either through touching the skin or through rubbing the glanspenis head against feces.

+ They might be jumpy, or have trouble with sleeping, concentrating, or feeling angry.

+ Because of its explicit English Protestant theology “The Pilgrim’s Progress” shares the feeling of most English, in the 17th century, against the Roman Catholic Church.

+ Hi, I have the feeling that the pages created by are not entirely NPOV.

+ This is because feeling is needed in order to suffer.

+ Mary did not speak but witnesses reported feeling comforted and encouraged by her appearance.

+ A person who likes Judging tends to report that they use Thinking or feeling to deal with the outside world.

+ With some indigenous peoples like the Yanomami, a piece of string is enough to make that feeling go away.

+ Breaking other taboos can result in feeling embarrassed, or ashamed.

+ In utilitarianism, it does not matter who is becoming happier or feeling less pain.

+ Fans and critics liked Scott Travis’ fast and heavy drumming style, feeling it was better than the more simple slower drumming of Dave Holland.

+ She was said to be the feeling of reverence that stops men from doing bad things.

+ Girls then repress this feeling and instead long for a child of their own.

+ The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a task.

+ Cannabis’s most common effects include feeling happy, relaxed, tired, silly or scared; having many ideas about what to do; not being able to think clearly.

+ It is used in English to describe a strong feeling of apprehension, anxiety, or inner turmoil.

+ They may also produce a feeling of euphoria very similar to that produced by other opioids.

+ This same day, “John Locke” has a 2nd spinal surgery, by “Jack”, and regains feeling in his legs.

+ Blank verse relies on the Meter meter of the lines in the poem to give structure, and to create the feeling of poetry as compared to prose.

+ In a bad sense, “pride” can mean that someone has an exaggerated sense of feeling good.

+ She was also said to be a feeling of shame that a rich person might get when they saw poor people.

+ Hayley Williams explains, “The couch on the cover of “All We Know is Falling” with no one there and the shadow walking away; it’s all about Jeremy leaving us and us feeling like there’s an empty space.” Recording took three weeks, and promotional material for the album only used the four remaining members.

+ Because they stay in the stomach for longer they leave the person who has eaten them feeling fuller for longer.

+ Fenugreek said to stop the uncomfortable feeling of arthritis.

+ Apart from lessening the feeling of confusion large succession boxes tend to create to the reader, headers also provide useful disambiguation information by naming specific legislative bodies, religions, peerages etc.

+ The amount of clothing needed to take away the feeling of shame is different for each culture.

+ This ejaculation is usually accompanied by a powerful, pleasurable feeling called an orgasm.

+ People smoke or inject heroin to get a calm feeling of relaxation.

+ This can lead to him feeling ashamed and not as good as other men.

+ Empathy is when you see how someone else is feeling, imagine what it feels like, and then end up feeling the same way: for Smith, empathy is like “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes”.

+ She began to lose feeling in her fingers, as well as in other parts of her body.

+ Ayandeep marries Mahul, who has feeling for Anuroop.

+ In, he described a feeling that his ancestors lived within him.

+ An atonal piece is one where there is no feeling of a home key.

+ Other issues are Myalgiasore muscles, feeling tired, headache, and not wanting to eat.

+ Since 1994, Deep Purple have enjoyed more success touring than with their studio albums, although their material written with Morse has received good reviews, with fans and critics feeling the band has more creativity again.

+ It talks about love and faithfulness in times of feeling down or worthless.

+ Some researchers say women experience feeling like an impostor more often than men, but others say they experience it equally frequently.

+ It includes a change from admiring someone to devaluing them, often feeling pure anger or dislike.The way they see themselves can also change quickly from positive to negative.

+ Insignificance is a feeling that nothing you do matters, or that you are not important.

+ In the Marvel universe, anti-mutant feeling has led to the separation of mutants from society.

+ Positions on the tone scale started from the idea that one way of feeling is better than a worse way of feeling.

+ Expressionist artists try to express a feeling with what they create.

+ Although ‘feeling‘ has other meanings as well: “I am feeling ill”.

+ With Gestalt therapy, the patient is helped to see that they are trying to avoid feeling emotions from the present.

+ He wished to stop “that barbarous to every feeling mind”.

+ There was a lot of feeling of nationalism as countries united.

+ This lets children develop a comforting knowing of the melody line of each song, helping to give them a sense of mastery and a feeling like they are actually “with” the characters as they sing and sign along.

+ It may be as simple as the feeling of satisfaction with a job.

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